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Waddington's is Canada's Auction House
Providing expert advice to Canadian and international clients for 175 successful years.
Auctions & Events
How To Sell

Working with Waddington’s means you’ve selected to work with the most diverse auction and appraisal company in Canada with over 170 years of experience. From a single item, through to a private, corporate, or institutional collection, we can provide the information you need to make the right decisions, and provide maximum exposure to realise the desired results.
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Waddington's offers the most diverse range of auctions, including works by renowned artists, in diverse genres, items from important estates, and from cultures around the world. Sign up for our e-newsletters to find out about upcoming auctions and events. Register to bid in our auctions and discover what you have a passion to collect.
How to BuyOur Services

Waddington’s is Canada’s most complete provider of auction, appraisal and collection management services. We offer a wide range of services to assist with selling, buying, appraising and managing your valuables. Whether you need our assistance with a single item, an estate or corporate collection, we look forward to working with you.
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