Lot 41
An Exceptional and Finely Carved White Jade Recumbent Horse, Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period (1736-1795)
Lot 41 Details
An Exceptional and Finely Carved White Jade Recumbent Horse, Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period (1736-1795)
清 乾隆 白玉卧马
Rendered in an exceptionally naturalistic manner with its head turned backwards and four legs neatly tucked underneath its fleshy body, the hairs on the mane and tail picked out using finely carved parallel grooves, the jade of even white colour and the eyes inlaid with red tourmaline stones
length 3.1 in — 8 cm
Estimate $8,000-$10,000
Additional Images
From a Private San Francisco Collection
For similar white jade animals with inlaid eyes, see Christie's Hong Kong, May 31, 2011, lot 3638; Sotheby's New York, March 17, 2015, lot 317.
Another comparable is kept in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in 'Jadeware (III), The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum', Hong Kong, 1995, pl. 89
非常类似一例白玉雕卧马请参考香港佳士得2011年5月31日,拍品编号3638, 及纽约苏富比2015年3月17日,拍品编号317;故宫博物院藏品中也包含一只白玉嵌宝卧马,图片请参考香港出版<故宫博物院藏文物珍品全集>,第89页
Christie's Hong Kong, May 31, 2011, lot 3638
Sotheby's New York, March 17, 2015, lot 317
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