German Maximillian Style Fluted Armour Backplate, 16th century
Realised: $5,100
Italian Comb Morion, 16th century
Realised: $1,860
German Black and White Comb Morion, c.1620
Realised: $1,620
Pair German Gauntlets, 16th century
Realised: $1,800
Pair of German Fingered Gauntlets, 17th century
Realised: $900
German Gorget and Rerebraces, 16th century
Realised: $1,560
Pair of North German Poleynes, 15th century style
Realised: $312
English Cabasset, 17th century
Realised: $660
European Lobster Tail Helmet, 19th century
Realised: $288
French Cuirassier’s Armour Breast and Backplate, 17th century
Realised: $900
French Cuirassier’s Armour Backplate, 1864
Realised: $384
Italian Partizan, 16th century
Realised: $300
Italian or Netherlandish Parade Halberd, 16th century
Realised: $1,200
German Halberd, 16th century
Realised: $1,200
Italian or German Halberd, 16th century
Realised: $552
German Halberd, 16th century
Realised: $960
Scottish Targe, 18th/19th century
Realised: $2,700
15th Century Style Articulated Miniature Suit of Armour, late 19th century
Realised: $900
British Naval Sword, 19th century
Realised: $516
Irish Cavalry Officer’s Marmeluke Sword, 19th century
Realised: $1,680
English Naval Cutlass, 19th century
Realised: $348
English Brass Hilted Short Sword, 18th century
Realised: $300
French Cut Steel Sword, c.1780
Realised: $552
French Damascened Sword, 18th century
Realised: $288
German Executioner’s Sword, late 16th/early 17th century
Realised: $960
Italian or German Damascened Rapier, early 17th century
Realised: $300
Imperial German Artillery Officer’s Sword, 19th century
Realised: $300
German Cavalry Sword, 19th century
Realised: $408
Spanish Bilbo Hilt Rapier, early 19th century
Realised: $720
English 1796 Pattern Heavy Trooper’s Sword
Realised: $1,320
European Horseman’s War Hammer, 16th century
Realised: $2,400
Pair of Qajar Persian Flintlock Pistol Holsters, 19th century
Realised: $1,500
Qajar Persian Steel Mounted Horn Primer Powder Flask, 18th/19th century
Realised: $228
Zand or Qajar Persian Lacquered Bow, 18th/19th century
Realised: $900
Indo-Persian Damascened Steel Ceremonial Canopy, early 19th century
Realised: $408
Indian Bronze Dahl, early 19th century
Realised: $372
Persian Damascened Steel Dahl, late 18th/early 19th century
Realised: $1,920
Rare Indo-Persian Polychromed Dhal, early 19th century
Realised: $840
Qajar Persian Bazu Band Steel Arm Guard, early 19th century
Realised: $468
Indian Laquered Hide and Bronze Dahl, 19th century
Realised: $324
Persian Qajar Chain Mail Coif, 18th century
Realised: $240
Indo-Persian Armour Piercing Horseman’s War Axe, 18th century
Realised: $276
Pair of Ottoman Bronze Stirrups, 17th/18th century
Realised: $432
Unusual Indian Tulwar, early 19th century
Realised: $348
Indian Ceremonial Double Headed Steel Battle Axe, 19th century
Realised: $216
Indian Brass and Copper Inlaid Pierced Tabar Axe, 19th century
Realised: $432
Caucasian Bone and Niello Silver Mounted Kindjal, 19th century
Realised: $2,220
Caucasian NIello Silver Mounted Kindjal, early 20th century
Realised: $552
Caucasian Gold Damascened Steel, Ivory and Horn Kindjal, 18th century
Realised: $600
Indian Katar, 17th/18th century, Lance Head, 19th century and Turkish Dagger, 19th century
Realised: $516
Pair of Indo-Persian Ceremonial Double Edged Battle Axes, 19th century
Realised: $336
Arabian Gold Clad Jambiya, early 20th century
Realised: $3,600
Japanese Tatami Yoroi Armour Tunic, Edo Period
Realised: $960
North Borneo Dayak Mandau or Parang Ilang, 19th century
Realised: $312
Burmese Silver Mounted Dha, 19th century
Realised: $372
German Articulated Patinated Bronze Presentation Model of a Krupps Gamma-Gerät Howitzer, c.1913
Realised: $2,160
18th century Style Continental Flintlock Pistol, 20th century
Realised: $600
U.S. Army Model 1864 Black Leather Musket Cartridge Pouch, 19th century
Realised: $216
North African (Moroccan) Ivory and Silver Mounted Snaphaunce Long Gun, c.1800
Realised: $396
Full Stock 45 Calibre Kentucky Rifle, 20th century
Realised: $444
English Tower .577 Calibre Percussion Coastguard Pistol, 1843
Realised: $1,080
James Purdey & Sons Shotgun Cleaning Kit, 20th century
Realised: $660
American Push Dagger, early 20th century
Realised: $192
Lieutenant Colonel George S. Cantlie, DSO, Commander, 5th Regiment, Royal Highlanders of Canada, Dress Uniform Accessories, early 20th century
Realised: $3,840
Luristan Bronze Axe Head, circa 600 BC and Arrow Head
Realised: $1,080
German Wrought Iron Door Lock, 17th century
Realised: $216
German Wrought Iron Door Lock, 17th century
Realised: $228
German Wrought Iron Door Lock and Key, early 17th century
Realised: $576
Group of English and Continental Padlocks and Keys, 18th/19th centuries
Realised: $120
English Wrought Iron Rushlight and Candle Holder
Realised: $144
Dutch Oval Brass Tobacco Box, c.1750
Realised: $144
Turkish Paktong Rosewater Sprinkler Bottle, 19th century
Realised: $84
Indian Bronze Puja Oil Lamp, 18th century
Realised: $60
Continental Gothic Wrought Iron Candle Sconce, 15th century
Realised: $660
Reproduction of a 19th century Naval Officer’s Sword, 2nd half, 20th century
Realised: $324
Group of Equine Accessories, 19th century and earlier
Realised: $552
Victorian 17th century Style Leather Bombard, 19th century
Realised: $276
Georgian Double Headed Sugar Cleaver, early 19th century
Realised: $504
German 15th/16th century Style Foot Soldiers Hand Pavise, 19th century
Realised: $1,860
Italian Mediaeval Style Engraved Steel Shield, 20th century
Realised: $300
Group of Six Brass and Bronze Candlesticks, 18th/19th century
Realised: $420
Set of Six English Graduated Copper Measure Jugs, 19th century
Realised: $840
Prices realised for the lots above include Buyer's Premium. Lot numbers which are omitted represent
items which were withdrawn, passed or unsold as of the publication of this list.
Not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.