A Set of Ten Japanese Samurai Arrowheads (Yanone), Edo Period, 江戸時代 日本武士刀頭一組十件
Realised: $2,700
A Large Japanese Bronze Censer, 19th Century, 十九世紀 日本銅盤龍紋人物故事福獅頂大香爐
Realised: $840
A Large Japanese Bronze Jardiniere, 日本 銅浮雕喜鵲梅花大花盆 大日本京都底款
Realised: $288
A Japanese Bronze Incense Burner, 日本銅雞香爐
Realised: $108
A Pair of Japanese Bronze Tigers, 日本銅虎擺件一對
Realised: $420
A Pair of Japanese Wooden Clogs, 日本木屐一雙
Realised: $12
Two Japanese Silk Obi Sashes, 日本和服衣帶一組兩件
Realised: $84
A Patterned Green Glazed Ceramic Vessel , 綠釉軋花陶罐
Realised: $420
A White Glazed Ovoid-Form Crackle Ground Vase, 白釉哥釉小膽瓶
Realised: $480
A Brown Glazed Tea Bowl, 褐釉茶碗
Realised: $330
A Large Ovoid Form Brown Glazed Jar, 褐釉陶罐
Realised: $360
Possibly Ogata Shuhei (1788-1839), A Stoneware Tea Bowl, 小形周平(1788-1839) (疑) 歌舞伎人物茶碗
Realised: $540
A Pair of Japanese Moriage Vases, 日本堆燒人物瓶一對
Realised: $96
A Japanese Moriage 'Goddess' Vase, 日本堆燒女神人物故事大瓶
Realised: $48
A Pair of Blue Ground Satsuma Vases, 藍地薩摩燒花鳥紋瓶一對 海水魚紋掐絲琺瑯瓶 銅仙鶴花卉紋燈 一組四件
Realised: $192
A Large Satsuma Tripod Censer, 薩摩燒仙人獸耳三足香爐
Realised: $228
A Set of Sixteen Lobed Imari Dishes, Circa 1900, 約1900年 伊萬里燒花卉瑞獸紋棱口盤一組十六件
Realised: $180
A Set of Eighteen Chinese Imari Dishes, Circa 1900, 約1900年 中國伊萬里燒蝠壽鳳凰花卉紋八棱盤一組十八件
Realised: $192
A Set of Twelve Lobed Imari Dishes, Circa 1900, 約1900年 伊萬里燒花卉紋棱口盤一組十二件
Realised: $192
A Set of Ten Imari Dishes, Circa 1900, 約1900年 伊萬里燒鳳凰仙鶴紋棱口盤一組十件
Realised: $390
A Pair of Large Floral Rimmed Imari Chargers, 19th Century, 十九世紀 伊萬里燒花卉紋花口盤一對
Realised: $420
A Pair of Large Japanese Imari Floor Vases, 19th Century, 十九世紀 伊萬里燒人物故事花口大瓶一對
Realised: $204
A Massive Imari Floral Rimmed Floor Vase, 19th Century, 十九世紀 伊萬里燒開光孔雀花卉紋花口大瓶
Realised: $390
A Japanese Blue and White ‘Totai’ Charger, Meiji Period, 明治時期 日本青花'渡台'大盤
Realised: $72
An Imari Lidded Vase, 伊萬里燒將軍罐黃地銅胎掐絲琺瑯小蒜頭瓶一組兩件
Realised: $108
A Group of Five Japanese Porcelain Wares, 日本伊萬里燒花口盤碗九谷燒茶杯帶座一組五件
Realised: $84
A Small Kutani Porcelain Lidded Vase, 伊萬里燒獸耳孔雀花鳥紋小蓋罐
Realised: $48
A Set of Kutani Eggshell Porcelain, 九谷燒薄胎花蝶紋茶具一組十四件
Realised: $60
A Japanese Celadon Koro Incense Burner, 日本青釉三足小香爐
Realised: $180
A Set of Five Blue and White Lidded Tea Cups, 青花折枝瓜果蓋杯帶座一套五件
Realised: $1,080
A Set of Five Shino-Yaki Dishes, Circa 1960, 約1960年 志野焼花卉紋盤一組五件
Realised: $96
A Set of Six Japanese Tea Cups, Circa 1960, 約1960年 日本茶杯一套六件帶盒
Realised: $144
A Group of Fourteen Japanese Ceramic Wares, Circa 1960, 約1960年 日本陶瓷茶碗一組十四件
Realised: $144
A Pair of Brown and Black Splashed Glaze Vases, 醬黑釉小瓶一對
Realised: $84
A Set of Twelve Miniature Japanese Porcelain Vases, 日本小賞瓶一組十二件帶陳列櫃
Realised: $120
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858), Mount Asama in Ise Province, Teahouses on the Mountain Pass, 歌川広重(1797-1858) 「六十余州名所図会」「伊勢.朝熊山 峠の茶屋」木版畫 鏡框
Realised: $180
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858), Horai Temple Mountains in Mikawa Province, 歌川広重(1797-1858) 「三河 鳳来寺山巌」木版畫 鏡框
Realised: $144
Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III, 1786-1865), Koina, 歌川國貞 (1786-1865) 美人 浮世繪版畫 「三十六美人圖」第19號
Realised: $156
Utagawa Kunisada II (1823-1880), Wakana no jo, 歌川國定 (1823-1880) 人物故事 版畫 貓 水墨紙本 日本證書 鏡框 一組三件
Realised: $156
Japanese School, Two Figures and Deer, 19th Century, 十九世紀 日本牡女圖 設色絹本 鏡框
Realised: $390
A Japanese Calligraphy Couplet, 日本書法條幅一對
Realised: $60
Kawase Hasui (1883-1957). Zaimoku Island, 1933, 1933年 川瀬 巴水 (1883-1957) [松島 材木島] 版畫 鏡框
Realised: $570
Kiyoshi Saito (1907-1997), Two Views of Persimmon Trees, 斎藤清 (1907-1997) 柿子樹街景 版畫 鏡框
Realised: $420
Kiyoshi Saito (1907-1997), Yozo Hamaguchi (1909-2000), A Group of Three Christmas Card Prints, 斎藤清 (1907-1997) 浜口陽三(1909-2000) 聖誕卡片 印刷品 一組三件
Realised: $48
Kaoru Kawano (1916-1965), Two Framed Woodblock Prints, 卡魯卡瓦諾 (1916-1965) 人物版畫一組兩件 鏡框
Realised: $204
Sadao Watanabe (1913-1996), Christ Healing a Blind Man, 渡辺禎雄(1913-1996) 「耶穌施救」 孔版畫 鏡框
Realised: $840
Sadao Watanabe (1913-1996), Bible: Three Apostles, 渡辺禎雄(1913-1996) 「聖經: 三使徒」 孔版畫 鏡框
Realised: $216
Haku Maki (1924-2000), Three Woodblock Prints, 巻白(1924-2000) 陶瓷主題版畫一組三件 鏡框
Realised: $300
Haku Maki (1924-2000), Two Woodblock Prints, 巻白(1924-2000) 陶瓷主題版畫一組兩件 鏡框
Realised: $204
Haku Maki (1924-2000), Poem 71-91, 巻白(1924-2000) 書法 版畫 鏡框
Realised: $360
A Group of Three Ivory Netsuke, Meiji Period, 象牙人物故事墜子一組三件
Realised: $228
Two Ivory Carved Netsuke, Meiji Period, 象牙人物墜子一組兩件
Realised: $144
A Group of Three Ivory Netsuke, Meiji Period, 象牙人物墜子一組三件
Realised: $180
A Group of Three Ivory Netsuke, Meiji Period, 象牙人物墜子一組三件
Realised: $168
A Group of Three Ivory Netsuke, Circa 1940, 象牙人物墜子一組三件
Realised: $156
A Group of Five Ivory and Ivorine Trick Netsuke, Meiji Period and Later, 象牙人物機關墜子一組五件
Realised: $204
A Group of Four Animal Netsuke, Meiji Period, 象牙動物墜子一組四件
Realised: $252
A Group of Eight Ivory Carved Netsuke, Meiji Period, 明治時期 象牙雕人物掛飾一組八件
Realised: $330
A Group of Seventeen Ivory Carved Animals, Circa 1940, 牙雕猴馬擺件一組十七件
Realised: $390
A Group of Nineteen Ivory Carved Beasts, Circa 1940, 牙雕龍虎犬擺件一組十九件
Realised: $450
A Group of Eighteen Ivory Carved Animals, Circa 1940, 牙雕蛙龜蛇魚蟲擺件一組十八件
Realised: $450
A Group of Twenty-Three Polychrome Ivory Figures, Circa 1940, 牙雕加彩人物擺件一組二十三件
Realised: $540
A Group of Six Ivory Eye-Popping Masks, Circa 1940, 牙雕機關面具掛墜一組六件
Realised: $240
A Group of Eight Ivory Changing Face Figures, Circa 1940, 牙雕機關變臉人物擺件一組八件
Realised: $480
Two Ivory Snuff Bottles, Circa 1940, 象牙雕鼻煙壺 象牙雕人首一組四件
Realised: $120
An Ivory Carved ‘Longevity Group’ Netsuke, 象牙加彩壽老童子掛飾
Realised: $180
A Group of Five Ivory Netsuke, Circa 1940, 牙雕人物鱷魚馬掛飾一組六件
Realised: $156
A Group of Five Ivory Carved Netsuke, Circa 1940, 牙雕人物掛飾一組五件
Realised: $168
A Group of Five Ivory Carvings, Meiji Period and Later, 牙雕人物擺件一組五件
Realised: $180
A Group of Five Ivory and Bone Carved Netsuke, Meiji Period, 象牙骨雕人物掛飾一組五件
Realised: $204
A Group of Five Ivory, Bone and Wood Carved Netsuke, Meiji Period, 象牙骨木雕人物掛飾一組五件
Realised: $300
Two Ivory Carved Okimono, Meiji Period, 牙雕掌燈女像工匠擺件一組兩件
Realised: $180
Two Standing Ivory Okimono, Meiji Period, 牙雕持扇仕女馴鳥夫擺件一組兩件
Realised: $192
Two Ivory Carved Okimono, 日本牙雕樵夫女像擺件一組兩件
Realised: $72
Two Japanese Ivory Okimono, Meiji Period, 明治時期 象牙雕人物擺件一組兩件
Realised: $360
A Korean Mother-of-Pearl and Wire Inlaid Lacquer Table, 韓國龍鳳嵌貝母掐絲漆桌
Realised: $240
Jaipur School, Queen with Prince and Maid, 19th Century, 十九世紀 印度齋浦爾畫派 皇後皇子及仕女 細密畫 鏡框
Realised: $168
Rajasthan School, Toilet Scene, Late 19th Century, 十九世紀晚期 印度拉賈斯坦畫派 洗漱場景 細密畫 鏡框
Realised: $264
Rajasthan School, Equestrian Portrait, 19th Century, 十九世紀 印度拉賈斯坦畫派 騎像 細密畫 鏡框
Realised: $180
North Indian School, Two Ladies Flower Arranging, 19th Century, 十九世紀 北印度畫派 插花仕女 細密畫 鏡框
Realised: $144
North Indian School, Krishna in the Fire, 19th Century, 十九世紀 北印度畫派火燒黑天細密畫
Realised: $1,200
An Indian Painting of Kālī, Early 20th Century, 二十世紀早期 印度时母 細密畫 鏡框
Realised: $96
An Indian Stone Carved Stele of the Buddha in Parinirvana, 印度 石雕臥佛圓寂碑
Realised: $360
An Indian Stone Carved Stele of Buddha Shakyamuni, 印度 石佛龕
Realised: $960
A Large Indian Standing Stone Sculpture of a Bodhisattva, 印度 菩薩立像
Realised: $1,440
An Indian Bronze 'Kerala' Shrine, 印度銅喀拉拉神龕銅水器一組兩件
Realised: $96
An Indian Ivory Carving of a Mughal Emperor Riding an Elephant, Early 20th Century, 印度牙雕國王騎象擺件
Realised: $1,800
Two Indian Ivory Carved Figures, 印度牙雕人物立像一組兩件
Realised: $420
A Group of Five Indian Ivory Carvings, 印度牙雕神像一組五件
Realised: $216
A Sino-Tibetan Bronze Buddha, 19th Century, 十九世紀 漢藏銅佛坐像
Realised: $240
A Tibetan Gilt Bronze Vajrasattva, 15th Century, 十五世紀 西藏銅鎏金金剛薩埵坐像
Realised: $3,360
A Pair of Wood-Carved Masks of Wrathful Deities, Northern China, 木雕加彩忿怒尊面具一組兩件
Realised: $600
A Large Thangka of Yab-Yum, Tibet, 18th Century, 十八世紀西藏 歡喜佛大唐卡
Realised: $840
A Thangka of Six-Armed Mahakala, 20th Century , 二十世紀 六臂大黑天唐卡
Realised: $96
A Bronze Seated Buddha, Ayutthaya Style, Thailand, 18th/19th Century, 十八/十九世紀泰國 阿瑜陀耶風格銅佛坐像
Realised: $1,080
A Pair of Gilt Lacquer Monks, Mandalay Period, Burma, 19th Century, 十九世紀緬甸曼德勒 木漆金目犍連舍利弗一对
Realised: $510
A Bronze Temple Bell, Mandalay Period, Burma, Early 19th Century, 十九世紀緬甸曼德勒 銅鐘
Realised: $2,700
A Thai Sawankhalok Celadon Charger, 泰 宋加洛淡青釉蓮花紋盤
Realised: $480
A Group of Eleven Cambodian Silver Containers, 柬埔寨銀器一組十一件
Realised: $192
A Group of Four Southeast Asian Silver Pieces, 東亞銀器一組四件
Realised: $84
An Archaic Limestone Carved Figure, Philippines, 菲律賓 古石灰岩雕小人立像
Realised: $168
A Turquoise Beaded Necklace, 綠松石串珠
Realised: $180
A Bamboo Carved Bangle with Gold Clasp, 龍鳳呈祥金鑲竹手環
Realised: $780
Two Ivory Bangles, Early 20th Century, 二十世紀早期 象牙手鐲兩隻
Realised: $168
A Set of Three Ivory Bangles, Circa 1940, 牙雕手鐲一組三件
Realised: $120
A Group of Five Ivory Carved Bangles, Circa 1940, 象牙鏤雕手環一組五件
Realised: $276
Two Ivory Beaded Necklaces, Circa 1940, 象牙串珠一組兩件
Realised: $264
A Pressed Tortoise Shell and Gilt Box, 18th Century, 玳瑁雕花卉紋方盒 木雕圓盒 紅漆雕人物故事圓盤一組三件
Realised: $228
A Hexagonal Cloisonne Box, 19th Century, 十九世紀 六稜銅胎掐絲琺瑯蓋盒
Realised: $192
A Group of Nineteen Republican Memento Dollars, 民國時期銀幣一組十九件
Realised: $1,560
A Group of Four Ivory and Bone Carved Snuff Bottles, Early 20th Century, 牙雕骨雕人物遊龍紋鼻煙壺一組四件
Realised: $390
An Ivory Carved Snuff Bottle, Circa 1940, 象牙鏤雕花卉繪仙鶴詩文鼻煙壺
Realised: $192
Two Ivory Snuff Bottles, Early 20th Century, 象牙人物透雕鼻煙壺花鳥詩文鼻煙壺一組兩件
Realised: $228
A Pair of Ivory Snuff Bottle Figures, 19th Century, 十九世紀 象牙加彩人物騎象雕鼻煙壺一對
Realised: $240
A Group of Eight Snuff Bottles, 瑪瑙玉瓷器料器硬石鼻煙壺一組八件
Realised: $1,140
A Group of Three Porcelain Snuff Bottles, 青花加彩海水蓮紋開光松樹壽老粉彩瑞獸紋鼻煙壺一組三件
Realised: $900
A Group of Four Blue and White Porcelain Snuff Bottles, 青花人物故事鼻煙壺一組四件
Realised: $1,020
A Group of Six Painted Porcelain Snuff Bottles, 彩繪人物故事蝠壽鼻煙壺一組六件
Realised: $330
A Group of Twenty-Five Snuff Bottles, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世紀 鼻煙壺帶座一組二十五件
Realised: $7,200
A Jade Carved Snuff Bottle, 玉雕“厚福載德”瑞獸走龍紋鼻煙壺
Realised: $204
A Group of Three Snuff Bottles, 19th Century, 十九世紀 瑪瑙料器硬石雕鼻煙壺一組三件
Realised: $660
Two Hardstone Carved Snuff Bottles, 虎眼石雕牡丹紋鼻煙壺 玉雕獸紋鼻煙壺一組兩件
Realised: $1,080
A Group of Six Snuff Bottles and Pendants, 銅胎掐絲琺瑯開光奔鹿 骨雕鳳凰牡丹嵌珊瑚綠松石 內畫料器鼻煙壺 貝殼畫狩獵場景一組六件
Realised: $228
A Group of Four Chinese Glass and Hardstone Items, 水晶雕香爐 套藍料鼻煙壺 人物內畫鼻煙壺 硬石雕魚形鼻煙壺一組四件
Realised: $390
A Group of Five Jade and Hardstone Carvings, 玉/硬石雕筆洗 人物瑞獸擺件 髮簪一組五件
Realised: $720
A Group of Eight Hardstone Carved Items, 硬石雕人物瑞獸鴉片秤砣銅底座一組十件
Realised: $156
A Tiger’s Eye Agate Carved Teapot, 虎眼石浮雕遊龍執壺帶座
Realised: $156
A Celadon White Jade Carved Plaque, 青白玉雕回紋珮
Realised: $480
Two Jade Carved Bangles, 玉雕繩紋竹節紋鐲兩隻
Realised: $480
Two Jade Carved Bangles, 白玉紐繩鐲兩隻
Realised: $1,140
A Group of Three Reticulated Jade Plaques, 青白玉鏤雕遊龍蝠壽牌 白玉鏤雕龍鳳呈祥璧一組三件
Realised: $1,080
A Celadon and Russet Jade 'Hehe Erxian' Group, 青玉帶皮雕和合二仙
Realised: $360
A Jade Carved Plum Blossom Pendant, 玉梅花詩文珮
Realised: $360
A Group of Three Jade Plaques, 玉鏤雕觀音童子螭龍紋珮一組三件
Realised: $330
A Group of Five Jade and Hardstone Carved Items, 玉雕硬石擺件帶座一組五件
Realised: $3,300
A Group of Four Jade Carvings, 翡翠玉雕擺件一組四件
Realised: $9,000
A Jade and Serpentine Carved Lamp, 玉石雕人物燈架
Realised: $300
A Carved Jadeite Dog, 翡翠臥犬
Realised: $216
A Large Jade and Hardstone Inlaid Hanging Wall Panel, 黑漆木百寶嵌博古圖大掛屏
Realised: $2,700
A Chinese Hardstone Carving of a Pumpkin and Pigs, 硬石巧雕南瓜福豬擺件帶座
Realised: $510
A Group of Six Soapstone Carvings, 壽山石雕花鳥山石擺件一組六件
Realised: $192
A Pair of Green Hardstone Bowls with Stands, 雪花綠硬石碗一對帶座
Realised: $132
A Group of Eight Chinese Hardstone Carvings, 硬石雕擺件小碗花瓶香爐一組八件
Realised: $570
A Pair of Soapstone Carved Seals, 壽山石雙龍戲珠詩文篆刻印章一對
Realised: $252
A Large Green and Yellow Hardstone, 硬石山子
Realised: $156
A Small Coral Specimen, 珊瑚擺件
Realised: $132
A Carved Tortoise Shell Card Carrying Case, Late 19th Century, 十九世紀晚期 浮雕人物場景玳瑁卡片盒
Realised: $1,560
Two Chinese Export Ivory Carved Objects, Circa 1900, 約1900年 出口牙雕手套夾卡片盒一組兩件
Realised: $720
A Group of Three Ivory Carved Items , 牙雕拆信刀卡片盒鬼工球一組三件
Realised: $660
An Ivory Chinese Medicine Doll, 象牙雕裸女半身像連座(醫學用)
Realised: $540
Two Chinese Carved Toggles, 牙雕猴木雕龍掛飾一組兩件
Realised: $120
A Group of Three Ivory Carvings, 象牙雕持花仙女帶座 象牙雕觀音坐蓮 象牙雕印度教黑天神一組三件
Realised: $204
A Group of Three Ivory Carvings, 牙雕布袋和尚象紋圓蓋盒猴擺件一組三件
Realised: $168
Two Ivory Carved Figures, 牙雕人物立像一組兩件
Realised: $480
An Ivory Carved King and Queen Pair, Circa 1940, 約1940年 象牙雕帝后坐像一對
Realised: $960
An Ivory Carved Immortal, Circa 1940, 約1940年 牙雕仙人立像
Realised: $360
Two Ivory Carved Immortals, 牙雕仙人立像一組兩件
Realised: $480
Two Ivory Carved Standing Figures, 象牙雕漁夫仙姑連座一組兩件
Realised: $510
A Group of Three Ivory Carved Figures, 牙雕漁夫龍象擺件一組三件
Realised: $60
A Pair of Ivory Carved Fu-Lions, 象牙雕福獅帶座一對
Realised: $420
An Ivory Carved Elephant, 牙雕象擺件
Realised: $720
An Ivory Carved Elephant, 牙雕象鱷魚擺件拆信刀一組三件
Realised: $600
Two Ivory Carved Items, 牙雕拱橋人物立像一組兩件
Realised: $180
A Finely Carved Ivory Elephant Procession, Circa 1940, 約1940年 象牙鏤雕大象圓擺件
Realised: $2,160
An Ivory Tusk Form Elephant Procession, 象牙鏤雕大象圓擺件
Realised: $840
A Pair of Ivory Carved Elephants, Late 19th Century, 牙雕子母象一對
Realised: $540
A Group of Three Ivory Standing Figures, 牙雕仙姑壽老立像一組三件
Realised: $204
A Group of Four Ivory Carved Beasts, 牙雕嵌綠松石珊瑚對馬對獅一組四件
Realised: $840
An Ivory Carved Head of Guanyin, 象牙雕觀音首帶座
Realised: $168
An Ivory Carved Head of Guanyin, 象牙雕觀音首連木座
Realised: $168
A Large Ivory Carved Guanyin, Circa 1940, 約1940年 牙雕觀音立像 成化底款
Realised: $3,600
A Gilt Bronze Standing Guanyin, 銅漆金觀音立像
Realised: $120
A Bronze Tripod Censer, 銅三足香爐
Realised: $960
A Large Champlevee Enamel Bronze Vase, 19th Century, 十九世紀 銅胎掐絲琺瑯寶相花紋獸耳壺
Realised: $600
A Pair of Chinese Bronze Floor Vases, Circa 1900, 約1900年 銅浮雕盤龍紋大瓶一對
Realised: $420
Two Cloisonné Vessels, 銅胎掐絲琺瑯小瓶香爐一組兩件
Realised: $330
An Unusual Chinese Export Cloisonné Vase with Inlaid English Prattware Pot Lid Roundels, 19th Century, 十九世紀 罕見外銷銅胎掐絲琺瑯嵌英國瓷器熊紋圓蓋大瓶帶蓋
Realised: $1,560
A Yingqing Bowl, Song Dynasty, 宋 影青刻花卉紋葵口碗
Realised: $390
A Light Blue Glazed Yingqing Bowl, Yuan Dynasty, 元 影青暗刻水波魚紋碗
Realised: $240
A Longquan ‘Twin Fish’ Dish, Song Dynasty, 宋 龍泉釉印雙魚紋折沿大盤
Realised: $1,680
A Longquan Charger, 龍泉窯青釉刻折枝花卉紋折沿大盤
Realised: $390
A Chinese Sancai Glazed Planter, 19th Century, 十九世紀 三彩浮雕花卉紋花盆
Realised: $240
A White-Glazed Moulded Basin with Boys, 白釉雕蓮花童子水盂
Realised: $960
Two Peachbloom Glazed Vases, Kangxi Mark, 19th Century, 十九世紀 豇豆紅柳葉瓶撇口瓶一組兩件 康熙楷書底款
Realised: $2,040
A Small 'Langyao' Compressed Bottle Vase, 18th Century, 十八世紀 郎窯紅釉撇口葧薺瓶
Realised: $1,080
A Pair of Red Glazed Vase Lamps, 紅釉葧薺瓶燈一對
Realised: $720
Two Red Glazed Vases, 郎窯紅釉大瓶 霽紅釉膽瓶一組兩件
Realised: $510
A Red Glazed Gu Vase, 乾隆款 紅釉花觚
Realised: $330
A Small Ge-Type Vase, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 哥窯貫耳六稜小瓶
Realised: $540
A Teadust Vase, Republic Period, 民國時期 茶葉末釉瓶
Realised: $120
Two Monochrome Glazed Porcelain Vases, 爐鈞釉雙環鳩耳尊 黃釉扁腹綬帶葫蘆瓶一組兩件
Realised: $330
A Massive Famille Rose Charger, Yongzheng Mark, 20th Century, 二十世紀 粉彩梅花芍藥紋大盤 雍正底款
Realised: $840
A Doucai 'Chicken' Cup, Guangxu Mark, 光緒款 鬥彩雞缸杯
Realised: $300
A Enameled Porcelain ‘Dragons’ Lidded Box, 青花五彩海浪雙龍戲珠長方蓋盒
Realised: $1,560
A Group of Five Famille Rose Export Wares, 18th Century and Later, 十八世紀或更晚 外銷人物花卉紋瓷盤碗一組五件
Realised: $1,140
A Group of Nine Famille Rose Wares, 粉彩仕女花觚瓶 粉彩花鳥詩文花盆 礬紅皮球花小碗 粉彩飛禽花果紋碗 粉彩花卉紋盤一組九件
Realised: $420
A Group of Three Canton Famille Rose Wares, 19th Century, 十九世紀 廣彩瓷人物故事紋瓶燭台一組三件
Realised: $144
A Group of Seven Canton Famille Rose Wares, 18th/19th Century, 十八/十九世紀 廣彩瓷瓶茶具一組七件
Realised: $480
Two Blue and White Porcelain Vases, 青花雲龍紋綬帶扁壺 大清乾隆年製六字篆書底款 青花開光喜鵲牡丹花觚 康熙年製四字底款
Realised: $330
A Pair of Blue and White Lidded Jars, 青花人物故事將軍罐一對
Realised: $132
A Group of Nine Blue and White Wares, 青花詩文花鳥高腳杯 青花釉裏紅小碗 青花纏枝花卉紋杯 青花纏枝蓮紋鳥食罐一組九件
Realised: $3,600
A Group of Four Export Blue and White Porcelain, Kangxi Period and Later, 康熙或更晚 外銷青花人物梅瓶纏枝蓮紋盤花卉紋燭台一組四件
Realised: $510
A Kangxi-Style Blue and White Gu Vase, 19th/Early 20th Century, 十九世紀/二十世紀早期 青花纏枝花卉開窗山水花鳥紋花觚
Realised: $360
A Group of Three Chinese Blue and White Export Dishes, 19th Century, 十九世紀 外銷青花亭台山水葉形盤一組三件
Realised: $168
A Group of Eight Export Blue and White Dishes, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世紀 外銷青花花卉鳥獸紋盤彩瓷福獅一組九件
Realised: $252
A Group of Three Porcelain Cups, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 十九世紀晚期/二十世紀早期 青花花卉山水紋詩文小盞一組三件
Realised: $60
Two Blue and White 'Lotus' Mortar Bowls, 19th Century, 十九世紀 青花纏枝蓮紋花卉紋盤碗一組四件
Realised: $132
A Blue and White ‘Double Happiness’ Vase, 青花纏枝紋雙囍字鳳尾尊
Realised: $60
Two Blue and White ‘Double Happiness’ Ginger Jars, 19th Century, 十九世紀 青花纏枝雙喜罐一對
Realised: $84
A Famille Rose Footed Dish, Tongzhi Mark, 同治款 粉彩嬰戲圖海水紋葵口高足碗
Realised: $264
A Famille Rose 'Birds' Vase, Guangxu Mark, Early 20th Century, 二十世紀早期 光緒礬紅底款 粉彩鳳凰花鳥紋獸耳折沿花口瓶
Realised: $192
Two Chinese Famille Rose Wares, 粉彩花卉紋八棱花盆 粉彩人物詩文筆筒一組兩件
Realised: $1,440
A Group of Seven Famille Rose Wares, Republican Period, 粉彩人物故事紋盤碗罐一組七件
Realised: $900
A Group of Five Porcelain Wares, 19th Century and Later, 十九世紀或更晚 綠松石釉賞瓶 詩文茶壺 粉彩人物盤 粉彩金魚小碟 礬紅開光花卉紋小碟一組五件
Realised: $510
A Group of Five Famille Rose Teapots, Republican Period, 民國 粉彩詩文山水人物茶壺一組五件
Realised: $2,280
A Turquoise Ground Famille Rose 'Boys' Bowl, Republican Period, 民國時期 綠松石地粉彩童子碗
Realised: $720
A Pair of Turquoise-Ground Famille Rose Vases, Jiaqing Mark, Late 19th Century, 十九世紀晚期 松石綠地粉彩纏枝蝙蝠花卉紋賞瓶一對「大清乾隆年製」六字篆書底款
Realised: $3,900
A Porcelain Seal Paste Box, 粉彩礬紅描金龍紋印尼盒
Realised: $180
A Group of Four Enameled Porcelain Wares, 洋彩藍地賀壽四層圓盒 粉彩雙孔雀花卉罐 粉彩雙鳳牡丹蝶罐 粉彩人物故事花盆一組四件
Realised: $156
A Large Famille Rose Washbasin, Republican Period, 粉彩紅蝠博古大盆
Realised: $780
Two Famille Rose Rouleau Vases, 紅地粉彩開光花鳥博古紋棒槌瓶 粉彩花卉紋棒槌瓶一組兩件
Realised: $720
An Enamelled ‘Hundred Antiques’ Vase, Early 20th Century, 二十世紀早期 琺瑯彩博古雙虎耳瓶
Realised: $360
A Cobalt Blue Celadon Ground Vase, 19th Century, 十九世紀 青釉底鈷藍人物雙虎耳瓶
Realised: $540
A Famille Rose Porcelain Panel, 粉彩人物故事瓷版畫帶框
Realised: $390
Two Chinese Porcelain Hat Stands, Early 20th Century, 二十世紀早期 青花雲龍紋粉彩博古紋帽筒
Realised: $450
A Group of Four Porcelain Wares, 粉彩山水花卉詩文碗盤瓶罐一組四件
Realised: $2,160
A Green Crackled Glaze Lidded Jar, 綠釉蘋果罐
Realised: $204
A Group of Nine Famille Rose Wares, 20th Century, 二十世紀 粉彩人物故事遊龍紋盤盆罐一組九件
Realised: $2,400
A Set of Four Famille Rose Porcelain 'Boys' Groups, Early 20th Century, 二十世紀早期 粉彩童子壽桃擺件一組四件
Realised: $540
A Group of Four Blanc de Chine Figures, Mid 20th Century, 二十世紀中期 德化白瓷人物擺件一組四件
Realised: $156
Two Chinese Porcelain Wares, 青釉福獅耳福獅頂三足爐 粉彩"鯉魚戲蓮"擺件一組兩件
Realised: $180
A Pair of Chinese Peacock Vases, 粉彩孔雀獸耳尊 日本伊萬里燒花鳥盤一組三件
Realised: $540
A Group of Four Chinese Porcelain Vases, 粉彩人物故事燈籠尊一對 粉彩開光花卉紋四方瓶一對
Realised: $192
A Chinese Ancestor Portrait of an Official, 17th Century, 十七世紀 官員坐像 設色絹本 鏡框
Realised: $1,320
An Album of Twenty-Four Chinese Historical Figures, 「凌煙閣二十四功臣像」畫冊 設色絹本 帶硬木盒
Realised: $2,280
A Chinese Landscape Handscroll, Signed Shen Zhou (1427-1509), 沈周 (1427-1509) 款 山水 設色紙本 卷軸
Realised: $5,400
Feng Runzhi (Late Qing), Two Figural Scrolls, 馮潤芝 (晚清) 「萬象春回」「瑤姬獻壽」設色紙本 立軸 一組兩件
Realised: $360
Lu Ganqiang, Landscape, 陸幹強 山水 設色紙本 鏡框
Realised: $156
Chen Hao (1839-1910), Autumn Landscape, 陳豪 (1839-1910) 松風澗響 設色紙本 立軸
Realised: $1,440
Traveler in the Mountains, Signed Oura, Dated 1931, 1931年 大浦 山間旅人 設色絹本 立軸
Realised: $480
Wu Dongmai (1885-1963), Peonies, 吳東邁(1885-1963) 牡丹 設色紙本 立軸
Realised: $480
Wang Yachen (1894-1983), Birds and Flowers, 汪亞塵 (1894-1983) 花鳥 水墨紙本 立軸
Realised: $4,200
Zhang Weimin (1955-), Winter Flowers, 張偉民 (1955- ) 暗香浮動 設色紙本 立軸
Realised: $510
Wu Yisheng (1929-2009), Two Landscape Paintings, 伍彛生 (1929-2009) 紅樹影秋山 設色紙本 鏡心
Realised: $360
Wu Yisheng (1929-2009), Two Paintings, 伍彛生 (1929-2009) 瑞兔圖 喜鵲圖 一組兩張 設色紙本 鏡心
Realised: $240
Wu Yisheng (1929-2009), Eight Birds, 伍彛生(1929-2009) 群鵲語枝頭 設色紙本 鏡心
Realised: $300
Wu Yisheng (1929-2009), Four Flower Paintings, 伍彛生 (1929-2009) 牡丹圖 一組四張 設色紙本 鏡心
Realised: $780
After Wu Guanzhong (1919-2010), Landscape, 吳冠中 (1919-2010) 款 山水 設色紙本 鏡心
Realised: $360
Yu Xinin(1913—2007), Flowers, 于希寧(1913—2007)花卉 設色紙本 立軸
Realised: $132
Cui Zifan (1915-2011), Swallows, 崔子范(1915-2011)春色 設色紙本 立軸
Realised: $96
Mi Chunmao (1938- ), Two Cats, 米春茂 (1938- ) 雙貓 設色紙本 立軸
Realised: $240
Chen Banding (1876-1970), Chrysanthemum, 陳半丁(1876-1970) 菊花(秋色)圖 設色紙本 鏡心
Realised: $3,600
Lin Sanzhi (1898-1989), Calligraphy, 林散之 (1898-1989) 草書 紙本
Realised: $1,440
Mountain Landscape Painting, 「琴鳴泉韻 」設色紙本 立軸
Realised: $192
Wu Shuben (1869-1938) Wine, Plum Blossom and Bamboo Painting, 吳樹本 (1869-1938) 「以介眉壽」水墨紙本 立軸
Realised: $192
Wu Yun 吳芸(1910- )A Pair of Flower Blossom Paintings, 吳芸(1910- )花鳥 菊 設色紙本 立軸 一組兩張
Realised: $480
Wang Yachen (1894-1983), Goldfish, 汪亞塵 (1894-1983) 金魚 設色紙本 立軸
Realised: $2,040
After Qi Baishi (1864-1957), A Group of Six Woodblock Prints, 齊白石 葫蘆花草葡萄一組兩件 (木版水印) 設色紙本 鏡框
Realised: $108
After Qi Baishi (1864-1957), A Group of Four Woodblock Prints, 齊白石 葡萄梨花蘑菇螃蟹一組兩件 (木版水印) 設色紙本 鏡框
Realised: $60
After Qi Baishi (1864-1957), A Group of Twelve Woodblock Prints, 齊白石 花鳥魚蝦一組四件 (木版水印) 設色紙本 鏡框
Realised: $180
A Group of Four Framed Woodblock Prints, 吳昌碩 齊白石 陳半丁等 花卉葡萄 木版水印 一組四件
Realised: $216
Two Qi Baishi Woodblock Print Scrolls, 齊白石 蓮花 壽桃 一組兩張 木版水印 立軸
Realised: $216
A Group of Three Scroll Paintings, 吳昌碩花卉木版水印 伯岩 葫蘆 王鶴 石榴圖 一組三張 立軸
Realised: $3,000
A Group of Seven Scroll Paintings, 山水花鳥一組七張 印刷品
Realised: $660
A Group of Three Chinese Export Pith Paintings, Early 20th Century, 二十世紀早期 外銷人物通草畫一組三張 水彩 鏡框
Realised: $156
A Framed Set of Six Pith Paintings, Early 20th Century, 二十世紀早期 外銷人物通草畫 水彩 鏡框
Realised: $36
A Group of Four Pith Paintings, Early 20th Century, 二十世紀早期 外銷人物通草畫 水彩 鏡框 一組四張
Realised: $60
A Set of Four Chinese Export Paintings, 19th Century, 十九世紀 清人物通草畫 水彩 鏡框 一組四張
Realised: $420
A Chinese Silk Sleeve Band Embroidery, 19th Century, 人物故事繡片 鏡框
Realised: $156
A Chinese Silk Embroidered Tapestry Mounted as a Fire Screen, 19th Century, 十九世紀 如意牡丹紋紙繡桌屏
Realised: $1,800
A Group Three Framed Chinese Embroideries, 19th Century and Later, 打籽繡 繡片刺繡荷包一組五件
Realised: $276
A Pair of Chinese Red Lacquer Baskets, 19th Century, 十九世紀 紅漆木提籃一對
Realised: $108
Two Chinese Wood Carved Figures, 木雕觀音老人立像一組兩件
Realised: $96
A Group of Four Shekwan Figures, 石灣窯人物立像一組四件
Realised: $108
A Korean Medicine Cabinet, 韓式藥櫃
Realised: $360
A Stone Slate Inlaid Table Screen, 木嵌石板人物故事桌屏
Realised: $2,700
A Soapstone Inlaid Black Lacquer Screen, 黑漆嵌壽山石花鳥紋屏風
Realised: $168
A Rosewood Carved Brushpot, 花梨筆筒
Realised: $330
A Group of Nine Chinese Hardwood Carved Objects, 硬木文房一組九件
Realised: $288
A Group of Thirty-Four Hardwood Carved Stands, 硬木底座一組三十四件
Realised: $264
A Group of Thirteen Chinese Locks, 20th Century, 二十世紀 鎖 一組十三件
Realised: $570
A Pair of Chinese Gilt Wood Carved Temple Panels, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 木漆金花鳥雕一對
Realised: $1,320
A Chinese Gilt Wood Temple Carving Framed Mirror, 金木花卉人物故事紋鏡框
Realised: $1,800
A Set of Four Framed Gilt Wood Phoenix Carvings, 19th Century, 十九世紀 木漆金鏤雕帶框一組四件
Realised: $840
A Huali and Mixed Wood Daybed, Late Qing/Early Republic Period, 晚清/民國 花梨馬蹄腿四屏式羅漢床
Realised: $570
A Red Lacquer Low Table, 19th Century, 十九世紀 剔紅矮條几
Realised: $144
A Pair of ironwood Stools, 19th Century, 十九世紀 鐵木凳一對
Realised: $228
A Pair of Chinese Cloisonné Top Hardwood Stools, 花梨嵌掐絲琺瑯圓凳一對
Realised: $1,560
A Chinese Rosewood Barrel Stool, 花梨鼓凳
Realised: $420
A Cloisonné Jardinière, 銅胎掐絲琺瑯花鳥紋大缸帶座
Realised: $960
A Pair of Famille Rose Garden Seats, 粉彩鳳凰牡丹紋鏽墩一對
Realised: $660
A Black-Ground Famille Rose Garden Seat, 黑地粉彩牡丹紋鼓釘鏽墩
Realised: $252
A Large Famille Rose Fishbowl Jardiniere, 粉彩蝴蝶花卉紋卷缸帶座
Realised: $420
A Chinese Famille Rose Fishbowl Jardiniere, 粉彩纏枝蓮紋卷缸
Realised: $240
A Famille Rose Jardinière and Saucer, 20th Century, 二十世紀 粉地粉彩開光花鳥花盆帶座
Realised: $360
A Massive Famille Rose Floor Vase, 大粉彩開光庭園人物花卉落地瓶
Realised: $252
Prices realised for the lots above include Buyer's Premium. Lot numbers which are omitted represent
items which were withdrawn, passed or unsold as of the publication of this list.
Not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.