Ding Fuzhi (1879-1949), Finger Citron, Persimmon and Ruyi, Dated 1926, 丁辅之 (1879-1949) '平安吉利'图 设色纸本 立轴
Realised: $10,880
He Changzhi and Zu Jian (Tongzhi Period), Plum Blossoms and Calligraphy, Dated 1873, 何长治、祖篯 (同治) 行书书法扇面 绢本 作于1873年
Realised: $275
A Set of Four Chinese Fan Paintings of Insects and Flowers, Late Qing Dynasty/Republican Period, 晚清/民国 花鸟图一套四张 设色纸本 镜框
Realised: $460.80
Chen Dingxin (Xiangquan), Calligraphy in Running Script, 陈鼎新 (香泉) 行书书法 水墨纸本 镜框
Realised: $300
Three Hundred Masterpieces of Chinese Painting in the Palace Museum, 1959, 国立故宫博物院出版「故宫名画三百种」
Realised: $937.50
Shanghai Bowuguan Canghua (Paintings in the Shanghai Museum Collection), 1959, 1959年上海博物馆出版「上海博物馆藏画」一册
Realised: $525
A White and Yellow-Russet Jade Cong, Neolithic Period/Western Zhou Dynasty, Circa 2000-1000 BC, 文化期/西周 白玉琮
Realised: $29,880
A White and Russet Jade 'Chilong' Bi Disc, Yuan-Ming Dynasty, 14th-15th Century, 元/明 白玉带沁双螭谷纹璧
Realised: $37,200
A Celadon and Russet Jade Carving of a Recumbent Calf, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 青黄玉雕卧水牛
Realised: $8,125
An Archaistic Brownish-White Jade Gui-Form Censer, Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), 明 青白玉雕双龙耳饕餮纹簋式炉
Realised: $5,500
A White and Russet Jade 'Squirrel and Grapes' Pendant, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 白玉巧色雕'松鼠葡萄'佩
Realised: $8,125
An Openwork White Jade 'Hehe Erxian' Plaque-Inset Table Screen, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 白玉透雕'和合二仙'桌屏
Realised: $4,250
Three White and Russet Jade Hanging Plaques, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 白玉雕'福寿''吉庆有余''蝴蝶'三联挂
Realised: $1,062.50
A Bronze Flat Handle Arch-Footed Spade-Money Coin, Warring States Period (471-221 BC), 战国 '中都'平肩方足布
Realised: $187.50
Fifty-Two Silver Coins From the 18th Year of the Republic of China (1929), Guangdong Province, 'Twenty-Cents', '中华民国十八年 广东省造 贰毫' 银币一组五十二枚
Realised: $687.50
Five Republic of China Years 7, 8, 9, 10 (1918, 1919, 1920, 1921), Guangdong Province, 'Twenty Cents' Silver Coins, Together With Nine 'Guangxu Yuanbao' Silver Coins, '中华民国七/八/九/十年 广东省造 贰毫' 银币 及'广东省造 光绪元宝'银币一组共十四枚
Realised: $175
A Group of Mother-of-Pearl Plaques and Pendants, Western Zhou Dynasty, 11th-7th Century BC, 西周 贝母片饰
Realised: $400
A White and Gray Jade Mountain-Form Brush Rest, Early Qing Dynasty, 清早期 灰白玉雕笔架山
Realised: $3,250
A Gilt-Decorated White and Russet Jade Archer's Ring, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 白玉带皮雕描金扳指
Realised: $625
A Gold-Painted Jade 'Magpie and Prunus' Brush Pot, 20th Century, 二十世纪 填金彩'喜鹊登梅'图玉笔筒
Realised: $2,176
A Set of Ten Chinese Agate and Hardstone Miniature Models of Musical Instruments, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国时期 玛瑙及稀有彩石中西乐器模型一组十件
Realised: $300
A Miniature White Jade Ovoid 'Rope-Decorated' Snuff Bottle, Qing Dynasty, 清 白玉绳纹小壶
Realised: $6,250
A Small Carved Coral Snuff Bottle, Late Qing/Republican Period, 晚清/民国 珊瑚雕花卉竹节纹烟壶
Realised: $750
An Amber Snuff Bottle, Together With a Lac Burgauté Snuff Bottle, Early 20th Century, 二十世纪 琥珀及黑漆嵌螺钿烟壶一组两件
Realised: $300
A Canton Enamel 'European Subject' Snuff Bottle, Qianlong Mark, 铜胎广东画珐琅'西洋人物'图烟壶 '乾隆年制'蓝料款
Realised: $896
A Group of Three Porcelain Snuff Bottles, Yongzheng and Daoguang Marks, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 青花釉里红'龙纹''百鹿图'及矾红烟壶一组三件
Realised: $3,750
Two Miniature Blue and White Porcelain Vases, Zhenwan and Kangxi Marks, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 青花'珍玩'款烟壶及'大清康熙年制'摇铃尊式小壶一组两件
Realised: $812.50
A Group of Four Porcelain Snuff Bottles, 19th-20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 青花及粉彩烟壶一组共四件
Realised: $2,125
A Famille Rose Snuff Bottle, Together With a Blue and White Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 粉彩人物小壶及青花烟壶一组两件
Realised: $812.50
A Group of Miniature Porcelain Vases, 18th Century and Later, 清 十八世纪及更晚 酱釉描金小壶及单色釉小壶一组三件
Realised: $600
A Group of Four Miniature Blue and White Garniture Vases, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 青花小器一组共四件
Realised: $625
A Jadeite Snuff Bottle, Together With a Lapis Lazuli Snuff Bottle, 20th Century, 二十世纪 青金石及翡翠雕烟壶一组两件
Realised: $275
A Carved Rock Crystal Snuff Bottle, Together With a Pink Glass 'Lotus' Snuff Bottle, 20th Century, 二十世纪 水晶雕'松鹤延年'烟壶及粉白料莲花烟壶一组两件
Realised: $1,250
A Group of Five Jadeite and Agate Snuff Bottles, 19th-20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 玛瑙及翡翠雕烟壶一组五件
Realised: $687.50
Two Inlaid Silver Snuff Bottles, Tibet/Mongolia, 19th Century, 十九世纪 西藏/蒙古 银嵌绿松石及珊瑚烟壶一组两件
Realised: $250
A Set of Six Chinese Gilt Silver Filigree Jewellery Pieces with Jadeite and Semiprecious Stone Inlays, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 中国镀金银掐丝嵌宝珠宝一套共六件
Realised: $1,625
A Five-Piece Chinese Silver-Gilt and Enameled Filigree Jewellery Set With Turquoise Inlays, Early 20th Century, 民国 镀金银烧珐琅掐丝嵌松石珠宝一套五件
Realised: $486.40
A Group of Three Chinese Gilt-Silver Filigree Jewellery Pieces with Jadeite Inlays, Together With a Silver Bangle, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 中国镀金银掐丝嵌翡翠珠宝及银绞丝镯一组共四件
Realised: $250
A Group of Six Chinese Gilt and Enameled Silver Filigree Jewellery Pieces with Jadeite Inlays, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 中国镀金银烧蓝掐丝嵌翡翠珠宝一组共六件
Realised: $704
A 10k White Gold Mounted Jadeite Ring, Hong Kong, Circa 1980, 香港 10K白金镶翡翠戒指
Realised: $217.60
A 14k Yellow Gold Ruby Ring, Together With a Silver Chrysoprase Ring, 14K金镶红宝石戒指及银嵌绿玉髓戒指一组两件
Realised: $5,500
A Pair of Turquoise-Inlaid Gold-Plated Sterling Silver Earrings, 纯银镀金嵌绿松石花型耳饰一对
Realised: $75
Twenty-One Pairs of Unmounted Carved Jadeite Jewellery Pieces, 19th Century, 晚清 翡翠花片二十一对共四十二件
Realised: $525
A Group of Fifty Unmounted Jadeite, Nephrite and Stone Cabochons, Together With an Unmounted Square Emerald, 翡翠碧玉及石裸石一组及方形祖母绿裸石一颗共五十一件
Realised: $1,250
A Carved Sandalwood and Painted Fan With Lacquer Storage Case, 19th Century, 晚清 白檀木扇骨嵌牙加彩雕折扇
Realised: $500
A Finely Carved Canton Ivory Card Case, Early 19th Century, 清 十九世纪早期 广东十三行制牙雕卡片盒
Realised: $2,125
A Finely Carved Canton Tortoiseshell Snuff Box, Circa 1850, 约1850年 广作玳瑁雕庭院人物纹烟盒
Realised: $400
A Pair of Chinese Tortoiseshell Hexagonal Vases, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 玳瑁六棱活环双耳瓶一对
Realised: $875
A Group of Six Chinese Export Silver Wares, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国 中国外销银器一组共六件
Realised: $2,125
A Set of Seven Silver-Lined Bamboo Cups, Together With a Pair of Lacquer Cups, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 嵌银竹杯及漆杯一组共九件
Realised: $875
A Carved Cinnabar Lacquer 'Landscape' Square Tray, 19th Century or Earlier, 十九世纪或更早 雕漆'庭院山水'图大方盘
Realised: $600
A Pair of Ivory 'Three Friends of Winter' Wrist Rests, 19th/20th Century, 民国 牙雕’岁寒三友’臂搁一对
Realised: $1,875
A Set of Eight Yixing Stoneware Fruits and Nuts With Lotus-Form Tray, Qing Dynasty, 清 宜兴紫砂杂果一套共九件
Realised: $1,500
A Pair of Chinese Export Painted Wallpaper Four-Panel Screens, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 外销绿地花鸟图屏风一套四扇
Realised: $2,250
A Chinese Wood Four-Panel 'Cultural Revolution' Screen, Circa 1970, 约1970年 '长征'题材木雕四扇屏
Realised: $4,000
Fourteen Christie's and Sotheby's Chinese and Asian Art Catalogues, Together With Three 'Masterpieces in the National Palace Museum' Books and 'Chinese Snuff Bottles: Marquess of Exeter', '国立故宫'系列参考书籍及苏富比佳士得亚洲艺术图录等一组共十四本
Realised: $307.20
A Large Group of Reference Books on Chinese and Asian Art and History, 中国艺术及亚洲艺术参考书籍一组
Realised: $187.50
An Apricot-Yellow Silk 'Dragon' Banner, Qing Dynasty, Guangxu Period (1875-1908) , 清 光绪 杏地'三篮'绣五爪龙旗
Realised: $575
A Dark Purple Silk Gauze Robe With Civil Rank Badge, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 紫纱地纳纱补子五品文官对襟单袍
Realised: $1,125
An Embroidered Fourth Rank Civil Official 'Wild Goose' Badge, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 刺绣四品云燕文官补
Realised: $275
An Embroidered Fifth Rank Civil Official 'Silver Pheasant' Badge, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 刺绣五品白鹇文官补
Realised: $275
An Apricot-Ground Gold-Thread Embroidered 'Dragon' Panel, 18th/19th Century, 清中期 杏黄地盘金绣金龙彩云纹绣片
Realised: $525
A Blue Silk Gauze Dragon Robe Fragment, Late Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 晚清 蓝地纳纱金龙绣片
Realised: $300
A Large Chinese Embroidered Silk 'Birds and Flowers' Mantle, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 刺绣花鸟纹挂帐
Realised: $1,000
A Group of Three Chinese Embroidered Silk Sleeve Band Panels, Qing Dynasty, 清 粤绣绣口等刺绣一组三件
Realised: $937.50
A Pair of Gold-Thread Embroidered Silk 'Dragon and Phoenix' Sleeve Bands, 19th Century, 晚清 盘金绣龙凤纹袖口一对
Realised: $563.20
A Pair of Forbidden-Stitch Embroidered Silk 'Figural' Sleeve Bands Mounted Together as a Single Panel, Qing Dynasty, 清 打籽绣人物纹袖口一对
Realised: $512
A Yellow-Ground Pleated Skirt, Mamianqun, Late Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 晚清 黄地刺绣马面裙
Realised: $512
An Embroidered Silk Skirt, Together With a Child's Vest, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 绿地刺绣马面裙及小儿夹袄一组两件
Realised: $2,304
A Group of Six Chinese Embroidered Silk Children's Hats, Qing Dynasty, 清 刺绣童子帽一组共六件
Realised: $400
A Pair of Large Gold-Thread Embroidered Silk 'Bird and Dragon' Panels, Late Qing/Republican Period, 晚清/民国 盘金绣花鸟龙纹绣片一组两件
Realised: $768
Two Forbidden-Stitch Embroidered Silk 'Peony' Panels, Qing Dynasty , 清 打籽绣花绘牡丹纹绣片一组两件
Realised: $512
A Group of Three Chinese Embroidered Silk Panels, Late Qing/Republican Period, 晚清/民国 盘金银绣福狮及'百子图'绣片一组共三件
Realised: $175
Two Gold-Thread Embroidered Silk 'Phoenix and Landscape' Panels, Late Qing/Republican Period, 晚清/民国 盘金绣凤纹绣片一组两件
Realised: $350
A Set of Four Forbidden-Stitch Embroidered Silk 'Flower Jardinière' Panels, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 打籽绣绣片一组四件
Realised: $1,062.50
A Pair of Kesi-Silk 'Daoist Immortals' Panels, Late Qing/Republican Period, 晚清/民国 缂丝'二仙'图一组两件
Realised: $1,000
Two Small Grey Pottery Vessels, Warring States Period (475-221 BC), 战国时期 (公元前475-221年) 灰陶器一组两件
Realised: $575
Six Green-Glazed Pottery Figures of Attendants, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 三彩俑一组六件
Realised: $625
A Large Polychrome Stucco 'Celestial Maiden' Fresco Fragment, Yuan-Ming Dynasty (1279-1644), 元/明 灰泥彩绘天女图壁画局部
Realised: $38,100
A Large Inscribed Limestone Epitaph for the Military General Liu Ju, Ming Dynasty, Dated 1502, 明 1502年刻 刘聚将军 (卒于1474年) 石刻墓志铭
Realised: $2,500
A Small Yaozhou Celadon Conical Bowl, Nothern Song Dynasty (960-1127), 北宋 耀州窑青釉斗笠小盏
Realised: $1,187.50
A Large Henan Black-Glazed Russet-Splashed Bowl, Song Dynasty (960-1279), 宋 河南窑黑釉大碗
Realised: $1,875
A Black-Glazed 'Oil Spot' Cup and Stand, Song/Jin Dynasty, 12th Century, 宋/金 怀仁窑白腹轮茶盏及托
Realised: $2,000
A Longquan 'Beishouku' Celadon Glazed Basin, Southern Song Dynasty, 12th-13th Century, 南宋 龙泉米色青瓷板沿洗
Realised: $3,750
A Small Blue and White Baluster Vase, Late Ming Dynasty, 16th-17th Century, 晚明 青花人物纹小梅瓶
Realised: $2,000
A Pair of Gilt Polychrome Stucco Figures of Warriors, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 彩塑金刚力士像一对
Realised: $2,000
A Gilt-Lacquered Bronze Figure of a Luohan, Ming Dynasty, 16th Century, 明 十六世纪 金漆铜罗汉立像
Realised: $1,250
A Group of Three Chinese Bronze Censers, Qing Dynasty or Later, 清及更晚 铜炉一组三件
Realised: $812.50
Two Bronze Figures of Hanuman and Krishna, Together With a Bronze Tripod Censer, Xuande Mark, 19th Century and Later, 十九世纪及更晚 铜哈奴曼 克里希那 及宣德款三组炉 一组共三件
Realised: $150
A Chinese Export Cloisonné Enamel Model of a Fish for the French Market, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 中国外销法国市场制铜胎掐丝珐琅鱼形摆件
Realised: $475
A Famille Verte Biscuit Peach-Form 'Cadogan' Wine Pot, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 五彩寿桃形倒流壶
Realised: $1,187.50
A Dehua Blanc de Chine Libation Cup, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 德化白瓷'龙虎'杯
Realised: $575
A Pair of Dehua Blanc de Chine 'Weiqi Players' Groups, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 德化白瓷'松下对弈'瓷塑一组两件
Realised: $768
A Dehua Buddhist Lion, Together With a Chinese Imari Creamer, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 德化白瓷福狮及伊万里茶壶一组两件
Realised: $1,500
A Group of Five Chinese Imari Teapots and Covers, Kangxi Period, Early 18th Century, 清 康熙 伊万里茶壶一组五件
Realised: $1,500
A Blue and White Teapot and Cover, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 青花开窗缠枝花卉纹执壶
Realised: $875
A Yellow-Glazed Incised 'Dragon' Bowl, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 黄釉暗花龙纹倭角碗
Realised: $4,000
A Blue and White 'Floral' Charger, Yongzheng Period, 18th Century, 清 雍正 青花花卉纹盘
Realised: $250
A Chinese Export Gilt Blue and White Fluted Part Tea Service, Late 18th Century, 清中期 外销描金青花茶具一组共十四件
Realised: $1,500
A Group of Five Chinese Export Blue and White Wares, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 外销青花瓷一组五件
Realised: $375
A Chinese Export Famille Rose Part Tea Service, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 外销粉彩茶具一组共七件
Realised: $400
A Group of Four Chinese Export Armorial Porcelain Dishes, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 外销家族纹章格言瓷盘一组四件
Realised: $425
A Chinese Export Grisaille 'Jupiter and Io' Cup, Together With Two Cups and a Saucer, 18th-19th Century, 清中期 外销墨彩金彩器一组共四件
Realised: $300
A Group of Four Export Chinese Porcelain Plates, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 外销瓷盘一组共四件
Realised: $300
A Large Chinese Export Famille Rose Punch Bowl, Together With an Armorial Tureen and a Tankard, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750-1790, 乾隆时期 约1750-1790年 大型外销粉彩潘趣碗 纹章汤盆及大酒杯一组共三件
Realised: $250
A Chinese Export Armorial Punch Bowl, Together With a Cup and Saucer, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 中国外销潘趣碗及杯碟一组共三件
Realised: $62.50
A Group of Five Canton Famille Rose Dishes, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 外销广彩瓷盘一组共五件
Realised: $204.80
A Blue and White 'Rice Grain' Plate, Guangxu Period (1875-1908), 清 光绪 青花玲珑瓷庭院山水图盘
Realised: $125
A Blue and White Celadon-Ground Vase Lamp, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 豆青地青花兽耳瓶后制成台灯
Realised: $125
A Pair of Chinese Rosewood 'Moongazing' Chairs, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 花梨木'望月椅'一对
Realised: $400
A Large Red Lacquer Box and Cover, Late Qing/Republican Period, 晚清/民国 红漆加彩福寿纹捧盒
Realised: $175
A Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid Rosewood 'Birds and Flowers' Panel, Late Qing/Republican Period, 晚清/民国 红木嵌母贝花鸟纹挂屏
Realised: $187.50
A Group of Three Large Gilt and Polychrome Wood Panels, Qing Dynasty, 清 金木雕建筑构件一组三件
Realised: $450
A Jade Carving, Together With an Ivory Duck-Form Box and Copper-Inlaid Snuff Box, 19th-20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 牙雕'宝鸭衔莲'等一组三件
Realised: $200
A Small Uncarved Ivory Puzzle Ball, Together With a Figure of a Luohan, 19th Century, 晚清 牙雕鬼工球及罗汉一组两件
Realised: $125
A Small Chinese Ivory Figure of a Caparisoned Horse, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 牙雕加彩马摆件
Realised: $350
A Pair of Famille Rose Yellow-Back 'Peony' Dishes, Qianlong Mark, 18th Century, 清 乾隆 黄地粉彩花蝶纹盘一对
Realised: $500
Two Famille Rose Teapots, Together With a Bowl, Cover and Stand, Qing Dynasty, 晚清 粉彩器一组三件
Realised: $1,062.50
Four Sets of Famille Rose Tea Bowls, Covers, and Stands, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 粉彩诗文人物故事纹茶盏及托共四套
Realised: $750
A Large Famille Verte Biscuit 'Shoulao and Boy' Group, 18th-19th Century, 清 十八-十九世纪 大型三彩寿老童子摆件
Realised: $550
A Large Famille Verte Biscuit Figure of a Buddhist Lion, Signed Xu Rongtai, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 '徐荣泰造'五彩大福狮
Realised: $1,375
A Famille Noir Square-Form 'Four Gentlemen' Vase, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 墨地五彩'梅兰竹菊'方瓶
Realised: $1,625
A Large Blue-Glazed Bottle Vase, Tianqiuping, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 蓝釉天球瓶
Realised: $1,125
A Small Enameled Porcelain 'Birds and Calligraphy' Brush Pot, Republican Period, Dated 1932, 民国 彩瓷'竹里幽禽'笔筒 作于1932年
Realised: $1,375
A Fine Famille Rose 'Boys at Play' Bowl, Lin Zhi Cheng Xiang Mark, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 粉彩'麟趾呈祥'粉彩婴戏图碗
Realised: $500
Two Famille Rose 'Silk Production' and 'Field Tilling' Bowls and a Cover, Daoguang Period and Later, 道光及更晚 粉彩耕织图诗文茶盏一组两件
Realised: $875
A Large Famille Rose 'Hundred Deer' Hu-Form Vase, Qianlong Mark, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 乾隆款大型粉彩百鹿尊
Realised: $10,000
A Pair of Pink-Ground Famille Rose 'Birds and Flowers' Bowls, Jurentang Mark, '居仁堂'款胭脂红釉彩瓷碗一对
Realised: $500
A Small Enameled 'Ladies' Eggshell Porcelain Vase, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 薄胎粉彩'美人嬉戏'图瓶
Realised: $500
A Large Famille Rose 'Millefleur' Charger, Qianlong Mark, 20th Century, 二十世纪 乾隆款'百花不落地'盘
Realised: $225
A Group of Four Chinese Cloisonné Enamel Horses, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 铜胎掐丝珐琅马摆件一组四件
Realised: $187.50
An Archaistic Hardstone 'Dragon' Pendant, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 仿古硬石雕龙纹佩
Realised: $162.50
A Large Blue and White 'Birds and Flowers' Sleeve Vase, Transitional Period, 17th Century, 青花喜鹊花卉纹象筒瓶
Realised: $2,750
A Large Powder-Blue-Ground Famille Verte 'Qilin and Phoenix' Charger, 五彩蓝地麒麟盘
Realised: $2,750
A Pair of Coral-Ground 'Bamboo' Bowls, Daoguang Mark, 20th Century, 二十世纪 珊瑚红地竹节纹碗一对 道光款
Realised: $525
A Pair of Copper-Red Blue and White Wine Cups, Daoguang Mark, 道光款 青花釉里红'桃园三结义'杯一对
Realised: $937.50
A White Biscuit Porcelain 'Fisherman' Rouleau Vase, Wang Bingrong Mark, 20th Century, 二十世纪 王炳荣款白釉雕瓷笔筒
Realised: $500
A Chinese Enameled 'Bird and Calligraphy' Vase, Signed Wang Zhang, 20th Century, 二十世纪 汪章款浅降彩花鸟瓷瓶
Realised: $1,125
A Chinese Enameled 'Landscape' Dish, 20th Century, 二十世纪 汪小亭(1906-1970)款 浅降彩'湖光山色'图瓷盘
Realised: $812.50
A Green-Enameled 'Dragon' Bottle Vase, Jiaqing Mark, 20th Century, 二十世纪 嘉庆款彩瓷龙纹瓶
Realised: $125
A Rare Gilt Bronze Figure of Varaha, Nepal, 17th Century, 尼泊尔 十七世纪 罕见铜鎏金筏罗诃像
Realised: $6,875
A Copper Alloy Figure of Chakrasamvara, Nepal, 16th-17th Century, 尼泊尔 十六至十七世纪 铜合金胜乐金刚像 刻铭文
Realised: $3,072
A Large Sino-Tibetan Parcel-Gilt Copper Portable Shrine (Gau) Containing a Gilt Bronze Avalokiteshvara, 18th Century, 十八世纪 汉藏 铜鎏金观音及大型局部银鎏金嵌锤叠佛嘎乌
Realised: $16,250
A Silver and Mixed Metal Portable Amulet Shrine (Gau), Tibet, 19th Century, 西藏 十九世纪 银合金嘎乌
Realised: $212.50
A Small Silver and Mixed Metal Amulet Box (Gau), Tibet, 18th Century, 西藏 十九世纪 银合金小嘎乌
Realised: $187.50
A Sino-Tibetan Thangka of the Wheel of Life, Bhavachakra, 20th Century, 二十世纪 汉藏 金彩绘有轮唐卡
Realised: $175
A Tibetan Bronze Kartika (Ritual Flaying Knife), 20th Century, 二十世纪 西藏 青铜卡尔蒂卡 (仪式剖刀)
Realised: $187.50
A Blackstone Stele of Avalokiteshvara, Bihar, Pala Period, 9th/10th Century, 印度 比哈尔邦 九/十世纪 帕拉时期 黑岩观音碑塑
Realised: $25,000
A Jain Silver and Copper Inlaid Brass Shrine to Chandraprabha, 15th/16th Century, 印度 十五/十六世纪 耆那教银銅嵌黄铜月辉佛舍利塔
Realised: $7,500
A Brass Altar of Lakshmi Narayana, Gujarat/Himachal Pradesh, 12th Century, 印度 十二世纪 古吉拉特邦/喜马偕尔邦 黄铜拉克什米·纳拉扬神坛
Realised: $29,880
A Bronze Figure of Uma Mahesvara, South India, 16th-17th Century, 十六至十七世纪 南印度 乌玛 大自在天舒铜像
Realised: $250
A Small Bronze Seated Figure of a Rishi and Donor, Central India, 18th Century, 印中 十八世纪 小型铜贤者及供养人造像
Realised: $1,187.50
A Bronze Figure of Ganesh, Western India, 13th-14th Century, 印西 十三至十四世纪 铜伽内什像
Realised: $3,750
A Group of Five Small Bronze Figures of Vishnu, Krishna, Parvati, and Hanuman, 16th Century and Later
Realised: $450
A Group of Six Small Indian Bronze Vessels and Figures, 16th Century and Later
Realised: $162.50
A Massive Bronze Statue of Ganesh, Tamil Nadu, 20th Century, 二十世纪 南印度泰米尔纳德邦 大型伽内什铜像
Realised: $4,352
A Bronze Bhuta Mask of Pilichamundi, Karnataka/Kerala, Southwest India, 19th Century, 19世纪 印度西南部 卡纳塔克邦/喀拉拉邦 皮利查蒙迪青铜布胡塔面具
Realised: $960
Two Large Dhokra Bronze Figures of Ganesh and a Kondh, Early to Mid 20th Century
Realised: $250
A Group of Thirteen Silvered Metal and Brass Bangles, Bells, and Ornaments, Circa 1900, 约1900年 银合金镯黄铜铃及装饰品一组共十三件
Realised: $125
A Group of Six Indian Bone, Brass, and Wood Bracelets, Circa 1900, 约1900年 印度骨雕铜及木镯一组共六件
Realised: $100
An Indo-Portuguese Ivory Figure of Saint Anne, Goa, India, 17th-18th Century
Realised: $1,000
A Painting of the Elephant-Headed God Ganesh, Bikaner, Rajasthan, 19th Century
Realised: $687.50
A Painting of the Divine Cowherd Krishna Playing the Flute, Bikaner, Rajasthan, 19th Century
Realised: $832
A Large Painting of Krishna Boating With His Female Entourage, Kota/Nathdwara, Rajasthan, 19th Century
Realised: $3,750
An Equestrian Portrait of Maharana Bhim Singh of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, North India, Circa 1800, 约1800年 北印度拉贾斯坦邦 焦特布尔比姆·辛格·马哈拉纳骑马像
Realised: $1,375
Company School, A Large Painting of Seven Sikh Courtiers and Servants of the Raja of Patiala, 20th Century
Realised: $375
A Portable Prayer Box Depicting Rama and Rita With Hanuman, Rajasthan, 19th Century
Realised: $137.50
A Large Painting of the Cosmic Form of Krishna as Vasudeva, 19th/20th Century
Realised: $15,360
An Indian Painting on Ivory of a Lady, Together With a Painting of a Prince and Consorts, 20th Century
Realised: $87.50
A Burmese Bronze Figure of Jambupati Buddha, Shan States, 18th Century, 缅甸 十八世纪 掸邦铜贾梦帕提宝冠佛像
Realised: $750
A Burmese Bronze Model of a 'House of Jewels', Shan States, 18th-19th Century
Realised: $128
A Majapahit Javanese-Style Bronze Figure of a Deity, Indonesia, Possibly 14th Century
Realised: $500
A Large Burmese Red Lacquer Figure of a Standing Buddha, Ava Period, 17th Century, 缅甸 十七世纪 阿瓦时期 大型红漆佛立像
Realised: $1,250
A Large Parcel Gilt Marble Figure of Jambupati Buddha, Burma (Myanmar), 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 大型缅甸泥金大理石贾梦帕提佛
Realised: $875
A Pair of Mandalay-Style Wood Figures of Monks, Circa 1900, 约1900年 曼德勒风格木雕僧侣跪像一对
Realised: $500
A Large Group of Reference Books on Indian Painting and History, 印度绘画历史参考书籍一组
Realised: $486.40
A Large Group of Reference Books on Indian Sculpture and Architecture, 印度雕塑建筑参考书籍一组
Realised: $212.50
Tsuchida Soetsu (Circa 1660-1745) and Koma Kyuhaku, An Inlaid Lacquer 'Crab' Suzuribako (Writing Box), Edo Period, 18th Century, 日本 江户时期 土田宗悦(约 1660-1745)制款 古满休伯作款 蒔絵贝母象嵌蟹藻纹书写盒
Realised: $4,864
A Black and Gold Lacquer 'Yabumi' (Arrow Letter) Suzuribako (Writing Box), 19th Century
Realised: $475
A Black and Gold Lacquer 'Tsukimi' Suzuribako, Edo Period, 19th Century, 日本 江户时期 黑漆描金绘'月见'砚盒
Realised: $375
A Black Lacquer Fubako (Letter Box), Together With a Black Lacquer Ju-Kobako (Small Tiered Box), Meiji/Taisho Period (1868-1926)
Realised: $250
A Gold Lacquer 'Chrysanthemum' Suzuribako (Writing Box), Together With a Black Lacquer 'Crane' Suzuribako, 19th/20th Century
Realised: $375
A Gold and Black Lacquer 'Landscape' Box and Cover With Matching Tray, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $4,352
A Gold-Lacquered Ivory Miniature Cabinet, Together With a Shibayama-Inlaid Card Case, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $500
A Gold and Black Lacquered Wood Jingasa (Foot Solder's Hat), Edo Period, 19th Century
Realised: $225
Four Matching Sets of Fuchi-Gashira (Hilt Collars and Pommels), Edo Period (1615-1868), 日本 明治时期 四套刀縁及刀头一组共八件
Realised: $687.50
Five Sets of Matching Fuchi-Gashira, (Hilt Collars and Pommels), Edo Period (1615-1868), 日本 明治时期 五套刀縁及刀头一组共十件
Realised: $425
A Group of Fourteen Fuchi and Gashira, (Hilt Collars and Pommels), Edo Period (1615-1868), 日本 明治时期 刀縁及刀头一组共十四件
Realised: $400
A Mixed-Metal Inlaid Bronze Cup, Signed Sato, Meiji Period (1868-1912), 日本 佐藤製造 嵌花铜杯
Realised: $281.60
Namiki Company, A Pair of Lacquered Metal Cylindrical Boxes, Showa Period (1926-1989)
Realised: $12,800
By Kawaguchi Bunzaemon and Others, Three Ginbari Cloisonné Enamel Vases, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $1,792
A Small Ginbari Cloisonné Enamel 'Dragon' Vase, Together With a Blue-Ground Cloisonné Enamel 'Birds and Flowers' Vase, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $187.50
A Japanese Wireless (Musen) Cloisonné Enamel 'Mount Fuji' Vase, Meiji Period (1868-1912), 日本 明治时期 没骨七宝烧富士山景瓶镶银口
Realised: $250
A Japanese Yellow-Ground Cloisonné Enamel 'Flowers' Vase, Meiji Period (1868-1912), 日本 明治时期 或安藤重兵衛 (1876-1953) 七宝烧花纹图瓶
Realised: $250
Ando Company, A Pair of Cloisonné Enamel 'Grapes' Vases, Together With a Lacquer Storage Box, Meiji/Taisho Period (1868-1926)
Realised: $1,062.50
Ando Jubei (1876-1953), An Unusual Cloisonné Enamel Tazza-Form Vessel, Showa Period, Circa 1930, 日本 安藤重兵衛 (1876-1953)作 罕见七宝烧浅杯形瓶
Realised: $375
A Pair of Japanese Bronze 'Crane' Mirrors, Together With a Lobed Mirror and a Bronze 'Budai and Jurojin' Group, 19th-20th Century
Realised: $187.50
A Japanese Gilt Bronze Three-Pronged Vajra (Sankosho), 19th Century or Earlier
Realised: $450
A Large Bronze Figure of a Geisha, Signed, Meiji Period (1868-1912), 日本 明治时期 大型艺妓铜塑
Realised: $1,125
A Large Japanese Kokeshi Doll, Signed Sen Hyaku, Dated 1927, 日本 1927年 仙百作 大型芥子娃娃
Realised: $125
An Ivory 'Seafood and Landscapes' Netsuke, Signed Gyokuho, Mid 19th Century
Realised: $537.60
An Ivory Manju Netsuke of a Karako, Signed Horaku, Edo Period, 19th Century
Realised: $1,500
A Fine Inlaid Ivory Netsuke of a Daimyo, Signed Yasuaki (Homei), Early 20th Century
Realised: $3,840
An Ivory Netsuke of a Karako Rolling a Snow Daruma, Signed Masahiro, Together With Three Inro Beads, 19th Century
Realised: $1,500
Two Boxwood and Mixed Wood Tonkotsu (Tobacco Pouch) with Kiseruzutsu (Pipe Case) and Kiseru (Pipe), Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $400
A Fine Ivory Okimono of a Sato Tadanobu, Signed Kyoji, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $1,250
An Ivory Okimono of Three Blind Travelers in a Brawl, Meiji Period, Late 19th Century, 日本 明治时期 牙雕缠斗三老者置物
Realised: $384
A Pair of Shibayama-Inlaid Ivory 'Crane' Brush Pots, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $812.50
A Pair of Japanese Mother-of-Pearl and Bone Inlaid Lacquer 'Cranes' Panels, Early 20th Century
Realised: $125
A Group of Sixteen Japanese Netsuke, Inro, and Lacquerware Reference Books, 日本根付印龙漆器参考书籍一组共十六册
Realised: $125
A Group of Reference Books on Japanese Art Including Netsuke, Lacquer, and Woodblocks, 日本艺术参考书籍一组
Realised: $125
Attributed to Nishimura Shigenaga (1697-1756), Evening Rain at Karasaki, Circa 1720
Realised: $187.50
Yashima Gakutei (1786?-1868), Asahi Shogun Yoshinaka (Minamoto no Yoshinaka), Circa 1821
Realised: $500
Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III, 1786-1865), Utagawa Kunisada II (Toyokuni IV, 1823-1880), Gototei Hirosada (1826-1863), Utagawa Kuniaki (1835-1888) and Others, Fourteen Woodblock Prints
Realised: $125
Utagawa Toyokuni (Toyokuni I, 1769-1825) and Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III, 1786-1865), Four Woodblock Prints
Realised: $375
Toyohara Chikanobu (1838-1912), Two Triptychs at Chiyoda Castle, 豊原周延 (1838-1912) 三联版画一组两件
Realised: $75
Ohara Koson (Shoson, 1877-1945) and Nakayama Sugakudo (Active 1850-1860), Three Woodblock Prints of Birds
Realised: $125
Various Artists, The Japanese Modern Print: A Set of Ten Sosaku-Hanga Woodblock Prints Compiled by James A. Michener, 1962
Realised: $1,500
A Pair of Arita Blue and White Square Dishes, Edo Period, 17th Century, 日本 江户时期 有田烧方盘一对
Realised: $400
Attributed to Shoji Hamada (1894-1978), A Large Mashiko Stoneware Square Plate, Mid 20th Century
Realised: $375
A Group of Four Imari Wares, Edo-Meiji Period, 19th Century, 日本 江户-明治时期 伊万里瓷器一组四件
Realised: $187.50
Two Large Satsuma 'Hundred Rakan' Chargers, Meiji/Taisho Period (1868-1926)
Realised: $435.20
Prices realised for the lots above include Buyer's Premium. Lot numbers which are omitted represent items which were withdrawn, passed or unsold as of the publication of this list. Not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.
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