A White Jade Reticulated 'Dragon' Plaque, Jin-Yuan Dynasty (1115-1368), 金/元 白玉雕螭龙穿花瓦子
Realised: $6,765
A White and Russet Jade 'Chilong' Bi-Shaped Pendant, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 白玉雕双螭谷纹璧
Realised: $3,075
A White Jade Reticulated 'Deer and Bat' Plaque, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 白玉雕'福禄'纹牌
Realised: $1,353
A White Jade Reticulated 'Cranes' Plaque, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 白玉透雕仙鹤纹带板
Realised: $3,690
A White Jade Reticulated 'Dragon' Plaque, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 白玉透雕'花上压花'龙纹带板
Realised: $4,612.50
A Mughal-Style Spinach Jade 'Chrysanthemum' Marriage Dish, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 痕都斯坦式碧玉雕菊瓣活环洗
Realised: $9,840
A Chinese Gilt Metal Kingfisher Feather Hair Pin, Qing Dynasty, 清 镀金铜掐丝点翠发簪
Realised: $184.50
A Gilt Bronze-Mounted White Jade 'Boy and Lotus' Plaque, Qing Dynasty, 清 鎏金铜镶嵌白玉雕持莲童子
Realised: $2,337
A Pair of Large Spinach Jade Vases and Covers, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 碧玉雕福狮双耳盖瓶一对
Realised: $553.50
A Large Jade-Inlaid Black Lacquer Screen, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 黑漆嵌宝屏风
Realised: $1,230
A Rock Crystal Carving of a 'Boy and Ram' Group, Qing Dynasty , 清 水晶雕'童子牧羊'摆件
Realised: $4,305
A Moulded Porcelain 'Zhong Kui' Snuff Bottle, Jiaqing Period, Early 19th Century, 清 嘉庆时期 粉彩模印'钟馗嫁妹'烟壶
Realised: $799.50
An Imperial-Style Famille Rose Enameled Glass Snuff Bottle, Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪 仿乾隆御制玻璃胎画珐琅'牡丹锦鸡图'烟壶
Realised: $102,750
A Group of Three Quartz Snuff Bottles, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 水晶石英雕烟壶一组三件
Realised: $184.50
An Interior Glass Painted 'Butterflies' Snuff Bottle, Signed Ding Hong, 丁红作 料器内画蝶纹烟壶
Realised: $184.50
A Group of Five Porcelain and Miscellaneous Snuff Bottles, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 等烟壶一组五件
Realised: $123
A Set of Four 'Gu-Family' Embroidered Satin and Pearlwork 'Four Gentlemen' Silk Panels, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 顾绣辑珠'梅兰竹菊'挂屏一套四张
Realised: $36,750
A Princely Chestnut-Brown Embroidered Silk 'Dragon' Robe, Jifu, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 御制绛色地锻绣彩云金龙纹吉服
Realised: $7,380
A Pair of Imperial Gold-Thread Embroidered Yellow Silk Perfume Pouches, Xiangnang, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 宫廷盘金绣香囊一对
Realised: $1,045.50
An Apricot-Ground Embroidered Silk Dragon Robe Panel, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 杏地盘金绣龙袍片段
Realised: $1,045.50
A Green-Ground Embroidered Silk Dragon Robe Panel, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 绿地盘金绣龙袍片段
Realised: $1,353
A Red-Ground Gold-Thread Embroidered Lady's Dragon Robe, 19th Century, 晚清 红地盘金绣龙纹女褂
Realised: $861
An Embroidered Fourth Rank Military Official 'Tiger' Badge, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 盘金绣四品武官虎补
Realised: $738
A Gold-Thread Embroidered Silk 'Buddhist Lions' Panel, 19th Century, 晚清 红地盘金绣'福狮戏球'挂帐
Realised: $369
A Gold-Thread Embroidered 'Phoenix' Panel, Together With a Silk Embroidered 'Crane Roundel' Panel, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 盘金绣凤纹绣片及团鹤纹绣片一组两件
Realised: $492
Li Jian (1747-1799), Calligraphy in Running Script, 黎简(1747-1799) 行书书法 水墨纸本 立轴
Realised: $984
Two Fan-Form Calligraphy Paintings, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 金石文摹本题记等书法扇面一组两张 设色绢本 镜框
Realised: $1,045.50
A Landscape Fan Painting, Anonymous, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 佚名 山水 设色纸本 扇面
Realised: $123
A Pair of Cloisonné Enamel Crane-Form Pricket Sticks, Qing Dynasty, 清 铜胎掐丝珐琅仙鹤烛台一对
Realised: $1,845
A Cloisonné Enamel 'Hundred Antiques' Moonflask, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 铜胎掐丝珐琅'博古图'抱月瓶
Realised: $5,842.50
A Pair of Ormolu-Mounted Chinese Cloisonné Enamel Sleeve Vases, 19th Century, Signed 'De Cheng', 清 十九世纪 '德成'款铜胎掐丝珐琅洞石花卉纹瓶一对
Realised: $4,612.50
A Pair of Cloisonné Enamel 'Lotus' Vases, Lao Tian Li Mark, 19th Century, 十九世纪 老天利铜胎掐丝珐琅宝相花纹瓶一对
Realised: $1,722
A Pair of Yellow-Ground Cloisonné Enamel Lobed Vases, 19th Century, 十九世纪 黄地铜胎掐丝珐琅皮球花纹瓶一对
Realised: $1,045.50
A Cloisonné Enamel Duck-Form Box and Cover, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 铜胎掐丝珐琅鸭形盖盒
Realised: $246
A Cloisonné Enamel Tulip Vase, Republican Period, Early 20th Century, 民国 铜胎掐丝珐琅五管瓶
Realised: $338.25
A Pair of Enameled Copper Buddhist Lions, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 铜胎掐丝珐琅福狮一对
Realised: $430.50
A Small White and Russet Jade Libation Cup, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 白玉雕螭龙杯
Realised: $4,305
A Pair of White Jade Reticulated 'Longevity' Earrings, Qing Dynasty, 清 白玉雕'寿'字环一对
Realised: $492
A Spinach Jade 'Twin-Lions' Tripod Censer and Cover, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 碧玉雕福狮三足炉
Realised: $369
A Jadeite Quatrefoil Washer With Ring Handles, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 翡翠雕活环海棠洗
Realised: $2,337
A Large Boxwood Carved 'Figural Group' Stand, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 黄杨木雕道教三仙座
Realised: $2,337
A Qiyang Stone 'Landscape' Table Screen, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 祁阳石雕山水人物桌屏
Realised: $4,612.50
A Bronze 'Liu Hai and Toad' Paper Weight, 17th/18th Century, 明晚/清早 铜刘海戏蟾纸镇
Realised: $922.50
A Bronze 'Mythical Beast' Water Dropper, 17th/18th Century, Together With a Bronze Chilong Dragon, 清 铜兽形水注及走龙一组两件
Realised: $1,476
A Small Archaistic Bronze Wine Vessel and Cover, You, Qing Dynasty, 清 仿古铜提梁卣
Realised: $184.50
A Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid Black Lacquer 'Landscape' Table Screen, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 黑漆嵌七彩螺钿'柳荫垂钓'图桌屏
Realised: $615
A Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid Black Lacquer Stool, Kangxi Period (1664-1722), 清 康熙 黑漆嵌七彩螺钿束腰凳
Realised: $615
A Pair of Cinnabar Lacquer Circular Boxes and Covers, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 剔红'婴戏图'圆盖盒一对
Realised: $246
A Large Silver-Inlaid Bronze Elephant-Handled Censer, Shisou Mark, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 '石叟'款大型铜嵌银丝象耳活环三足炉
Realised: $3,690
A Large Chinese Bronze Rectangular Incense Burner and Cover, Qing Dynasty, 清 铜仿古兽面福狮钮冲天耳大型方炉
Realised: $8,302.50
An Imperial Parcel Gilt Copper Alloy Figure of Chakrasamvara and Vajravarahi, Qianlong Mark and Period (1736-1795), 清 乾隆 官造局部鎏金铜「乾隆敬装」刻款胜乐金刚像
Realised: $29,520
A Gilt Bronze Figure of Shakyamuni Buddha, Qianlong Period (1736-1795), 清 乾隆 鎏金铜释迦牟尼坐像 「释迦牟尼佛」刻款
Realised: $6,765
A Cast Bronze Stand for a Buddha Assembly, Xuande Mark, Mid Qing Dynasty Elements, 清中期 宣德款铜佛座
Realised: $2,767.50
A Sino-Tibetan Gilt Bronze Figure of Buddha, Qing Dynasty, 18th Century, 十八世纪 汉藏 铜鎏金佛
Realised: $6,150
A Sino-Tibetan Bronze Figure of Vaisravana, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 汉藏 武神像
Realised: $1,968
A Bronze Phurba Ritual Dagger, Tibet, 14th Century or Later, 十四世纪或更晚 西藏 铜普巴杵
Realised: $1,968
A Large Gilt Bronze Repoussé Mask of a Lama, 18th/19th Century, 十八/十九世纪 铜鎏金大型錘揲喇嘛覆面
Realised: $615
A Sino-Tibetan Gilt Bronze Figure of Mahakala, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 汉藏 铜鎏金大黑天
Realised: $1,353
A Set of Ten Ordos Repoussé Gold Sheet Plaques, Late Warring States Period, 3rd-2nd Century BC, 公元前三至二世纪 战国晚期 鄂尔多斯金佩饰一组十件
Realised: $3,997.50
A Finely Carved White and Brownish-Yellow Russet Jade Rhyton (Gong), Song/Yuan Dynasty (960-1368), 宋/元 白玉带棕黄沁螭龙耳觥杯
Realised: $27,060
A Pale Celadon Jade Archaistic Gui-Form Censer, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 青白玉雕簋式炉
Realised: $7,380
A Pink Tourmaline 'Squirrel and Pomegranate' Carving, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 粉红碧玺雕'石榴松鼠'把件
Realised: $2,214
A Pink Tourmaline 'Carp, Lotus and Bat' Carving, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 粉红碧玺雕'福寿莲绵'把件
Realised: $1,230
A Fine White Jade 'Boy and Lingzhi' Carving, Qing Dynasty, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 白玉雕'连生贵子'坠
Realised: $15,990
A Group of Three White and Spinach Jade Carvings, Qing Dynasty, 清 白玉雕佛手香囊及碧玉雕'福寿'佩一组三件
Realised: $2,337
A White Jade Reticulated 'Eight Immortals' Circular Plaque, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 白玉雕'暗八仙'纹圆佩
Realised: $1,845
A Group of Three Chinese Malachite Carvings of Guanyin and Ladies, 20th Century, 二十世纪 孔雀石雕仕女像一组三件
Realised: $1,107
Six Pieces of Gold-Mounted Jadeite Jewellery, 20th Century, 二十世纪 金镶翡翠耳环挂坠及戒指一组共六件
Realised: $1,353
A Set of Jadeite and Sterling Silver Cases, Early 20th Century, 民国 银掐丝填珐琅嵌翡翠盒一套三件
Realised: $1,230
A Jadeite-Inlaid Enameled Silver Square Box, Together With a Gold Mounted Qianlong Cash Coin With Jadeite Inlay, Early 20th Century, 民国 银填珐琅嵌翡翠镜盒及金镶乾隆通宝及翡翠挂坠一组两件
Realised: $369
Two Pottery Figures of a Female Courtier and a Male Warrior, Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 9), 西汉 男女陶俑一组两件
Realised: $861
A Large Painted Pottery Model of a Duck, Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), 汉 彩陶鸭
Realised: $553.50
A Large Sancai-Glazed Pottery Figure of a Standing Official, Tang Dynasty (618-907), 唐 三彩文官俑
Realised: $1,845
A Sancai-Glazed Pottery Model of a Canopy Bed, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 三彩陶拔步床
Realised: $461.25
A Rare Yue Celadon Carved 'Parrot and Peony' Circular Box and Cover, Five Dynasties Period (AD 907-960), 五代 罕见越窑青瓷'鹦鹉牡丹'纹圆盖盒
Realised: $9,840
A Longquan Celadon Vase and Cover, Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), 北宋 龙泉青釉刻花盘口盖瓶
Realised: $3,321
A Small Longquan Celadon Tripod Censer, Song-Yuan Dynasty (960-1368), 宋/元 龙泉青釉三足小炉
Realised: $399.75
A Pair of Small Longquan Celadon Vases, Yuan-Ming Dynasty (1279-1644), 元/明 龙泉青釉模印花卉纹双耳小瓶一对
Realised: $1,107
A Longquan Celadon 'Dragon' Charger, Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), 元 龙泉青釉刻花贴龙纹折沿大盘
Realised: $11,070
A Longquan Celadon Barbed-Rim Charger, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 龙泉青釉刻莲纹菱口盘
Realised: $1,968
A Group of Three Chinese Export Jars for the Southeast Asian Market, Yuan-Ming Dynasty (1279-1644), 元/明 外销青花及青瓷罐一组三件
Realised: $246
A Group of Six Chinese Export and Southeast Asian Celadon-Glazed Wares, 13th Century and Later, 十三世纪及更晚 东南亚及外销青瓷一组六件
Realised: $369
A Group of Ten Miniature Celadon and Green-Glazed Stoneware Vessels, Song-Ming Dynasty (960-1644), 宋/明 青釉及绿彩壶及小罐等一组十件
Realised: $615
A Group of Four Southeast Asian Celadon-Glazed Bowls and Dishes, 13th Century and Later, 十三世纪及更晚 东南亚青瓷碗一组四件
Realised: $369
Two Swatow Blue and White Chargers, Ming Dynasty, 16th/17th Century, 明 十六/十七世纪 漳州窑青花瓷盘一组两件
Realised: $246
A Group of Four Annamese Blue and White 'Hoi An Hoard' Dishes, Vietnam, 15th Century, 十五世纪 越南'安南号'海捞青花瓷盘一组四件
Realised: $738
A Group of Thirteen Export Blue and White Dishes, 16th Century and Later, 十六世纪及更晚 外销青花盘一组十三件
Realised: $399.75
A Set of Six White-Glazed Wine Cups, Together With Ten Blue and White Cups and Dishes, 16th Century and Later, 十六世纪及更晚 白釉及青花酒杯一组共十六件
Realised: $522.75
A Chinese Blue-Glazed Ewer for the Islamic Market, Jiajing Period (1522-1566), 明 嘉靖 祭蓝釉执壶
Realised: $3,382.50
A Blue and White 'Figural' Hexagonal Jar, Transitional Period, 17th Century, 十七世纪 过渡期 青花人物纹六棱罐
Realised: $3,382.50
A Large Wucai Porcelain 'Peony' Vessel and Cover, Transitional Period, 17th Century, 十七世纪 过渡期 五彩花卉纹大盖碗
Realised: $799.50
A Blue and White 'Hundred Antiques' Jar and Cover, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 青花'博古图'罐
Realised: $3,997.50
A Blue and White 'Hundred Antiques' Phoenix-Tail Vase, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 青花'博古图'凤尾尊
Realised: $4,920
A Blue and White 'Scholars and Boys' Baluster Jar, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 青花'婴戏图'大罐
Realised: $7,380
A Blue and White and Café-au-Lait Ground Water Sprinkler, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 青花描金酱釉葫芦瓶
Realised: $922.50
A Blue and White 'Floral' Barbed-Rim Dish, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 青花开窗花卉纹菱口盘
Realised: $615
A Large Blue and White 'Flower Jardinière' Charger, 17th/18th Century, 清 十八世纪 青花博古花卉纹大盘
Realised: $492
A Pair of Blue and White 'Landscape' Sleeve Vases, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 青花山水图筒瓶一对
Realised: $984
A Small Blue and White 'Figural' Bird Feeder, Guangxu Period, 19th Century, 清 光绪时期 青花人物纹鸟食罐
Realised: $184.50
A Group of Three 'Nanking Cargo' Gilt and Blue and White Cup and Plates, 18th Century, 清 乾隆时期 '南京号'外销描金青花杯及盘一套三件
Realised: $522.75
A Set of Twenty 'Batavian Bamboo' Pattern Teabowls and Saucers from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆时期 '南京号'青花茶盏及托一套共二十件
Realised: $4,305
Four Sets of Blue and White Cups and Saucers, Together With a Teapot, 17th-18th Century, 清中期 金瓯海捞杯碟及青花茶壶等一组共九件
Realised: $922.50
A Pair of Blue and White 'Lotus' Moonflasks, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 青花缠枝莲纹抱月瓶一对
Realised: $984
A Pair of Blue and White 'Landscape' Double-Gourd Vases, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 青花山水人物图葫芦瓶一对
Realised: $984
A Blue and White 'Cranes and Pine' Bottle Vase, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 青花'松鹤延年'图瓶
Realised: $246
A Large Blue and White 'Figural' Moonflask, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 人物故事纹双螭耳抱月瓶
Realised: $1,476
A Rare Yellow-Ground Doucai 'Dragon' Dish, Kangxi Mark and of the Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 罕见黄地斗彩云龙戏珠纹盘 双圈六字楷书款
Realised: $51,150
A Fine Pair of Blue and White ‘Pomegranate’ Bowls, Guangxu Mark and of the Period (1875-1908), 清 光绪 青花石榴花纹盌 一对 「大清光绪年制」六字底款
Realised: $11,685
A Famille Rose 'Fu Lu Shou' Bowl, Qianlong Mark and Period (1736-1795), 清 乾隆 粉彩'福禄寿'碗「大清乾隆年制」底款
Realised: $6,765
A Blue and White 'Shou-Character' Dish, Daoguang Mark, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 青花图寿纹盘「大清道光年制」篆书底款
Realised: $984
A Fine Doucai 'Floral' Bowl, Tongzhi Mark and Period (1862-1874), 清 同治 斗彩卷草纹碗「大清同治年制」双行底款
Realised: $1,845
A Pair of Famille Rose 'Floral' Lobed Cups, Yongzheng Mark, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 雍正款粉彩花卉纹杯一对
Realised: $1,968
An Enameled Celadon-Ground Bottle Vase, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 豆青地金彩皮球花云蝶纹瓶
Realised: $5,227.50
A Famille Verte 'Eight Immortals' Porcelain Panel, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 五彩'八仙'瓷板
Realised: $1,230
A Famille Rose 'Magpie and Peonies' Porcelain Plaque, Republic Period, Early 20th Century, 民国 粉彩'喜鹊牡丹'瓷板花梨框挂屏
Realised: $399.75
A Large Dehua Blanc de Chine Figure of Thousand-Arm Guanyin, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 德化白瓷千手观音
Realised: $9,840
A Dehua Blanc de Chine Figure of Guanyin and Attendant, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 德化白瓷观音童子像
Realised: $799.50
Two Dehua Blanc de Chine Libation Cups, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙时期 德化白瓷杯一对
Realised: $738
A Pale Crackle-Glazed 'Chilong' Wine Pot, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 米黄釉开片螭龙纹酒盅
Realised: $3,690
A Pair of Chinese Export Famille Rose 'Boy and Buffalo' Dishes, Qianlong Period, Circa 1735-1750, 清 约1735-1750年 乾隆外销粉彩'牧牛童'盘一对
Realised: $522.75
A Chinese Export Blue-Enameled Dish, Commissioned for Nasr Al-Saltanal, 19th Century, 十九世纪 外销伊斯兰订烧蓝彩瓷盘
Realised: $461.25
A Canton Famille Rose Bowl and Dish Set Made for Zill Al-Sultan (1850-1918), Circa 1879-1880, 约1879-1880 为波斯亲王马苏德·米尔扎·策尔·索尔坦(1850-1918)订烧广彩花鸟纹盘
Realised: $1,599
A Canton Famille Rose Dish Made for Nasr Al-Din Shah Qajar (1831-1986), Circa 1877-1878, 约1877-1878年 为伊朗卡扎尔王朝纳赛尔丁·沙·卡扎尔(1831-1896)亲王订烧广彩花鸟纹瓷盘
Realised: $738
A Canton Famille Rose Bowl and Dish for the Persian Market, Inscribed 'Commissioned for Bozorg Shiraz', 19th Century, 十九世纪 广彩为波斯订烧广彩碗及盘一组两件
Realised: $738
A Canton Famille Rose Bowl and Dish for the Persian Market, Inscribed 'Imam Houssin', 19th Century, 十九世纪 广彩为波斯订烧碗及盘一组两件
Realised: $492
A Set of Four Silver-Mounted Chinese Export Famille Rose Coffee Cups for the Islamic Market, 19th Century, 十九世纪 外销伊斯兰市场银嵌粉彩咖啡杯一组四件
Realised: $430.50
A Famille Verte 'Pheasants and Peonies' Bowl, Together With a Famille Verte Biscuit 'Shou Character' Teapot, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 五彩'锦鸡牡丹'纹碗及'寿'型壶一组两件
Realised: $258.30
A Group of Four Famille Rose Wares and a Qianlong Export Imari Teapot, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 同治粉彩及乾隆外销瓷器一组共五件
Realised: $553.50
A Pair of Famille Verte Buddhistic Lion-Form Joss Stick Holders, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 五彩福狮一对
Realised: $282.90
An Enameled 'Landscape' Baluster Vase, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 珐琅彩山水人物图赏瓶
Realised: $615
A Famille Rose 'Millefleur' Vase, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 粉彩'百花不落地'长颈瓶
Realised: $1,107
A Pair of Green-Glazed Lion Dogs, Together With a Celadon-Ground Blue and White 'Hundred Antiques' Ginger Jar and Cover, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 绿釉福狮及豆青地青花博古罐一组三件
Realised: $522.75
A Pair of Chinese Green-Enameled Vessels and Covers for the Southeast Asian Market, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 外销彩瓷盖罐一对
Realised: $369
A Famille Rose 'Figural' Charger, Together With a Reverse-Decorated Coral-Ground Dish, Tongzhi Period (1862-1874), 清 同治时期 粉彩人物纹盘及珊瑚红地盘一组两件
Realised: $399.75
A Moulded Famille Rose 'Nanking Ware' Umbrella Stand, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 模印粉彩莲塘鸳鸯图伞筒
Realised: $799.50
A Famille Rose 'Eight Immortals' Bottle Vase, Qianlong Mark, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 粉彩'八仙'图赏瓶 乾隆底款
Realised: $1,168.50
A Famille Rose 'Nyonya' Jar and Cover, Together With a Blue and White 'Lotus' Jar and Cover, 19th Century, 十九世纪 '娘惹'粉彩及青花盖罐一组两件
Realised: $258.30
A Small Doucai 'Dragon' Jardinière, Wanli Mark, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 万历款斗彩龙纹罐
Realised: $738
An Enameled 'Immortals Celebrating Longevity' Vase, Mid 20th Century, 民国晚期 '群仙祝寿'图彩瓷瓶
Realised: $1,968
A Pair of Doucai 'Eight Immortals' Bowls, Wanli Mark, 20th Century, 二十世纪 斗彩八仙图碗一对
Realised: $984
A Pair of Famille Rose 'Baragon Tumed' Dishes, 20th Century, 二十世纪 粉彩'七珍八宝'纹盘一对
Realised: $123
An Iron Red-Decorated Blue and White 'Five Bats' Bowl, Guangxu Mark, 光绪款 青花矾红'五福'碗
Realised: $492
A Pair of Porcelain Panel Table Screens Depicting Guandi and the King of Hell (Yan-lo Wang), Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 关公阎罗王彩瓷板一组两件
Realised: $1,599
After Wang Yeting (1884-1942), An Enameled 'Landscape' Porcelain Panel, 汪野亭款 浅降彩江帆图瓷板
Realised: $258.30
A Well-Carved Seven-Tiered Puzzle Ball Tower, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 牙雕鬼功球七层塔
Realised: $1,599
A Polychrome Ivory 'Ladies and Children' Table Screen, Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪中期 加彩牙雕婴戏图桌屏
Realised: $738
A Pair of Polychrome Ivory 'Figural' Wrist Rests, Early 20th Century, 二十世纪 牙雕加彩人物臂搁一对
Realised: $553.50
A Group of Four Ivory Figures of Immortals, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 牙雕仙人像一组四件
Realised: $246
A Large Ivory Figure of a Reclining Lady, 'Medicine/Doctor's Doll', Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 大型牙雕医用女模型像
Realised: $861
An Ivory Figure of a Lady, Together With Two Chinese Bone Figures of Immortals, 19th-20th Century, 晚清/民国 人物牙雕摆件一组三件
Realised: $196.80
A Polychrome Wood Figure of Guanyin Seated on a Lion, Qing Dynasty or Later, 清或更晚 木加彩文殊骑狮像
Realised: $799.50
A Large Silver-Inlaid Hardwood Figure of Shoulao, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国 硬木嵌银丝寿老雕件
Realised: $738
A Pair of Chinese Export Silver Candlesticks, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国 银浮雕龙纹烛台一对
Realised: $258.30
Two Chinese Export 'Porcelain Vessel' Paintings on Silk, Qing Dynasty, 清 瓷器画样图一组两张 设色纸本 镜心
Realised: $184.50
A Large Reticulated Gilt Wood Scroll-Form Sign Plaque, Republican Period, Dated 1922, 民国 金木雕牌匾 作于1922年
Realised: $615
A Large Gilt-Painted Black Lacquer 'Tengwang Ge Xu' Figural Panel, Dated 1865, 作于1865年 黑漆描金'滕王阁序'人物故事大挂屏
Realised: $2,091
Four Gilt Polychrome Openwork 'Floral' and 'Shou-Character' Wood Panels, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 金木镂雕花卉福寿挂屏一组四件
Realised: $799.50
A Group of Forty-Six Chinese and Asian Art Catalogues and Books, 亚洲艺术参考书及图录一组共四十六本
Realised: $184.50
A Celadon and Russet Jade 'Fish and Lotus' Carving, 17th Century, 十七世纪 青玉带皮雕'富贵和合'摆件
Realised: $3,690
A Group of Three Stucco Lion Heads, Gandhara, 3rd-4th Century, 三/四世纪 犍陀罗 泥塑首一组三件
Realised: $369
A Group of Five Small Schist Heads, Gandhara, 3rd-4th Century, 三/四世纪 犍陀罗 片岩首一组五件
Realised: $369
A Pala-Style Stone Stele of a Tara, Northeastern India, Possibly 9th-11th Century, 或九世纪 北印度 怕拉风格岩雕度母碑
Realised: $3,382.50
A Pala-Style Stone Stele of Shadakshari Lokeshvara, Northeastern India, Possibly 9th-11th Century, 或十一世纪 北印度 怕拉风格岩雕四臂观音碑
Realised: $3,075
A Bronze Nandi-Form Lamp Stand, Probably Himachal Pradesh, 15th Century or Later
Realised: $307.50
A Tibetan Bone Ornament Depicting a Buddha, Together With a Pair of Mahakala Faces, 15th Century or Later
Realised: $369
Two Thangkas of Bhaisajyaguru (Medicine Buddha) and Shakyamuni, Tibet, 19th-20th Century
Realised: $522.75
A Group of Fifteen Indian Miniature Paintings on Ivory, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 印度牙雕加彩细密画一组十五件
Realised: $1,476
An Indian Silver-Inlaid Short Sword-Form Sheath With a Concealed Dagger, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 印度嵌银机关短剑
Realised: $738
A Bronze Head of Buddha, Thailand, 19th Century or Earlier, 十九世纪或更早 泰国 铜佛首
Realised: $338.25
A Gilt Bronze Figure of a Monk, Rattanakosin Period, Thailand, 19th Century, 十九世纪 泰国 拉达那哥欣王朝 金铜僧人像
Realised: $492
A Large Painted Terracotta Head of a Monk, Vietnam, 18th Century, 越南 十八世纪 彩陶罗汉首
Realised: $338.25
A Japanese Bronze Censer of Kinko Sennin Riding a Carp, Edo Period (1868-1912), 日本 江户时期 铜琴高乘鲤香炉
Realised: $338.25
A Gold and Black Lacquer Ryoshibako/Bunko (Document Box), Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $615
Two Gold and Black Lacquer Trays, Together With a Pair of Storage Boxes, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $184.50
A Gilt Wood Shrine of Jizo Bosatsu (Ksitigarbha), Edo Period, 19th Century, 日本 江户时期 金木地藏菩萨佛龛
Realised: $676.50
Two Japanese Fireman Helmets, Together With a Pair of Kote Gauntlets and Six Kusazuri Armour Plates, Edo Period (1615-1868)
Realised: $369
A Bamboo Basketweave and Rootwood 'Double-Gourd' Form Ikebana Basket, Kyoto, Circa 1820
Realised: $584.25
A Very Fine Netsuke of a Reclining Ox and Its Young, By Okatomo, Kyoto, 18th Century
Realised: $8,610
An Ivory Netsuke of Two Quails Feeding a Fledgling, Signed Okatomo, 19th Century
Realised: $1,168.50
An Ivory Netsuke of a Mother and Child, Together With Three Netsuke of Children, Edo-Meiji Period
Realised: $1,845
An Ivory Okimono Group of an Old Man and Child Harvesting Bamboo Shoots, Signed Shozan, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $584.25
An Ivory Okimono of a Geisha Holding an Umbrella, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $522.75
A Satsuma 'Figural Garden' Dish, Kinkozan Mark, Meiji Period (1868-1912), 日本 明治时期 锦光山萨摩烧仕女庭院图盘
Realised: $1,168.50
A Group of Three Large Arita Blue and White Porcelain Chargers, Edo-Meiji Period (1615-1912), 江户/明治时期 日本青花有田烧大盘一组三件
Realised: $369
A Pair of Large Arita Porcelain Lobed Chargers, Together With an Imari Charger and a 'Samurai' Charger, Edo-Meiji Period (1615-1912), 江户/明知时期 日本有田烧彩瓷大盘一组共四件
Realised: $369
A Boxed Set of Ninety-Eight Stereo Cards of Images of Meiji Period Japan, Circa 1906
Realised: $369
Prices realised for the lots above include Buyer's Premium. Lot numbers which are omitted represent items which were withdrawn, passed or unsold as of the publication of this list. Not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.
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