A Fine Wood Netsuke of Fukurokuju and Crane, Signed Tokoku, Late 19th Century
Realised: $5,100
After Shuzan, A Painted Wood Netsuke of a Dragon, together with a Drunk Dancing Okame, 18th Century or Later
Realised: $480
A Group of Four Boxwood and Ebony Netsuke of Vegetables, Cherry Blossoms, and a Leaf, Three Signed, 19th/20th Century
Realised: $660
A Shakudo Metal Netsuke of a Barrel with Silver Fitting and Interior Compass, Meiji Period
Realised: $900
A Group of Sixteen Japanese Ivory and Bone Netsuke and Okimono, 19th/Early 20th Century
Realised: $1,560
A Group of Three Wood Carved One-Case Inro, One Signed, Meiji Period or Later
Realised: $1,200
A Group of Three Japanese Ivory 'Monkey' and Lacquer Whist Counters, Meiji Period
Realised: $540
A Finely Carved Japanese 'Cats and Mice' Card Case, together with a Chinese Export Carved Dance Card, 19th Century
Realised: $330
A Mottled Celadon and Russet Stone 'Boy and Deer' Group, Qing Dynasty, 清 石雕抚鹿童子
Realised: $1,560
A Pale Celadon Carving of a Mythical Beast with Lingzhi, Qing Dynasty, 清 青白玉雕螭龙衔灵芝摆件
Realised: $1,320
A Pale Celadon-White Jade Carving of a Boy with Lingzhi and Double Gourd, Qing Dynasty, 清 青白玉雕如意童子
Realised: $1,440
A Mottled White Jade 'Ruyi and Persimmon' Carving, Qing Dynasty, 清 白玉雕'万事如意'把件
Realised: $3,900
An Agate Carving of a Peach, together with Jadeite 'Mythical Beast' Seal, Qing Dynasty, 清 琥珀雕寿桃 翡翠瑞兽钮章一组两件
Realised: $1,140
A Group of Three Pale Celadon Jade Archer Rings, together with Two Pale Celadon Jade Bangles, 青白玉扳指玉镯一组五件
Realised: $1,200
A Set of Six 'Batavian' Floral Bowls from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750 年 '南京号' 海捞瓷青花酱釉'巴达维亚'花卉纹碗一组六件
Realised: $1,020
A Set of Six 'Batavian' Landscape Bowls from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷青花酱釉'巴达维亚'通景纹碗一组六件
Realised: $1,320
A Set of Twelve 'Flying Geese' Pattern Bowls and Saucer Dishes from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷‘飞雁风景’纹碗及盏托一套十二件
Realised: $1,140
A Set of Five 'Scholar on Bridge' Pattern Large Bowls from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750 年 ‘南京号’ 海捞瓷'高仕山水'纹碗一套五件
Realised: $1,080
A Set of Five 'Scholar on Bridge' Pattern Large Bowls from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞'高仕山水'大碗一组五件
Realised: $1,080
A Set of Six 'Scholar on Bridge' Pattern Small Bowls from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞高仕图瓷碗一组六件
Realised: $660
A Set of Six 'Scholar on Bridge' Pattern Small Bowls from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞高仕图瓷碗一组六件
Realised: $540
A Pair of 'Three Pavillions' Pattern Lobed Dishes from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 通景纹瓷盘一对
Realised: $960
A Large Bowl-Shaped Jug from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷碗式曲柄带流杯
Realised: $264
A Large Bowl-Shaped Jug from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷碗式曲柄带流杯
Realised: $204
A Small Bowl-Shaped Jug from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷碗式曲柄带流杯
Realised: $720
A Small Bowl-Shaped Jug from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷碗式曲柄带流杯
Realised: $540
A Set of Six 'Leaping Boy' Pattern Saucer Dishes from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞青花庭院童子纹盘一组六件
Realised: $780
A Set of Six 'Leaping Boy' Pattern Saucer Dishes from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞青花庭院童子纹盘一组六件
Realised: $1,020
A Set of Six 'Leaping Boy' Pattern Saucer Dishes from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞青花庭院童子纹盘一组六件
Realised: $840
A Set of Twenty-Four 'Batavian Bamboo and Peony' Pattern Teabowls and Saucers from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷碗式青花酱釉‘巴达维亚'青花石竹纹茶杯盏托一组二十四件
Realised: $1,680
A Set of Twenty-Four 'Batavian Bamboo and Peony' Pattern Teabowls and Saucers from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷碗式青花酱釉‘巴达维亚'青花石竹纹茶杯盏托一组二十四件
Realised: $1,560
A Set of Twenty-Four 'Batavian Bamboo and Peony' Pattern Teabowls and Saucers from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷碗式青花酱釉‘巴达维亚'青花石竹纹茶杯盏托一组二十四件
Realised: $1,920
A Set of Twenty-Four 'Batavian Pavilion' Pattern Teabowls and Saucers from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750 年 '南京号' 海捞瓷碗式青花酱釉‘巴达维亚'青花庭院山水茶杯盏托一组二十四件
Realised: $1,200
A Set of Twenty-Four 'Batavian Pavilion' Pattern Teabowls and Saucers from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750 年 '南京号' 海捞瓷碗式青花酱釉‘巴达维亚'青花庭院山水茶杯盏托一组二十四件
Realised: $1,560
A Set of Twenty-Four 'Batavian Pavilion' Pattern Teabowls and Saucers from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750 年 '南京号' 海捞瓷碗式青花酱釉‘巴达维亚'青花庭院山水茶杯盏托一组二十四件
Realised: $1,800
A Set of Six 'Three Pavilions' Pattern Lobed Soup Plates from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750 年 '南京号' 海捞瓷碗式青花酱釉‘巴达维亚'青花庭院山水纹花口盘一组六件
Realised: $900
A Well-Painted Famille Rose Plate with Peonies, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 清 乾隆 十八世纪 粉彩花卉纹盘
Realised: $600
A Well-Painted Famille Rose Plate with Flowers, Yongzheng Period, 18th Century, 清 雍正 十八世纪 粉彩花卉纹盘
Realised: $510
A Rare Octagonal Blue and White Pink-Enameled 'Flower Garden' Plate, Yongzheng/Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 清 雍正/乾隆 十八世纪 青花加彩庭院花卉纹八棱盘
Realised: $180
An Extremely Rare Pair of Octagonal Blue and White Pink-Enameled and Gilt 'Landscape' Plates, Yongzheng/Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 清 雍正/乾隆 十八世纪 青花加彩描金庭院花卉纹八棱盘一对
Realised: $660
Two Rare Chinese Export Gilt Imari Lidded Teapots, Yongzheng Period, 清 雍正 中国外销伊万里庭院山水纹茶壶两只
Realised: $720
A Rare Pair of Chinese Imari 'Liu Hai and Toad' Plates, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 中国外销伊万里'刘海戏金蟾'纹盘一对
Realised: $204
A Pair of Chinese Imari 'Bamboo and Flowers' Plates, Kangxi Period, 清 康熙 中国伊万里庭院花竹图盘一对
Realised: $570
A Pair of Chinese Imari 'Bamboo and Flowers' Plates, Kangxi Period, 清 康熙 中国伊万里庭院花竹图盘一对
Realised: $360
A Pair of Blue and White Sleeve Vases, Late Qing Dynasty, 清晚期 十九世纪 中国青花高士童子筒瓶一对瓶一对
Realised: $420
A Set of Four Blue and White Dishes with Floral Panels, 18th Century, 清 康熙早期 青花花卉纹盘一组四只
Realised: $1,080
A Pair of Well-Painted Blue and White 'Landscape' Plates, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 青花山水纹盘一对
Realised: $390
A Set of Six Blue and White 'Bamboo and Flowers' Plates, 清 康熙/雍正 青花石竹花卉纹盘一组六件
Realised: $510
A Set of Four Well-Decorated Blue and White Lobed Plates with Flying Geese for the European Market, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 欧洲出口青博古图花口盘一组四只
Realised: $840
A Large Blue and White 'Pine Tree' Barbed-Rim Plate, 18th Century, 清 雍正 十八世纪 青花松石庭院纹花口盘
Realised: $240
A Pair of Blue and White Rectangular Platters, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 青花花卉纹方底盘一对
Realised: $540
A Massive Blue and White 'Qilin' Charger, Xuande Mark, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 青花麒麟纹大盘 宣德款
Realised: $1,020
A Massive Blue and White 'Fish' Charger, Xuande Mark, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 青花鱼藻纹大盘 宣德款
Realised: $1,140
A Large Export Blue and White Lobed Charger, Kangxi Period, Qing Dynasty, 清 康熙早期 青花花卉纹花口大盘
Realised: $300
A Large Blue and White Lobed Plate, Kangxi Mark and Period, Qing Dynasty, 清 康熙 「康熙年制」四字款 青花花卉纹花口大盘
Realised: $1,320
A Group of Six Export Blue and White Wares, Kangxi Period, Qing Dynasty, 清 康熙 外销青花瓷器一组六件
Realised: $780
A Group of Five 'Nanking Cargo' Wares, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞青花瓷器一组五件
Realised: $540
A Group of Four Chinese Export Blue and White Plates, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 清 乾隆 中国外销青花盘一组四件
Realised: $390
A Chinese Export 'European Subject' Cup and Saucer, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 清 乾隆 中国外销西洋人物纹茶杯盏托一组两件
Realised: $288
A Bronze-Mounted Chinese Export Famille Rose Teapot, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 清 乾隆 中国外销镶铜口粉彩茶壶
Realised: $240
A Chinese Export Octagonal Blue and White Overglaze-Red 'Rose' Plate, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 清 乾隆 外销青花加彩'博古图'八棱盘
Realised: $120
A Rare Canton Enameled 'Nunquam non Paratus' Armorial Dish with 'Wu Shuang Pu' Figures, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 广彩'无双谱'纹章盘
Realised: $1,080
A Group of Seven Chinese Export Ceramic Wares, Late Ming/Early Qing Dynasty, 明末清初 外销瓷器一组七件
Realised: $570
A Group of Seven Blue and White Porcelain Wares, Late Qing Dynasty, 清晚期 青花瓷器一组七件
Realised: $660
A Chinese Export Imari 'Magu Xian Shou' Dish, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 中国伊万里’麻姑献寿‘纹盘
Realised: $660
A Canton Enamel Export 'Ma Gu Xian Shou' Box and Cover, 19th Century, Qianlong Mark, 清 十九世纪 广彩外销'麻姑献寿'彩瓷盖盒 「乾隆年制」底款
Realised: $168
A Famille Verte Lobed-Form 'Birds and Flowers' Dish, Kangxi Period, 清 康熙 五彩花鸟纹花口小碟
Realised: $330
A Pair of Large Canton Famille Rose Punch Bowls, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 广彩‘潘趣’大碗一对
Realised: $1,200
A Chinese Wucai 'Birds and Flowers' Vase, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 中国五彩花鸟纹瓶
Realised: $2,040
A Large Famille Rose 'Nine Peaches' Jar and Cover, Daoguang Mark and Possibly of the Period, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 道光底款 五彩花鸟纹瓶
Realised: $900
A Pair of Blue and White 'Phoenix' Chargers, Qianlong Mark, 19th Century, 清晚期 青花凤纹盘一对 乾隆款
Realised: $1,560
A Group of Seven Blue and White Porcelain Wares, 17th/18th Century, 清 十七/十八世纪 青花瓷器一组七件
Realised: $1,200
A Group of Four Turquoise Glazed Chinese Export Ducks, Late Qing Dynasty, 清 十九世纪或更晚 孔雀蓝釉瓷塑鸭四件
Realised: $156
A Pair of Turquoise Glazed Porcelain Roosters, 19th Century or Later, 十九世纪或更晚 孔雀蓝釉瓷塑公鸡一对
Realised: $288
A Large Well-Painted Imari-Style Famille Rose Fish Bowl, Xianfeng Mark, Late Qing Dynasty , 清晚期 伊万里风格粉彩大缸 咸丰款
Realised: $510
A Set of 'Four Seasons' Flower Paintings, Signed Song Xiaohen, 「春夏秋冬」四条屏 设色纸本 立轴
Realised: $120
A Group of Three 'Birds and Flowers' Paintings, Signed Zhang Yiyi, 花鸟图三张 设色纸本 立轴
Realised: $60
After Yao Hua (1876-1930), Landscape, together with a Painting of Dandelions, Late Qing Dynasty, Dated 1878, 姚华 (1876-1930)款 「秋林红树图」 晚清「秋菊图」设色纸本 立轴 一组两张
Realised: $6,600
After Lang Shining (Giuseppe Castiglione, 1688-1768), Portrait of a Boy, 郎世宁 (1688 - 1768)款 童子 设色纸本 立轴
Realised: $1,680
Zhang Shuqi (1901-1957), Bird, Butterfly, and Peony, 张书旂 (1900-1957) 杞菊延年 设色纸本 镜框
Realised: $8,400
A Set of Three Chinese Embroidered 'Hundred Antiques' Red Silk Panels, Late Qing Dynasty, 清晚期 '博古图'刺绣
Realised: $5,700
A Set of Four Chinese Embroidered 'Hundred Antiques' Red Silk Panels, Late Qing Dynasty, 清晚期 红地'博古图'刺绣一组四件
Realised: $3,900
A Large Chinese Embroidered 'Shoulao' Red Silk Panel, Late Qing Dynasty, 清晚期 红地'寿老图'刺绣
Realised: $6,600
A Large Chinese Embroidered 'Magu and Deer' Red Silk Panel, Late Qing Dynasty, 清晚期 红地'麻姑献寿'刺绣
Realised: $540
A Large Chinese Embroidered 'Lady and Phoenix' Red Silk Panel, Late Qing Dynasty, 清晚期 红地'孔雀仕女'图刺绣
Realised: $420
A Chinese Embroidered 'Fu Lu Shou' Red Silk Panel, Late Qing Dynasty, 清晚期 红地'福禄寿'刺绣
Realised: $1,020
A Chinese Embroidered 'Fu Lu Shou' Red Silk Panel, Late Qing Dynasty, 清晚期 红地'福禄寿'刺绣 立轴
Realised: $300
A Framed Chinese Silk Embroidered Rank Badge, 19th Century or Later, 十九或二十世纪 中国刺绣方补 带框
Realised: $192
Two Framed Gold Thread Silk Embroidered Panels, 19th/20th Century, 十九或二十世纪 刺绣文官二品锦鸡方补
Realised: $192
A Large Yellow Ground Cloisonné 'Nine Peaches' Vase, 20th Century, 清晚期 黄地掐丝珐琅九桃纹天球瓶 元善堂底款
Realised: $2,040
A Chinese Export Silver 'Dragon' Footed Bowl, Circa 1926, 晚清/民国 约1926年 中国外销银龙碗
Realised: $1,680
Two Chinese Export Silvered Vases, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国 中国外镀银瓶两只
Realised: $660
A Finely Carved Ivory Chinese Export Fan painted with a Palace Scene, 19th Century, 十九世纪 中国外销象牙透雕彩绘庭院人物纹折扇
Realised: $840
A Chinese Ivory Carved Reclining Lady, 'Doctor's Doll', 19th Century, 十九世纪 牙雕裸女摆件
Realised: $1,920
An Ivory Figure of a Lady Holding a Peony Flower, Republican Period, 清末/民国 牙雕牡丹仕女像
Realised: $1,140
A Set of Three Chinese Export Wallpaper Panels, Early 20th Century, 十九世纪晚期/二十世纪早期 中国外销花鸟壁纸画一组三张
Realised: $1,800
A Gilt and Polychrome Wood Carved Chinese Canopy Bed Roof Panel, 19th/Early 20th Century, 清 19/20世纪 潮州金漆木瑞兽博古镂雕床板
Realised: $900
A Pair of Framed Gilt Wood Temple Carvings, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 潮州金漆木雕人物故事挂件一对
Realised: $216
A Large Gold-Painted Black Lacquer 'Dragon' Chest, 19th Century, 十九世纪 黑漆描金双龙戏珠纹箱
Realised: $480
Prices realised for the lots above include Buyer's Premium. Lot numbers which are omitted represent items which were withdrawn, passed or unsold as of the publication of this list. Not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.
100 Broadview Avenue, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M4M 3H3
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 am - 5 pm
Phone: 416-504-9100
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