An Indian Miniature Painting of Acrobats, 18th Century, 十八世紀印度 織細畫描繪雜技場景
Realised: $330
A Miniature Painting of Shiva and Parvati, North India, Circa 1800, 約1800年北印度 織細畫描繪湿婆与妻子雪山神女帕爾瓦蒂
Realised: $600
A Miniature Painting of Sadhu Holy Men, North India, Circa 1800, 約1800年北印度 織細畫描繪印度苦行僧
Realised: $600
A Miniature Painting of a Princess, Mughal School, 19th Century, 十九世紀 莫臥兒畫派織細畫公主像
Realised: $600
A Miniature Painting of a Prince on a Horse, Rajasthan School, 19th Century, 十九世紀印度 拉贾斯坦畫派織細畫王子騎馬像
Realised: $360
A Liao-Style Stone Carved Head of Guanyin, 遼代風格 石雕觀音菩薩頭像
Realised: $3,600
A Seated Wood Carved Buddha, Ava Period, Burma, 16th/17th century, 十六/十七世紀緬甸阿瓦王朝 木雕佛坐像
Realised: $1,440
A Seated Wood Carved Buddha, Early Shan Period, Burma, 17th Century, 十七世紀緬甸東吁王朝 木雕佛坐像
Realised: $720
A Standing Black Lacquer Wood Buddha, Mandalay Period, Burma, 19th Century, 十九世紀緬甸曼德勒 木雕黑漆立佛
Realised: $840
Zhou Yifeng 周一峰 (1890-1982), A Group of Three Paintings, 周一峰(1890-1982) 花鳥蟲草 設色紙本 鏡框三幅
Realised: $2,700
Zhou Yifeng 周一峰 (1890-1982), Roaring Tiger, 周一峰 (1890-1982) 虎嘯 設色紙本 立軸/鏡框
Realised: $1,800
Wu Yisheng 伍彛生 (1929-2009), Peach Basket, 伍彛生 (1929-2009) 壽桃 1990年作 設色紙本 鏡心
Realised: $960
Gao Banseng 高半僧, Fan Painting of Eagle and Egrets, 高半僧 白鷺與鷹扇面 設色紙本 鏡心
Realised: $780
Qiu Tian 丘沺 (1900-1954), Bamboo, 丘沺 (1900-1954) 墨竹 水磨紙本 立軸/鏡框
Realised: $480
Zhang Daqian 張大千 (1899-1983), Dunhuang Mogao Caves Figure, 張大千 (1899-1983) 敦煌供養人 1946年作 木版水印 立軸/鏡框
Realised: $1,920
A White and Russet Jadeite Carved Belthook, Qing Dynasty, 清 翡翠蒼龍教子帶鉤
Realised: $3,960
A White Jade Belthook, Ming Dynasty, 明 白玉雕螭龍紋帶鉤
Realised: $3,000
A White Jade Chilong Belthook, 白玉雕螭龍紋帶鉤
Realised: $3,900
A White Jade Phoenix Belthook, 白玉雕雙鳳首帶鉤
Realised: $4,200
A White Jade Scabbard Slide, Ming Dynasty or Earlier, 明或更早期 白玉饕餮紋劍璏
Realised: $3,600
A White Jade Carved ‘Cats and Lingzhi’ Group, 白玉巧雕雙獾啣靈芝暖手
Realised: $2,040
A Celadon Jade Carving of Two Cats, 青白玉雙獾啣靈芝珮
Realised: $600
A Celadon White Jade ‘Shishi’ Carving, 青白玉瑞獸擺件
Realised: $660
A White Jade Plaque, Qing Dynasty, 白玉鏤雕鎖形珮
Realised: $4,800
A White Jade Chilong Carving, 白玉臥螭龍暖手
Realised: $2,040
A Chinese White and Russet Jade Ruyi Carving, 白玉留皮如意擺件
Realised: $3,600
A Celadon White Jade Rabbit, 青白玉兔擺件
Realised: $540
A Chinese White Jade Badgers Pendant, 巧雕中式白玉雙獾墜
Realised: $960
A Group of Five Jade Carvings, 玉飾一組五件 青玉帶皮蟬形珮 玉鐲 翡翠玉墜 觀音童子玉墜 年年有餘鏤雕珮
Realised: $780
A Group of Six White Jade Carvings , 玉飾一組六件 螭龍環形珮 巧雕菱角珮 臥犬墜 蝶形珮 玉螳螂及玉蟬墜
Realised: $1,320
Three White Jade Plaques, 白玉景緻圖詩文牌三件
Realised: $1,320
A Group of Five Celadon Jade Carvings, 青白玉雕一組五件 人物擺件 翡翠螭龍璧 瑞獸墜 鏤空雕蓮花珮 祥鼠雕
Realised: $720
A Group of Three Jades, 玉雕一組三件 圓雕佛手擺件 巧雕扇形墜 鏤雕梅花珮
Realised: $1,200
A Famille Rose Vase, 19th Century or Earlier, 十九世紀或更早 粉彩纏枝花鳥瑞獸紋賞瓶
Realised: $600
A Famille Verte Porcelain Panel, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century
, 清 五彩三國演義人物故事掛屏
Realised: $1,680
A Famille Verte ‘Flaring’ Vase, 19th Century, 十九世紀 五彩人物故事圖花觚
Realised: $1,800
A Famille Rose ‘Hundred Antiques’ Pink Enamel Dish, Yongzheng Period, 清雍正 粉彩博古大盤
Realised: $1,800
A Famille Rose Bowl, Tongzhi Mark and Period, 清同治 粉彩人物車馬松綠釉碗
Realised: $1,080
A Celadon Crackled Glaze Vase, Qing Dynasty, 清 仿哥窯青釉弦紋盤口瓶
Realised: $1,200
A Celadon Green Glazed ‘Cong’ Vase, 19th Century, 十九世紀 青釉琮式瓶
Realised: $480
A Celadon and Cobalt Blue ‘Fu-Shou’ Dish, Qianlong Mark and Period, 清乾隆 冬青釉五蝠壽字紋大盤
Realised: $720
Two Red Glazed Jars, 18th/19th Century, 十八/十九世紀 紅釉罐帶蓋二件
Realised: $960
A Group of Four Blue and White Daffodil Basins, 19th Century, 十九世紀 一組四件青花纏枝蓮紋水仙盆
Realised: $960
A Pair of Blue and White Ginger Jars, 19th Century, 十九世紀 青花纏枝雙喜罐一對
Realised: $600
Two Famille Rose Square-Section ‘Wu Shuang Pu’ Vases, Possibly Daoguang Period, 19th Century, 清道光或更晚 無雙譜人物四方大瓶二件
Realised: $4,200
A Famille Rose ‘Immortals’ Vase, 19th Century, 十九世紀 五彩人物大瓶
Realised: $960
A Chinese Famille Rose Hexagonal Jardiniere, 19th Century, 十九世紀 粉彩六稜花卉瑞犬花盆
Realised: $1,920
A Pair of Famille Rose Planters, Hongxian Mark, 洪憲款 五彩花卉蝙蝠花盆連盆托一對
Realised: $2,040
A Blue Ground Silk Embroidered Dragon Robe, 19th Century, 十九世紀 藍地紗繡八吉祥龍紋吉服
Realised: $5,400
A Silk Embroidered Eagle Panel, 19th Century, 十九世紀 鷹紋刺繡掛屏
Realised: $600
A Thangka of Green Tara, Tibet, 18th Century or Earlier, 西藏十八世紀或更早 綠度母唐卡
Realised: $1,920
A Thangka of a Jambhala, Sino-Tibetan, 18th Century or Earlier, 汉藏十八世纪或更早 財神藏巴拉唐卡
Realised: $2,400
A Thangka of a Warrior Deity, Sino-Tibetan, 19th Century, 漢藏十九世紀 戰神唐卡
Realised: $3,900
A Thangka of Shakyamuni, Sino-Tibetan, 17th Century, 漢藏十七世紀 釋迦牟尼唐卡
Realised: $2,700
A Thangka of Shakyamuni, Tibet, 18th Century, 西藏十八世紀 釋迦牟尼唐卡
Realised: $2,280
A Thangka of White Tara, Tibet, 18th Century, 西藏十八世紀 白度母唐卡
Realised: $5,100
A Bronze Figure of Amitabha Buddha, Tibet, 19th Century or Earlier, 西藏十九世紀或更早 銅阿彌陀彿坐像
Realised: $1,440
A Bronze Seated Buddha, Tibet, 19th Century or Earlier, 西藏十九世紀 銅佛坐像
Realised: $2,160
A Gilt Bronze Figure of Vajrapani, Tibet, 16th Century, 西藏十六世紀 銅鎏金金剛手菩薩像
Realised: $3,900
A Tibetan Gilt Bronze Stupa, 西藏 銅鎏金佛塔
Realised: $33,600
A Ming-Style Blue and White ‘Lotus’ Bottle Vase, Qianlong Mark, 乾隆款 青花纏枝蓮紋賞瓶
Realised: $6,000
A Famille Rose Imitation Cinnabar Lacquer Box, Qianlong Mark, 乾隆款 仿朱漆粉彩蓋盒
Realised: $3,000
Attributed to Wang Qi 王琦 (1884-1937), A Famille Rose Porcelain Plaque of an Immortal and Boy, 王琦款 粉彩人物故事瓷板
Realised: $960
Attributed to Wang Qi 王琦 (1884-1937), A Famille Rose Porcelain Plaque of Li Tieguai and a Lady, 王琦款 粉彩李鐵拐與仕女瓷板
Realised: $960
An Amber Mala Prayer Bead Necklace, Sino-Tibetan, 19th Century or Earlier, 漢藏十九世紀或更晚 琥珀念珠
Realised: $3,900
A Fragmentary Peking Glass Court Necklace, 19th Century, 十九世紀 料器彩繪朝珠
Realised: $480
An Ivory Scrimshaw Snuff Bottle, Republic Period, 民國 象牙人物故事鼻煙壺
Realised: $780
A Famille Verte Porcelain Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, 十九世紀 五彩開光仙人故事鼻煙壺
Realised: $360
A Tiger’s Eye Agate Carved Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, 十九世紀 虎眼石巧雕花鳥紋鼻煙壺
Realised: $480
A Black Ground Cloisonné Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, 十九世紀 銅胎黑地開光掐絲琺瑯花鳥紋鼻煙壺
Realised: $480
Two Blue and White Iron Red Snuff Bottles, 19th Century, 十九世紀 青花礬紅人物故事鼻煙壺一組兩件
Realised: $1,320
Two Hardstone Carved Snuff Bottles, 硬石雕鼻煙壺一組兩件
Realised: $360
Two Interior Painted Glass Snuff Bottles, 19th/20th Century, 清供圖人物花鳥內繪鼻煙壺一組兩件
Realised: $168
Two Porcelain Snuff Bottles, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世紀 陶瓷動人物鼻煙壺一組兩件
Realised: $600
A Hair Crystal Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, 十九世紀 髮晶鼻煙壺
Realised: $510
A Rock Crystal Vase Lamp, 銅鑲石英石台燈連座
Realised: $960
A Set of Four Scroll Rubbings, Chen Jieqi 陳介祺, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清陳介祺 金石拓片一組四幅 紙本立軸
Realised: $21,600
Two Carved Soapstone Seals, Late Qing Dynasty, 清 壽山石古獸鈕閒章二方
Realised: $480
A Huanghuali Stationary Tray, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世紀 黃花梨托盤
Realised: $5,760
Two Hardwood Scholar’s Trays, 硬木文房托盤兩件
Realised: $1,320
A Zitan Wood Tray, 19th Century, 十九世紀 紫檀托盤
Realised: $900
A Pair of Bamboo Inlaid Blackwood Scroll Weights, 竹嵌黑檀木鎮紙一對
Realised: $1,080
A Huanghuali Shallow Scholar’s Box, 19th Century, 十九世紀 黃花梨文具盒
Realised: $2,280
A Burlwood Scholar’s Box, 19th Century, 十九世紀 瘿木文具盒
Realised: $2,040
A Pair of Huanghuali Scholar’s Boxes, 19th Century, 黃花梨文房小箱一對
Realised: $28,800
A Deep Huanghuali Scholar’s Box, 19th Century, 十九世紀 黃花梨文房盒
Realised: $6,600
A Rare Circular Huanghuali Necklace Box, 19th Century, 十九世紀 稀有黃花梨朝珠盒
Realised: $5,700
A Huanghuali Brushpot, 19th Century, 十九世紀 黃花梨筆筒
Realised: $2,280
A Massive Zitan Carved Brushpot, 紫檀祥雲紋浮雕筆筒
Realised: $3,420
A Celadon Russet Jade Mountain Brush Rest, 褐青玉筆架山
Realised: $540
A Reticulated White Jade Carving, 白玉鏤雕帶座
Realised: $3,000
A White Jade Plaque on Stand, 白玉竹梅雕插屏
Realised: $1,560
A Small Taihu Scholar’s Rock, 壽字紋海棠石座連太湖石賞石
Realised: $3,900
A Red River Scholar’s Rock, 紅河石山子擺件
Realised: $960
Ju Ming 朱銘 (1938-), Taichi Series - Swing Kick, 朱銘 (台灣, 1938 年生) 太極系列—踢腿 銅雕 11/20
簽名雕刻:朱銘 20-11
Realised: $120,000
A Huanghuali Altar Table, 黃花梨圓包圓畫桌
Realised: $6,000
A Lao Huali Carved Chair, 19th Century, 十九世紀 老花梨鏤雕靠背扶手椅
Realised: $960
A Pair of Chinese Hardwood Chairs, 硬木南官帽椅成對
Realised: $3,300
A Huali Round Table, Early 20th Century, 二十世紀早期 花梨圓桌
Realised: $1,200
A Marble-Inlaid Huali Incense Burner Stand, 花梨六稜嵌大理石香几
Realised: $840
A Chinese Carved Hardwood Stand, 四足硬木圓几
Realised: $660
A Six-Panel Jade and Hardstone Inlaid Lacquer Floor Screen, Early 20th Century, 二十世紀早期 黑漆嵌寶金陵十二釵人物故事六扇屏
Realised: $9,600
A Set of Four Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid Suanzhi Chairs, Early 20th Century, 二十世紀早期 酸枝嵌貝母壽桃鏤雕四椅
Realised: $1,680
Prices realised for the lots above include Buyer's Premium. Lot numbers which are omitted represent
items which were withdrawn, passed or unsold as of the publication of this list.
Not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.