A Celadon Jade Tubular Pendant, Spring Autumn Period (770-476 BC), 春秋 青玉勾云纹勒子
Realised: $3,900
A Group of Five Archaic Agate 'Xi' and 'Heng' Pendants, Spring Autumn Period (770-476 BC), 春秋时期 玛瑙觿及珩一组五件
Realised: $3,000
A Dark Green Archaistic Jade Gui-Form Censer, Ming/Qing Dynasty , 明/清 碧玉雕簋式炉
Realised: $10,800
A White Jade 'Chilong' Libation Cup, Yuan/Ming Dynasty (1279-1644), 元/明 白玉雕'双螭'把杯
Realised: $7,800
A Spinach Jade Mughal-Style 'Floral' Bowl and Cover, 20th Century, 二十世纪 痕都斯坦式碧玉盖碗
Realised: $540
An Imperial Yellow-Ground 'Nine Dragon' Carpet, Jing Ren Gong Yu Yong Mark, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 御制黄地丝绒'景仁宫御用'九龙毯
Realised: $12,000
A Blue Silk Kesi 'Dragon' Robe, Ji Fu, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 蓝地缂丝九龙纹吉服袍
Realised: $3,000
A Princely Chestnut-Ground Embroidered Silk 'Dragon' Robe, Ji Fu, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 酱地锻绣九龙纹吉服袍
Realised: $3,900
A Yellow-Ground Gold Thread Embroidered Lady's Dragon Robe, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 黄地盘金绣龙纹女袍
Realised: $3,900
A Blue-Ground Embroidered Silk 'Dragon' Robe, Ji Fu, 19th Century , 清 十九世纪 蓝地五色织锦九龙纹吉服袍
Realised: $3,600
A Yellow-Ground Embroidered 'Dragon' Robe, Chang Fu, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 香黄色地织团龙纹常服袍
Realised: $960
A Pink-Ground Silk Embroidered 'Butterflies and Flowers' Lady's Robe, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 粉地蝶恋花纹织锦女袍
Realised: $4,500
A Blue-Ground Gold Thread Embroidered 'Crane and Deer' Robe, 19th/20th Century, 晚清 蓝地织锦'鹤鹿同春'袍
Realised: $3,900
A Purple-Ground Embroidered Lady's Robe, Together With a Black-Ground Embroidered Suit, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 紫地女袍及黑地刺绣女套装一组四件
Realised: $240
Two Pairs of Imperial Gold-Thread Embroidered Yellow Silk Perfume Pouches, Xiangnang, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 宫廷盘金绣香囊两对一组四件
Realised: $2,700
A Pair of Sixth/Seventh Military Official 'Panther' Badges, Together With a Kesi Silk 'Dragon' Fragment and an Empty Rank Badge, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 六/七品武官彪纹补一对及缂丝龙片及空补一组四件
Realised: $840
A Pair of Gold Thread Embroidered Second Rank Civil Official 'Golden Pheasant' Badges, Buzi, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 文官二品盘金锻地锦鸡补一对
Realised: $900
An Embroidered Second Rank Civil Official 'Pheasant' Badge, Together With a Kesi Silk Fourth Rank Civil Official 'Goose' Badge, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 文官二品锦鸡圆补及缂丝四品云雁文官补一组两件
Realised: $660
A Pair of Gold Thread Third Rank Civil Official 'Peacock' Badges, Buzi, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 文官三品盘金锻地孔雀补一对
Realised: $480
A Seed Coral and Gold Thread Embroidered Fourth Rank Civil Official 'Goose' Badge, Together With a Third Rank Civil Official 'Peacock' Badge, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 辑珠盘金绣四品云燕文官补及盘金绣三品孔雀文官补一组两件
Realised: $480
Two Embroidered Seventh Rank Civil Official 'Mandarin Duck' Badges, Buzi, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 盘金及织锦文官七品鸂鶒图补一组两件
Realised: $720
A Yellow-Ground Blue Silk Embroidered 'Dragon' Panel, Qing Dynasty, 18th Century , 清 十八世纪 黄地蓝龙'海水江崖'绣片
Realised: $2,040
A Large Blue-Ground Kesi Embroidered 'Dragon' Robe Panel, Late Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 蓝地缂丝龙袍片段 镜框
Realised: $1,800
A Yellow-Ground Embroidered 'Dragon and Phoenix' Panel, Qing Dynasty, Early 19th Century, 清中期 明黄地缎绣龙凤云福海水江崖纹桌帷
Realised: $3,000
Two Kesi Silk Embroidered 'Dragon' Panels, Together With Two Embroidered Panels, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 缂金及织锦龙片一组四件
Realised: $1,440
A Chestnut-Ground Embroidered Silk 'Dragon' Robe Fragment, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 酱地龙袍片段
Realised: $2,700
A Group of Five Kesi and Gauze Embroidered Panels, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 缂丝及纳纱绣片一组五件
Realised: $252
A Group of Four Archaic Ceremonial Stone Axes, Neolithic Period (Circa 6500-1700 BC), 新石器时期 石斧一组四件
Realised: $1,200
A Celadon and Russet Jade 'Chilong' Axe-Form Pendant, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 青玉带皮'斧上有龙'佩
Realised: $900
A White Jade 'Taotie' Hanging Vase, Ming Dynasty or Earlier, 明或更早 白玉雕饕餮纹提梁壶
Realised: $40,800
A White Jade 'Magpie' (Xi Qing) Pendant, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 白玉雕'喜磬(庆)'将军扣
Realised: $3,900
A White Jade Carving of Rooster Inlaid With Amber Eyes, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 白玉鸡
Realised: $7,200
A White Jade and Tourmaline Inlaid Gilt Bronze Belt Buckle, Qing Dynasty, Later Mounted into a Box, 清 金铜嵌白玉及碧玺带扣 后镶嵌成盒
Realised: $240
A White Jade Circular Plaque, Together with A Pair of Serpentine Carved Table Screens, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 白玉雕转心佩及岫玉雕桌屏一组三件
Realised: $900
A Jade and Agate Perfumier and Cover, Yamanaka & Co., 19th/20th Century, 二十世纪 山中商会制 嵌十九世纪白玉及玛瑙香盒
Realised: $1,080
A Chinese Carved Agarwood Ruyi Scepter, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 沉香木雕'一品当朝'如意
Realised: $10,800
A Huanghuali Three-Tiered Picnic Box, Qing Dynasty, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 黄花梨三幢提量盒
Realised: $3,600
A Carved Huanghuali Orchid-Form Brush Pot, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 黄花梨雕玉兰花形笔筒
Realised: $780
A Mandarin's Court Necklace (Chaozhu), Together With a 'One-Eyed' Peacock Feather Mandarin Court Hat Plume, 19th/20th Century, 晚清 十九/二十世纪 朝珠及'单眼'孔雀羽花翎一组两件
Realised: $1,920
A Finely Carved Qiyang Stone Table Screen, Qing Dynasty, Dated 1823, 清中期 祁阳石雕'福禄寿'三星桌屏 作于1823年
Realised: $7,200
A Group of Three Seals Inscribed for Chan Chee and Qin Xiyun, Republican Period, Early 20th Century, 民国 陈炽及其夫人秦喜云牙雕及鸡血石印章一组三件
Realised: $780
A Reticulated Marble-Inlaid Rosewood Stand, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 花梨木嵌红纹石藤式翘头案
Realised: $510
Two Huanghuali Beaded Bracelets, Republican Period, Early 20th Century, 民国 黄花梨手串一组两件
Realised: $600
A One Hundred and Eight Bodhi Seed Beaded Necklace, Republican Period, Early 20th Century, 民国 凤眼菩提一百零八粒佛珠一串
Realised: $450
A Precious Stone-Inlaid Hardwood Table Screen, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 硬木嵌宝桌屏
Realised: $252
A Pair of Polychrome Hardwood Hanging Panels, Republican Period, Early 20th Century, 民国 木雕加彩花鸟鱼虫纹挂屏一对
Realised: $390
An Ivory 'Peony and Calligraphy' Hexagonal Brushpot, 17th/18th Century, 明晚/清早 牙雕六方牡丹诗文笔筒
Realised: $2,040
A Carved Ivory 'Figural Landscape' Vase and Cover, Early 20th Century, 民国 牙雕人物纹双环耳盖瓶
Realised: $7,200
A Chinese Carved Tortoiseshell Circular Box and Cover, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 玳瑁浮雕人物纹圆盒
Realised: $660
A Rare Carved Black Lacquer 'Scholar Landscape' Jar, Cover and Stand, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 剔黑高仕图盖罐及座
Realised: $780
A Red Lacquer 'Twin-Lion' Teapot with Gilt Copper Fittings, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 狮纹铜胎剔红提梁壶
Realised: $9,600
A Red Lacquer Carved Box and Cover, Together With a Lidded Jar, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 剔红人物山水图捧盒及盖罐一组两件
Realised: $720
A Carved Cinnabar Lacquer Circular Box and Cover, Early 20th Century , 民国 剔红圆盖盒
Realised: $120
A Cloisonné Enamel Pear-Shaped Vase, Xuande Mark, Ming Dynasty, 16th Century, 明 十六世纪「大明宣德年製」款铜胎掐丝珐琅象耳玉壶春瓶
Realised: $24,000
A Pair of Cloisonné Enamel White Jade Mounted 'Double Gourd' Vases, 18th Century , 清 十八世纪 铜胎掐丝珐琅葫芦花插一对
Realised: $10,200
A Set of Two Canton Enamel Cups and Teapot, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 铜胎画珐琅提梁壶及杯一组三件
Realised: $720
A Cloisonné Enamel 'Dragon' Vase, Lao Tian Li Mark, Early 20th Century, 晚清 '老天利制'铜胎掐丝珐琅龙纹橄榄瓶
Realised: $720
A Cloisonné Enamel 'Peonies' Footed Dish, Lao Tian Li Mark, Early 20th Century, 晚清 '老天利制'铜胎掐丝珐琅牡丹纹高足盘
Realised: $660
A Ming-Style Blue-Enameled 'Peony Scroll' Cloisonné Vase, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 明式宝相花纹铜胎掐丝珐琅瓶
Realised: $192
A Set of Chinese Export Gilt Silver Tea Service, Yok Sang Studio, Shanghai, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 煜生银楼 鎏金竹节式錾刻银茶具一组四件
Realised: $2,700
A Group of Nine Archaic Glass Burial Ornaments, Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), 汉 琉璃握猪 蝉及塞一组共九件
Realised: $228
A Celadon and Russet 'Chilong' Tubular Pendant, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 青玉提油'螭龙'谷纹勒
Realised: $1,320
A White Jade 'Dragon' Belt Plaque, Ming Dynasty, Later Mounted as a 19th Century Gilt Copper Box, 明 白玉龙带板 后嵌入十九世纪鎏金铜盒
Realised: $1,560
A Pale Celadon Jade Figure of the Daoist Immortal Laozi, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 青白玉雕老子像
Realised: $720
A Dark Celadon Jade Imperial 'Book Cover' Plaque, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 清 乾隆「慎德念功」青玉填金双龙纹册页
Realised: $43,200
A Large Celadon Jade Tripod Censer and Cover, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 青白玉活环耳狮钮三足大炉
Realised: $9,000
A Carved Jadeite 'Fortune and Longevity' Ruyi Lock-Shaped Pendant, 19th Century, 晚清 翡翠雕'长命富贵'锁形佩
Realised: $570
A White Jade 'Crane Holding Lingzhi' Group, Together With an Imitation-Goldstone Glass Censer, Early to Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪早期 白玉双鹤衔灵芝及金星玻璃雕兽钮炉一组两件
Realised: $510
A Large Reticulated Carved Serpentine Censer/Perfumier, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 岫玉镂雕活环大型香薰炉
Realised: $720
A Strand of Ancient Agate and Carnelian Tubular and Beaded Necklace, with Yellow Gold Spacers, Circa 400-800 BC, 约公元400-800年 西亚玛瑙古珠项链一串 黄金镶嵌及隔断
Realised: $2,400
A Carved Coral Necklace With a Carved Coral 'Beauty' Figural Pendant, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 珊瑚雕'美人'坠项链一串
Realised: $360
Two Sets of Nine Chinese Silver-Gilt Filigree and Turquoise-Inlaid Jewellery Set, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 镀金银掐丝嵌松石珠宝两套九件
Realised: $1,560
A Rare Solid Gold Horse Pendant Amulet, Ordos Region, Warring States Period (475-221 BC), 公元前5-3世纪 战国时期 鄂尔多斯足金马挂饰
Realised: $6,000
An Archaistic Bronze Gui Vessel, Ming Dynasty, Together With a Tripod Censer, Yuan Dynasty, 元/明 簋式炉三足炉一组两件
Realised: $1,680
A Partial Gilt Bronze 'Figural' Candle Stick, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 铜局部鎏金'加官晋爵'烛台
Realised: $540
A Massive Chinese Bronze Tripod Incense Burner and Cover, Qing Dynasty, 清 十八/十九世纪 大型三足铜炉
Realised: $1,920
A Group of Four Gilt Wood 'Figural' Carvings, 19th/20th Century, 晚清 金漆木雕人物一组四件
Realised: $1,320
A Gilt Copper Alloy Figure of Medicine Buddha, Nepal, 14th Century, 十四世纪 尼泊尔 鎏金铜合金药师佛坐像
Realised: $7,200
A Gilt Copper Alloy Figure of Seated Shakyamuni Buddha, Tibet, 15th Century, 十五世纪 西藏 鎏金铜合金释迦牟尼坐像
Realised: $14,400
A Gilt Bronze Figure of Avalokiteshvara, East Tibet, 19th Century, 十九世纪 藏东 鎏金铜观音坐像
Realised: $900
A Small and Rare Silver Figure of Yamantaka, Tibetan, 18th Century , 十八世纪 西藏 银大威德金刚像
Realised: $1,320
A Pair of Painted Pottery Lokapala Guardians, Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), 汉 彩陶天王俑一对
Realised: $600
A Pair of Painted Pottery Lokapala Guardians, Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), 汉 彩陶天王俑一对
Realised: $600
A Group of Three Green-Glazed Pottery Vessels, Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), 汉 绿釉陶器一组三件
Realised: $840
A Group of Four Green-Glazed Pottery Seated Figures, Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), 汉 铅绿釉坐俑一组四件
Realised: $240
A Group of Four Pottery Figures and Horse Heads, Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), 汉 陶俑及马首一组四件
Realised: $420
A Group of Five Painted Pottery Kneeling Figures, Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), 汉 加彩陶跪式俑一组五件
Realised: $240
A Group of Twelve Pottery Figures, Han-Tang Dynasty (206 BC-AD 907), 汉至唐 彩陶佣一组十二件
Realised: $720
A Rare Partial Gilt Straw-Glazed Pottery Figure of a Warrior, Sui Dynasty (AD 581-618), 隋 罕见白褐釉陶武士佣
Realised: $4,800
A Large Sancai-Glazed Pottery Figure of a Bactrian Camel, Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), 唐 三彩骆驼
Realised: $3,600
A Pair of Sancai-Glazed Pottery Figures of Attendants, Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), 唐 三彩俑一对
Realised: $2,040
A Group of Three Painted Pottery Figures, Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), 唐 彩陶佣一组三件
Realised: $360
A Group of Five Amber-Glazed Wares, Tang-Liao Dynasty (AD 618-1125), 唐至辽 褐釉器一组五件
Realised: $3,900
A Greenish Straw-Glazed Bottle Vase, Sui/Tang Dynasty (AD 581-907), 隋/唐 灯草绿釉瓶
Realised: $1,200
A Pair of Small White-Glazed Oil Lamp Stands, Song Dynasty (960-1279), 宋 影青油灯盏一对
Realised: $252
A Cizhou-Type Blackish-Brown-Glazed Bowl With White Rim, Jin Dynasty, 12th/13th Century, 金 磁州窑黑釉白覆轮盏
Realised: $7,200
A Cizhou-Type White-Glazed Carved 'Floral' Bowl, Jin/Yuan Dynasty, 12th-14th Century, 金/元 磁州窑白釉刻莲纹盌
Realised: $7,200
A Carved Yaozhou-Glazed Celadon Bottle Vase, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 耀州窑青釉刻花纹瓶
Realised: $1,920
A Set of Ten Sancai-Glazed Pottery Food Offerings and Table, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 三彩贡桌及贡品一组十件
Realised: $390
A Group of Nine Sancai and Fahua-Glazed Pottery Household Items, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 三彩贡品一组九件
Realised: $240
A Set of Six Large Sancai-Glazed Pottery Attendants, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 三彩佣一组六件
Realised: $540
A Group of Five Sancai-Glazed Pottery Horses and Attendants, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 三彩马及立俑
Realised: $540
A Group of Four Green-Glazed Pottery Figures, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 绿釉陶俑一组四件
Realised: $360
A Large and Rare Famille Verte Wucai 'Jiang Ziya' Dish, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 五彩'姜子牙'大盘
Realised: $15,600
A Pair of Green and Aubergine Enameled 'Dragon' Dishes, Guangxu Mark and Period (1875-1908), 清 光绪 黄地素三彩'双龙戏珠'纹盘一对
Realised: $9,600
A Yellow-Ground Famille Rose 'Floral' Plate, Guangxu Mark, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 光绪款黄地粉彩花果图盘
Realised: $510
A Large Blue and White and Ruby Ground Famille Rose Sgraffiato 'Medallion' Bowl, Jiaqing Mark, 大清嘉庆年制款 胭脂红地轧道粉彩开光花卉图盌
Realised: $38,400
A Rare Flambé-Glazed 'Three String' Vase, Laifu Zun, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 罕见窑变釉莱菔尊
Realised: $1,020
A Rare Famille Rose 'Buddhist Emblems' Court Necklace Box and Cover, Daoguang Mark, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 罕见道光粉彩佛教'八吉祥'纹朝珠盒
Realised: $1,320
A Peachbloom-Glazed Beehive Water Pot (Taibai Zun), Kangxi Mark, 19th Century, Together With a Peachbloom-Glazed Bowl, 18th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 康熙款豇豆红釉太白尊及碗一组两件
Realised: $1,080
A Clair-de-Lune Glazed 'Chilong' Water Pot (Taibai Zun), Kangxi Mark, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 康熙款天蓝釉堆塑螭龙纹太白尊
Realised: $1,200
A Gilt-Decorated Black-Glazed 'Floral' Vase, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 乌金釉描金花鸟纹小胆瓶
Realised: $510
A Pink-Enameled Bowl, Yongzheng Mark, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 蓝料胭脂红釉碗 雍正年制款
Realised: $660
A Rare Turquoise Ground Gilt and Enameled Dragon Bangle, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 松石绿地金彩龙纹瓷镯
Realised: $132
A Rare Gilt-Decorated Cafe-Au-Lait 'Scholar' Tea Bowl, Cover and Stand, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 酱彩描金'高仕童子'盖碗带座
Realised: $540
A Pair of Chinese Export Green-Enameled Ducks, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 乾隆外销彩釉鸭一对
Realised: $720
A Chinese Export Gilt-Decorated Blue and White 'Landscape' Teapot, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 约1750年 乾隆外销描金青花山水纹茶壶
Realised: $420
A Chinese Export Grisaille and Gilt-Decorated 'Turkey' Plate, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 约1750年 乾隆外销墨彩'火鸡'图盘
Realised: $780
A Chinese Export Famille Rose Circular Tureen, Cover and Platter, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 外销粉彩汤盆带盘
Realised: $480
A Gilt-Decorated Famille Rose 'Figural' Dish, 18th Century, 十八世纪 康熙款 粉彩劳作图花口盘
Realised: $1,680
A Pair of Fine Famille Rose 'Ladies and Children' Bowl and Cover, Lin Zhi Cheng Xiang Mark, Republican Period (1912-1949), 民国 粉彩'麟趾呈祥'粉彩婴戏图盖碗一对
Realised: $3,000
A Rare Famille Rose 'Wu Shuang Pu' Bowl, Jiaqing Mark, 19th Century, 晚清 嘉庆款粉彩无双谱人物诗文花口碗
Realised: $5,100
Three Famille Rose and Gilt-Decorated Yellow-Ground 'Longevity' Plates, Guangxu Mark, Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国 光绪款黄地粉彩'万寿无疆'盘一组三件
Realised: $960
A Famille Rose Octagonal 'Eight Immortals' Jar, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 粉彩'八仙'纹八棱罐
Realised: $390
A Copper-Red and Blue and White 'Wu Shuang Pu' Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 青花釉里红'无双谱'诗文人物烟壶 乾隆年制底款
Realised: $600
A Cloisonné Enamel Double-Ear Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 铜胎掐丝珐琅双辅兽耳烟壶
Realised: $390
A Famille Rose 'Cranes' Snuff Bottle, Daoguang Period, 19th Century, 清 道光 粉彩仙鹤牡丹纹烟壶
Realised: $570
A Group of Three Porcelain Snuff Bottles, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 青花釉里红及描金矾红烟壶一组三件
Realised: $960
Two Tortoiseshell Snuff Bottles, Together With Two Black Coral and Mother-of-Pearl Snuff Bottles, 19th/20th Century, 清 十九世纪 玳瑁海柳及贝母烟壶一组四件
Realised: $1,320
A Group of Three Coconut Shell, Bodhi Seed, and Lacquer Snuff Bottles, 19th Century , 清 十九世纪 椰壳菩提子及红漆雕烟壶一组三件
Realised: $600
A Ray Shagreen Snuff Bottle, Together With an Antler Snuff Bottle, 19th Century , 清 十九世纪 鲨鱼皮及鹿角烟壶一组两件
Realised: $840
Two Snuff Bottles, Together With Two Snuff Dishes, 19th/20th Century, 清 十九/二十世纪 烟壶及烟碟一组五件
Realised: $2,040
A Group of Four Inside-Painted Glass Snuff Bottles, 20th Century, 二十世纪 内画烟壶一组四件
Realised: $1,800
A Blue and White 'Buddhist Lion' Plate, Yong Bao Chang Chun Mark, Wanli Period (1572-1620), 明 万历 '永保长春'款青花福狮戏球青花盘
Realised: $840
A Blue and White 'Double Phoenix and Cloud' Cover, Guangxu Mark and Period (1875-1908), 清 光绪 青花双凤纹盅盖
Realised: $660
A Blue and White 'Figural' Square Vase, Early to Mid 19th Century, 清 十九世纪早中期 青花人物故事纹方瓶
Realised: $1,680
A Blue and White 'Birds and Flowers' Vase, Together With Three Blue and White Dishes, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 青花花鸟瓶及盘一组三件
Realised: $360
A Miniature Blue and White Cylindrical Brush Pot, Together With a Small Blue and White 'Boys' Cup, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 青花笔筒及童子小杯一组两件
Realised: $330
A Blue and White 'Deer' Plate, Yongzheng Period, 18th Century, 清 雍正 青花'福禄'盘
Realised: $1,560
A Large Blue and White 'Pine and Flowers' Plate, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 青花松石花卉纹大盘
Realised: $1,320
A Set of Six Chinese Export Blue and White Dishes, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 乾隆外销青花盘一组六件
Realised: $600
A Chinese Export Blue and White Tureen and Cover, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 乾隆外销青花汤盆
Realised: $900
A Group of Ten Annamese/Vietnamese Blue and White 'Hoi An Hoard' Wares, 14th-16th Century, 十四/十六世纪 越南'安南号'海捞青花瓷一组十件
Realised: $3,300
A Dehua Blanc de Chine Figure of Damo (Bodhidharma), Late Ming Dynasty, 明晚 德化白瓷达摩像
Realised: $2,700
Attributed to Lu Ji (15th Century), Peacock, Qing Dynasty, 清 吕纪寄托款 孔雀 设色纸本 立轴
Realised: $660
Xie Xi (18th Century), Calligraphy of a Poem by Bai Juyi, 谢曦 (清 乾隆时期) 草书白居易七言诗 水墨纸本 书法立轴
Realised: $2,160
Ren Xun (1835-1893), Drunken Poet Li Bai, Dated 1892, 任薰 (1835-1893) 太白醉酒图扇面 设色金笺纸本 镜心 作于1892年
Realised: $1,440
Xie Lifu (1760-1831), Two Landscape Paintings, 谢里甫 (1760-1831) 风景人物 设色纸本 镜心 一组两张
Realised: $900
Li Doushan (1792-1879), Landscape Fan Painting, Together with Zhang Xiong (1803-186), Landscape Painting, 李斗山 (1792-1879) 山水 设色纸本 扇面 张熊(1803-1886) 山水 水墨绢本 镜心 一组两张
Realised: $780
A Group of Four Fan Paintings of Orchids, Bamboo and Calligraphy, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 仿古兰草图扇面 水墨纸本 镜心 一组四张
Realised: $240
Yao Le and Bao Hao, Two Fan Paintings, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 姚乐 鲍浩 草虫及山水扇面 水墨纸本 镜心 一组两张
Realised: $480
Attributed to Wang Shaoyun, Landscape, Together with A Set of Four 'Four Seasons' Paintings, Late Qing Dynasty , 晚清 王少云款 山水 及春夏秋冬四条屏共五张 设色及水墨纸本 镜心及立轴
Realised: $390
A Group of Five Fan Paintings, Late Qing/Republican Period, 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国 山水花鸟扇面 设色纸本 镜心 一组五张
Realised: $7,800
Two Qi Baishi Woodblock Printed Albums, Published by Rong Bao Zhai, Beijing, 1952, 1952年 齐白石木版水印画册两册 北京荣宝斋出版
Realised: $1,440
A Complete Set of Three Sotheby's Edward T. Chow Catalogues, Parts I-III, 1980-1981, 1980-1981年 苏富比出版《太仓仇氏抗希斋曾藏珍品》专拍图录一套三册
Realised: $660
A Group of Seven Chinese Export Pith Paintings, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 外销通草画一套七张
Realised: $720
A Group of Three Blue Peking Glass Bottle Vases, Early 20th Century, 民国 乾隆款蓝料胆瓶一对及蓝料大瓶一组三件
Realised: $2,280
A Yixing/Zisha Square Teapot, Republican Period, Early 20th Century, 淦生款紫砂梅花诗文觚棱壶 作于1864年
Realised: $3,900
A Green Yixing/Zisha Imitation-Bamboo Square Teapot, Republican Period, Early 20th Century, 民国 宜兴紫砂墨绿泥仿生竹纹方壶
Realised: $4,200
A Red Yixing/Zisha 'Nuts' Teapot With Panama Exposition Inscription, Dated 1915, 巴拿马万国博览会展品宜兴紫砂百果壶 作于1915年
Realised: $510
A Shiwan Red-Glazed Lion, Together With a Shiwan Flambé Footed Bowl, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 石湾窑变红釉福狮及高足碗一组两件
Realised: $360
A Large Glazed Shiwan Pottery Figure of Sun Yat-sen, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 石湾窑'天下为公'孙中山像
Realised: $450
A Chinese Porcelain Panel-Inset Rosewood Stand, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 花梨嵌瓷板香几
Realised: $3,000
A Set of Six Chinese Export Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid Chairs, Early to Mid 20th Century, 民国 硬木嵌贝母太师椅一套六件
Realised: $2,040
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858), Asakusa tanbo Torinomachi mode (Asakusa Ricefields and Torinomachi Festival), Dated 1857
Realised: $20,400
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858), Fukagawa Susaki Jumantsubo (Jumantsubo Plain at Fukagawa Susaki), Dated 1857
Realised: $5,400
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858), Sumidagawa Hashiba no watashi kawaragama (Hashiba ferry and the kilns at Sumida River), Dated 1857
Realised: $1,320
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858), Three Woodblock Prints, Edo Period, 19th Century
Realised: $2,160
Kobayashi Kiyochika (1847-1915), Shinohara Kiyooki (Active Circa 1895-1904), Three Sino-Japanese War Woodblock Prints, Dated 1895
Realised: $600
A Pair of Japanese Silver 'Mukden Incident' Triumphal Memorial Sake Cups (Guinomi), Circa 1932, 1932年 日本'满洲事变 凯旋纪念'镀银盘一对
Realised: $480
A Suit of Samurai Armour (Yamaichi Tateage Dangae Dou Gusoku), Momoyama to Edo Period (1573-1868)
Realised: $5,760
A Suit of Samurai Armour (Tetsu Kuro Urushi Okegawa Nimai Dou Gusoku), Early Edo Period, 17th Century
Realised: $3,300
A Finely Inlaid Japanese Shibayama Mother-of-Pearl and Bone 'Ikebana Flower Arrangement' Hanging Wood Panel, Meiji Period (1868-1912), 日本 明治时期 嵌宝芝山象嵌花艺纹饰大挂屏
Realised: $360
A Rare Ivory Netsuke of a Very Tall South Sea Islander/Okinawan, Late Edo Period, Late 18th Century
Realised: $1,680
An Ivory Netsuke of a Lady and a Monkey, Signed Yoshiyuki, and the Seven Lucky Gods, Signed Kogyoku, 19th Century
Realised: $900
Two Ivory Netsuke of a Rat on Dried Salmon and a Rat on Chestnuts, Mid to Late 19th Century
Realised: $1,680
An Ivory Netsuke of a Tanuki and a Deer, Signed Hidekazu, Meiji-Showa Period (1868-1989)
Realised: $600
An Ivory Okimono Group of a Dream Sequence, Signed Dogetsu, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $1,320
A Japanese Ko-Imari Sake Bottle, Tokkuri, Edo Period, Late 17th/Early 18th Century
Realised: $780
A Rare Japanese Kutani 'Former Ode on the Red Cliffs' Calligraphy Cup, Meiji Period (1868-1912), 日本 明治时期 罕见蓝彩九谷烧前赤壁赋诗文高足杯 是侯堂款
Realised: $510
A Palm-Leaf Manuscript in Odia or Malayalam Script, 19th Century or Earlier, 十九世纪或更早 贝叶经一册
Realised: $192
Three Illustrated and Illuminated Double-Sided Leaves from a Manuscript of Firdausi's Shahnameh, Persia, 15th Century
Realised: $1,200
A Large Fatimid Style Copper Jar With Arabic Prayer Inscription and Islamic Design, 18th Century
Realised: $1,320
A Gilt Bronze Palanquin Finial in the Form of a Makara Head, India, 18th Century
Realised: $600
Two Indian Bronze Figures of Durga and Vishnu, Maharashtra, 16th/17th Century, 十六/十七世纪 印西 难近母及毗湿奴铜像一组两件
Realised: $450
A Large Stone Torso of a Male Deity, India, 12th Century or Later, 十二世纪或更晚 印度 石佛半身像
Realised: $1,320
A Bronze Water Bottle (Kundika), Goryeo Dynasty, 12th Century, 十二世纪 高丽王朝 青铜净瓶
Realised: $540
A Gilt Lacquered Wood Figure of Shakyamuni Buddha, Vietnam, 19th Century, 十九世纪 越南 金漆木雕释迦牟尼造像
Realised: $570
A Pair of 'Cheval d'Orient' Porcelain Square Dishes, Hermès, Paris, 爱马仕 '东方之马'小方盘一对
Realised: $450
Prices realised for the lots above include Buyer's Premium. Lot numbers which are omitted represent items which were withdrawn, passed or unsold as of the publication of this list. Not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.
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