A Chinese Archaistic Celadon White Jade Libation Cup, Ming Dynasty, 17th Century, 明 青白玉雕乳钉兽面纹杯
Realised: $3,300
A Mottled White Jade Carving of a Recumbent Ram, Ming Dynasty, 17th Century, 明 十七世纪 青白玉卧羊
Realised: $1,200
A White and Russet Jade Carving of a Boy Holding Lingzhi, Qing Dynasty, Late 19th Century, 晚清 白玉雕童子持灵摆件
Realised: $1,920
A White Jade 'Chi-Dragon' Circular Pendant, Late Qing Dynasty, 19th/20th Century, 晚清 白玉雕双螭佩
Realised: $1,920
A Group of Three Chinese Agate Carvings, 19th Century and Later, 十九世纪及更晚 玛瑙巧雕'衔灵双欢' 佛手鼻烟壶 带板一组三件
Realised: $840
A White Jade Pendant, Together With a Pale Celadon Jade 'Dragon' Bangle, Late Qing Dynasty, 19th/20th Century, 晚清 白玉雕福寿佩 青白玉雕双龙戏珠镯 一组两件
Realised: $1,140
A Rock Crystal Carving of Two Badgers, Qing Dynasty, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 天然水晶雕'双欢'佩
Realised: $1,200
A Small Famille Rose 'Figural' Snuff Bottle, Qianlong Mark, Qing Dynasty, 清 乾隆款 粉彩玛瑙帽人物小烟壶
Realised: $60
A Group of Eight Underglaze-Blue and Copper-Red Snuff Bottles, 19th Century , 清 十九世纪 青花及青花釉里红鼻烟壶一组八件
Realised: $5,700
A Blue and White 'Hundred Antiques' Ovoid Jar, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 十八世纪 康熙青花'博古图'罐
Realised: $3,900
A Chinese Export Blue and White Porcelain 'Landscape' Bottle Vase, 18th Century, 十八世纪 外销青花开窗山水人物纹瓶
Realised: $330
A Chinese Export Blue and White 'Phoenix' Charger, Together With a Bowl, 17th/18th Century, 十七/十八世纪 外销青花'凤穿牡丹'纹盘急小盃一组两件
Realised: $390
A Group of Eleven Swatow Blue and White Bowls and Dishes, 17th Century, 明 十七世纪 漳州窑青花碗盘一组七件
Realised: $330
A Blue and White 'Eight Immortals' Gu Vase, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国时期 青花八仙纹觚式瓶
Realised: $840
A Pair of Blue and White 'Eighteen Luohan' Dishes, Late Qing/Republican Period, 晚清/民国时期 青花十八罗汉图盘一对
Realised: $780
A Blue and White 'Double Happiness' Vase, Early 20th Century, 民国时期 青花冰梅纹'双喜'瓶
Realised: $1,320
A Blue and White 'Phoenix' Ginger Jar and Cover, Early to Mid 20th Century, 民国时期 青花团凤纹盖罐
Realised: $780
A Large Blue and White 'Birds and Pine' Vase, Early to Mid 20th Century, 民国时期 青花'苍鹰劲松'纹纸槌大瓶
Realised: $90,000
A Group of Ten Blue and White 'Fu Lu Shou' Cups, 19th Century, 十九世纪 青花'福禄寿'三星纹杯一组十只
Realised: $420
A Small Blue and White Porcelain Censer, Wanli Mark, Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国时期 万历款青花小香炉
Realised: $510
Two Blue and White 'Fu Lu Shou' Censers, Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国时期 青花'福禄寿'香炉两只
Realised: $300
A Group of Six Chinese Porcelain Boxes, 19th Century and Later, 十九世纪及更晚 青花及粉彩盖盒一组六件
Realised: $420
A Large Gilt-Decorated Blue-Ground 'Peacock' Charger, 19th Century, 十九世纪 蓝地描金凤凰牡丹纹大盘
Realised: $420
A Famille Rose Sgraffito Ruby-Ground 'Medallion' Bowl, Daoguang Mark, 清 道光款 胭脂红地轧道粉彩开光花鸟图碗
Realised: $4,200
A Complete Set of Twelve Famille Verte Porcelain 'Zodiac' Figures, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 素三彩十二生肖一套
Realised: $3,300
A Chinese Wucai 'Pheasant and Peony' Charger, Kangxi Period, Early 18th Century, 清 康熙 五彩锦鸡牡丹图大盘
Realised: $960
A Chinese Export Blue and White Famille Rose Plate, Late 18th Century, 十八世纪晚期 乾隆外销青花粉彩人物图盘
Realised: $120
A Chinese Export Blue and White Famille Rose Bough Pot, Late 18th Century, 十八世纪 乾隆外销粉彩人物纹花插
Realised: $510
A Famille Verte 'Figural' Vase, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国时期 五彩西厢记人物故事纹瓶
Realised: $1,200
A Chinese Wucai 'Birds and Flowers' Rouleau Vase, 19th Century, 十九世纪 五彩花鸟纹棒槌瓶
Realised: $1,200
An Iron Red and Gilt Decorated Tea Caddy, Together With a Chinese Silver Vase, 18th Century and Later, 十八世纪 外销矾红描金人物纹茶叶罐 及晚清龙纹錾银瓶一组两件
Realised: $420
A Pair of Enameled 'Dragon Medallion' Dishes, Tongzhi Mark, Late 19th Century, 晚清 同治款红绿彩团龙纹盘一对
Realised: $156
A Set of Nine Famille Rose 'Floral' Sweetmeat Dishes, Together With a Box and Glass Cover, Republican Period, 民国时期 粉彩花鸟纹攒盘
Realised: $420
A Set of Nine Famille Rose 'Birds and Flowers' Sweetmeat Dishes, Together With a Box and Cover, Republican Period, 民国时期 粉彩花鸟纹攒盘
Realised: $204
A Pair of Large Famille Rose Hexagonal Vases, Republican Period, 民国时期 粉彩人物牡丹诗文大瓶一对
Realised: $11,400
A Famille Rose Porcelain Plaque of a Rooster and a Hawk, Early to Mid 20th Century, 民国晚期 粉彩松鹰雄鸡图瓷板
Realised: $1,140
A Famille Rose Porcelain Plaque of Fu Lu Shou, Republican Period, 民国时期 粉彩'福禄寿'三星瓷板
Realised: $276
A Famille Rose 'Medallion' Dish, Jurentang Mark, Together With Two Vases, 19th Century and Later, 十九世纪及更晚 粉彩'居仁堂'款开窗山水纹盘 '博古图'瓶一组三件
Realised: $2,040
A Group of Fourteen Famille Rose Dishes, Late Qing/Republican Period, 晚清/民国时期 粉彩及矾红小盘一组十四件
Realised: $390
A Famille Rose 'Dragon and Phoenix' Roundel Charger, Together With an Iron-Red Decorated Bowl, Republican Period, 民国时期 矾红加彩团龙凤纹盘 矾红'福寿'碗一组两件
Realised: $132
A Group of Fourteen 'Fu Lu Shou' Porcelain Figures, Republican Period and Later, 民国时期及建国后 彩瓷''福禄寿'一组十四件
Realised: $1,920
A Group of Nineteen Chinese Famille Rose Porcelain Figures, Republican Period and Later, 民国时期及建国后 粉彩人物摆件一组十九件
Realised: $1,020
A Pair of Large Chinese Famille Rose 'Figural' Vases, Mid-20th Century, 建国初期 粉彩'富贵满门'人物诗文大瓶一对
Realised: $510
A Pair of Grisaille and Enamel Porcelain Vases, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 粉彩'祥光瑞气'诗文八仙人物瓶一对
Realised: $240
A Pair of Famille Rose Double-Gourd Vases, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 粉彩刀马人物故事葫芦瓶一对
Realised: $390
A Pair of Famille Rose 'Figural' Oval Platters, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 松石绿地粉彩仕女盘一对
Realised: $48
A Canton Enameled Celadon Vase, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国时期 广彩盘口开窗山水人物象耳瓶
Realised: $960
A Canton Famille Rose Vase, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国时期 广彩人物故事纹双兽耳瓶
Realised: $1,440
A Group of Four Famille Rose Lidded Boxes, Late Qing/Republican Period, 晚清/民国时期 粉彩人物纹盖盒一组四件
Realised: $192
Two Famille Rose 'Hundred Antiques' Lidded Jars, Republican Period, 民国时期 粉彩博古图盖罐一组两件
Realised: $252
An Iron Red and Enamel Decorated 'Birds and Grapes' Lidded Jar, Republican Period, 民国时期 矾红加彩花鸟纹盖罐
Realised: $360
A Group of Five Chinese Porcelain Bird Feeders, Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国时期 鸟食罐一组五件
Realised: $570
A Chinese Enameled Porcelain Bowl and Cover, Tongzhi Mark, Republican Period, 民国时期 同治款彩瓷盖碗
Realised: $120
A Celadon Porcelain Double-Vase, Yongzheng Mark, Republican Period, 民国时期 雍正款青釉双联瓶
Realised: $600
A Group of Five Chinese Coral-Ground Porcelain Wares, Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪中期 珊瑚红地粉彩器一组五件
Realised: $960
A Shiwan Pottery Figure of a Fisherman, Together With a Polychrome Glazed Parrot, Early to Mid 20th Century , 二十世纪早中期 石湾窑渔翁 鹦鹉一组两件
Realised: $60
A Pair of Chinese Famille Rose and Gilt Carp-Form Vases, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 外销粉彩描金鲤鱼形对瓶
Realised: $96
A Famille Rose Porcelain Plaque of Two Ladies From 'Dream of the Red Chamber', Cyclically Dated 1963, 建国初期 粉彩'平儿理妆'图瓷板
Realised: $360
A Chinese Grisaille Enameled 'Winter Landscape' Vase, Jingdezhen Mark, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 墨彩山水诗文瓶
Realised: $510
A Famille Rose 'Female Immortal' Lidded Vessel, Cyclically Dated to 1922, 二十世纪早期 粉彩'天女散花'纹盖罐
Realised: $132
A Red-Ground 'Wanshou Wujiang' Pattern Dinner Service, Circa 1960, 约1960年 红地'万寿无疆'粉彩瓷餐具一套共71件
Realised: $540
A Turquoise-Ground 'Wanshou Wujiang' Pattern Dinner Service, Circa 1960, 约1960年 松石绿地'万寿无疆'粉彩瓷餐具一套共100件
Realised: $720
A Yellow-Ground 'Wanshou Wujiang' Pattern Dinner Service, Circa 1960, 约1960年 黄地'万寿无疆'粉彩瓷餐具一套共47件
Realised: $480
A Large Blue-Ground 'Dragons and Carp' Charger, 20th Century, 二十世纪 洒蓝地矾红海水鱼龙纹大盘
Realised: $252
A Moulded Famille Verte Porcelain Plaque, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国时期 素三彩松下高仕图瓷板
Realised: $2,400
A Chinese Famille Rose 'Three Teachings' Vase, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 粉彩'儒释道三教'图瓶
Realised: $5,700
Attributed to Zhou Peichun (Active Circa 1880-1910), A Scene Depicting an Imperial Procession for the Empress, 约1890年 周培春款 娘娘出行图 设色绢本 卷轴
Realised: $570
Zhu Shihua (Qing Dynasty), A Group of Six Paintings of Chinese Daoist Immortals, 朱世华(清) 白描八仙人物图 水墨纸本 镜框 一组共六件
Realised: $1,020
A Pair of Silk Embroidered 'Hundred Birds' Panels, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 '百鸟朝阳'刺绣挂屏一对
Realised: $96
A Group of Three Chinese Silver Pins, Late Qing Dynasty, Together With a Polychrome Bone Snuff Bottle, 晚清 银嵌宝发簪及首饰一组三件
Realised: $120
A Chinese Silver Gilt Filigree Hinged Bangle, Late Qing/Republican Period , 晚清/民国时期 银垒丝嵌绿松石填珐琅镯
Realised: $660
A Small Gilt Enameled Silvered Cloisonné Dragon Box, Qing Dynasty, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清 鎏金银胎画珐琅云龙赶珠纹小盒
Realised: $120
A Carved White Jade Archaistic 'Dragon' Pendant, 19th Century or Later, 十九世纪或更晚 白玉镂雕螭龙赶珠纹佩
Realised: $390
A Jade Inset Hardwood Ruyi Sceptre, Together With a Jade Inset Ink Stand, 木嵌玉雕墨床 如意一组两件
Realised: $840
A Pale Celadon Jade 'Cat and Butterfly' Group, Together With a Pale Celadon Jade Dog, 青白玉雕'耄耋' 卧犬一组两件
Realised: $330
A White Jade 'Chilong' Bi Disc, Together With a White Jade Plaque, 白玉雕螭龙璧 透雕山水佩一组两件
Realised: $216
A Chinese White Jade Carved Double Chi-Dragon Pendant, 20th Century, 二十世纪 白玉雕双螭佩
Realised: $4,500
A Group of Three Chinese Soapstone Carvings, Together With a Carnelian Teapot, 寿山石雕摆件及钮章 红玉髓茶壶一组四件
Realised: $144
A Small Chinese Turquoise Carved Shakyamuni Pendant, Early 20th Century, 二十世纪初期 绿松石雕释迦牟尼挂件
Realised: $204
A Group of Eight Chinese Soapstone Carvings, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 皂石雕摆件一组八件
Realised: $204
A Chinese Lacquer Vase, Together With a Black Ground Cloisonné 'Dragon' Vase, Mid 20th Century
Realised: $252
An Ivory 'Doctor's Doll' Figure, Together With Three Chinese Ivory Carved Circular Boxes, One Needle Case, and Six Mother-of-Pearl Game Counters, Circa 1900, 约1900年 牙雕器一组五件
Realised: $780
A Group of Eighteen Chinese Export Ivory Chess Pieces, 19th Century, 十九世纪 外销牙雕西洋棋一组十九件
Realised: $156
A Group of Five Chinese Ivory Carvings, Together With Two Indian Ivory Carvings, 牙雕摆件一组七件
Realised: $450
A Bronze Ritual Wine Vessel, Gu, Late Qing Dynasty, Early 20th Century, 晚清 仿古青铜觚
Realised: $276
A Bronze Four-Legged Ritual Vessel, Possibly Southeast Asia, 18th Century or Later, 十八世纪或更晚 四足铜器
Realised: $144
A Pair of Chinese Cloisonné Vase Lamps, Early 20th Century, 二十世纪早期 中国铜胎掐丝珐琅瓶一对 后制成灯
Realised: $132
A Yixing Lobed Teapot, Signed Wang Baogen (1902-1954), 汪宝根(1902-1954)款 瓜形诗文紫砂壶
Realised: $2,040
A Small Zisha Vase, 'Jin Shang Ding Biao' Mark, Dated 1958, 建国初期 1958年 金商鼎标'悠然自得'紫砂壶
Realised: $216
A Black Lacquer Seal/Reliquary Box With Landscapes and Calligraphy, Cyclically Dated 1923, 民国时期 黑漆描金诗文印盒
Realised: $120
A Huali Brush Pot, Together With a Boxwood Ruyi Sceptre and a Stone Brush Rest, 花梨笔筒等文房用具一组三件
Realised: $780
A Group of Nine Chinese Gilt and Wood Carved Panels and Boxes, 19th Century and Later, 十九世纪及更晚 金木器一组九件
Realised: $330
A Group of Nine Chinese Wood Temple Carvings and Frames, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国时期 金木镂雕建筑构件及挂屏木框一组九件
Realised: $240
A Group of Eighteen Chinese Scroll-Form, Plate, and Other Miscellaneous Wood Stands, 木座一组共十八件
Realised: $132
A Pair of Soapstone Inlaid 'Figural' Panels, Republican Period, 民国时期 嵌寿山石雕人物挂屏两扇
Realised: $360
Two Sets of Four Chinese Mother-of-Pearl and Soapstone Inlaid Hanging Panels, Together With Two Plaques, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 嵌宝挂屏两套一组十张
Realised: $120
A Chinese Six-Panel 'Palace Courtyard' Screen, 20th Century, 二十世纪 六扇人物庭院花鸟纹屏风
Realised: $240
A Group of Twenty-Four Sets of Standard Chinese History, Together With 'Qing Shi Gao', Published by Zhonghua Book Company, 《二十四史》及《清史稿》中华书局百纳本 繁体竖排 共二十五套
Realised: $2,700
A Complete Set of Twelve 'Zizhi Tongjian', Together With Two Complete Sets of Twelve and Twenty-Eight Volumes of the Addenda, Published by Zhonghua Book Company, 《资治通鉴》全套及续本共六十册
Realised: $510
A Group of Seven Complete Sets of Various Editions of 'Dream of the Red Chamber', Together With Thirty Books on 'Dream of the Red Chamber', 红楼梦研究书籍 共三十册
Realised: $72
A Large Group of Books and Albums on Seal Carvings, Including Qi Baishi, Hongyi, and Palace Museum Seal Collections, 篆刻书记及印谱 约共一百四十五册
Realised: $1,200
A Set of Ten 'Sanxitang Fatie' Volumes, Together With a Set of Four 'Sanxitang Fatie' Volumes, 《钦定三希堂法帖》 两套共十四册
Realised: $780
A Group of Chinese Art and Antique Books, Including Palace Museum Qingming Shanghe Tu and Manual of the Mustard Seed Garden, 中国艺术参考书籍一共五十五册
Realised: $1,020
A Small Black Lacquer Kodansu with Iron Fittings, Edo/Meiji Period, 19th Century
Realised: $132
Two Japanese Bronze Lids with 'Kirin' Finials, Together With a Soapstone Carved Vase, 寿山石雕笔筒及日本铜麒麟盖一对共三件
Realised: $72
A Koto Bizen Wakizashi With Edo Mounts and Higo Kozuka, 16th Century and Later
Realised: $1,920
A Set of Seven Imari Nanban 'Black Ships' Pattern Sweetmeat Dishes, Edo/Meiji Period, 19th Century
Realised: $720
A Set of Three Imari Porcelain Nesting Bowls, Together With an Unusual-Shaped Porcelain Box, Meiji Period, Late 19th/Early 20th Century
Realised: $216
An Imari Fish-Shaped Platter, Together With an Imari Bowl and Rectangular Platter, Meiji Period, 19th Century
Realised: $390
Utagawa Kuniyasu (1794-1832), Bijin (Beauties) Holding Kabuki Actors as Bunraku Puppets, 19th Century
Realised: $540
Toyohara Kunichika (1835-1900), Baiso Kaoru, and Others, Advertisement from the Series 'Comparisons of Famous Products, the Pride of Tokyo', Meiji Period, 1896
Realised: $60
Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III, 1786-1865) and Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861), Two Framed Ukiyo-e Prints, 19th Century
Realised: $108
Kawase Hasui (1883-1957), Moonlight Over Kiyosumi/Seichoen Garden, Circa 1946-1957
Realised: $390
Tsuchiya Koitsu (1870-1949), Takahashi Hiroaki (1871-1945), Two Shin-Hanga Woodblock Prints, Showa Era (1926-1989)
Realised: $420
A Group of Nine Ivory Netsuke Figures, Together With a Pair of 'Shishi' Seal Netsuke, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 牙雕福狮钮章一对及根付共十一件
Realised: $570
A Group of Four Ivory and Bone Carvings, 18th century and Later, 十八世纪及更晚 牙骨雕根付一组四件
Realised: $276
A Japanese Ivory Okimono of a Farmer, Together With Three Southeast Asian Ivory Carvings, Late 19th/Early 20th Century
Realised: $144
A Group of Five Continental Ivory Figures, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 牙雕人物摆件一组五件
Realised: $510
A Group of Ten Ivory and Bone Needle Cases, Letter Openers, and Tusk Carvings, Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪中期 牙骨雕一组十件
Realised: $240
An Indian Miniature Painting of Sarasvati and Ganesh, 18th Century, 十八世纪 印度 辩才天女象神细密画
Realised: $240
An Indian Bronze Figure of Surya, Pala Style, Possibly 9th Century, 九世纪或更晚 帕拉风格 印度太阳神铜像
Realised: $6,000
A Bronze Figure of Krishna, South India, 17th/18th Century, 十七/十八世纪 南印度 铜黑天坐像
Realised: $3,000
A Silver and Copper Inlaid Bronze Buddha, Tibet, 14th Century, 十四世纪 西藏嵌银铜佛
Realised: $15,600
A Silvered Bronze Figure of Vajravarahi, Tibet, 14th/15th Century, 十四/十五世纪 西藏 嵌银铜金刚亥母 带座
Realised: $3,300
A Shan (Tai Yai) Bronze Figure of Seated Buddha, Burma, 19th Century, 十九世纪 缅甸掸邦铜佛
Realised: $780
A Framed Set of Four Gold Lacquered Burmese Buddhist Manuscripts (Kammavaca), 19th Century
Realised: $360
A Balinese Ivory Kris Dagger, Together With a Pair of Bone Carved Figures and a Pair of Soapstone Bookends, 东南亚牙雕短刀骨雕人物摆件 寿山石雕书挡一组共五件
Realised: $276
Twenty-Two Asian Boxes of Bone, Hardstone, Inset Metal and Enamel, With an Ivory Teapot, 木嵌硬石及骨小盒一组共二十三件
Realised: $600
Prices realised for the lots above include Buyer's Premium. Lot numbers which are omitted represent items which were withdrawn, passed or unsold as of the publication of this list. Not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.
100 Broadview Avenue, Suite 200
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