A White Jade 'Chilong' Belt Hook, Qing Dynasty, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 白玉雕'苍龙教子'带钩
Realised: $2,040
A White and Russet Jade 'Chilong' Scabbard Slide, Song/Yuan Dynasty, Later Mounted Into a Beaded Necklace, 宋/元 白玉提油螭龙剑璏
Realised: $1,020
An Archaistic White and Russet Jade 'Chilong' Scabbard Slide, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 白玉提油仿古螭龙剑璏
Realised: $840
Two Spinach Jade 'Chilong' Belt Buckles, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 碧玉雕'螭龙'带扣一组两件
Realised: $1,140
A Group of Three Jade Carvings, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 白玉雕马上封侯 童子及瑞兽一组三件
Realised: $1,560
A White and Russet Jade Two-Part Belt Buckle, Qing Dynasty, 18th/19th Century , 清 十八/十九世纪 白玉龙带扣
Realised: $1,440
A White Jade 'Double-Butterfly' Plaque Inset Rosewood Paperweight, Qing Dynasty, 清 硬木嵌白玉雕'双蝶'佩
Realised: $330
A Group of Four White Jade Reticulated Plaques, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 清 白玉雕'九钱佩' '福寿佩' '双喜佩' '花蝶佩'一组四件
Realised: $2,160
A Group of Four Jade and Jadeite Belt Hooks, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 翡翠及玉雕带钩一组四件
Realised: $2,400
A Group of Three Agate and Smoky Quartz Belt Hooks, Ming/Qing Dynasty, 明/清 玛瑙及烟晶雕带钩一组三件
Realised: $1,140
Two Small Mother-of-Pearl and Agate Carved 'Dragon' Belt Hooks, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 玛瑙及母贝雕小龙钩一组两件
Realised: $480
Three Taiwanese Momo Coral Rings, Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪中期 14K金镶MOMO珊瑚戒指一组3件
Realised: $1,020
Four Strands of Gilt-Silver Filigree Jadeite-Inset Bracelets, Together With a Pair of Earrings, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国 镀金铜掐丝嵌翡翠手镯及耳环戒指一组七件
Realised: $1,320
A Set of Five Chinese Silver-Gilt Filigree and Turquoise-Inlaid Jewellery Set, Republican Period, 民国 镀金银掐丝嵌松石珠宝一套五件
Realised: $510
A Carved Coconut Shell 'Calligraphy and Plum Blossom' Snuff Bottle, Cyclically Dated 1870, Signed You Chen, 清 十九世纪 椰壳刻梅花诗文烟壶
Realised: $480
An Imitation-Realgar Glass Snuff Bottle, Together With an Imitation-Agate Glass Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 料仿雄黄及玛瑙烟壶一组两件
Realised: $540
A Finely Carved Smoky Quartz 'Toad and Bats' Snuff Bottle, Daoguang Period (1821-1850), 清 道光 茶晶巧雕'金蟾吐寿'纹烟壶包银口
Realised: $120
An Agate 'Monkey and Horse' Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 玛瑙巧雕'马上封侯'鼻烟壶
Realised: $1,020
Two Agate Snuff Bottles, Late Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 兽面耳双环玛瑙飘壶及影子玛瑙烟壶一组两件
Realised: $1,440
Two Carved Agate 'Double Gourd' and 'Melon' Snuff Bottles, 19th Century, 十九世纪 玛瑙巧雕烟壶一组两件
Realised: $252
A Blue and White Porcelain 'Figural' Snuff Bottle, 18th/19th Century , 清 十八/十九世纪 青花人物纹烟壶
Realised: $252
A Famille Rose Porcelain 'Dog and Birds' Snuff Bottle, Daoguang Mark, Qing Dynasty, 清 道光款 粉彩花鸟福犬纹烟壶
Realised: $1,800
A Group of Three Monochrome Porcelain Snuff Bottles, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 单色釉烟壶一组三件
Realised: $960
A Finely Carved Lapis Lazuli 'Chilong and Chrysanthemum' Snuff Bottle, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 青金石雕螭龙菊花纹烟壶
Realised: $264
Liu Shouben (1943-) An Inside-Painted Agate Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, Circa 1960, 刘守本作玛瑙内画高仕图 玛瑙壶十九世纪 内画约1960年作
Realised: $1,320
Yong Shoutian (active 1898-1926), A Large Inside-Painted Glass Snuff Bottle, Late 19th Century, 永寿田作(1898-1926期间) 内画仕女婴戏图料壶 珊瑚盖
Realised: $600
Two Framed Figural Paintings, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century , 清 十九世纪 潇湘琴韵 美人图 设色绢本 镜框 一组两张
Realised: $360
A Chinese Silk Painting of Young Scholars and Ladies in a Garden, Qing Dynasty, 清 庭院清趣图 绢本 镜框
Realised: $480
A Large Chinese Silk Embroidered Red-Ground 'Eight Immortals' Hanging Panel, Republican Period, Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国 红地刺绣八仙图挂帐
Realised: $360
A Large Chinese Gold Silk Embroidered Blue-Ground 'Peacock' Panel, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 蓝地盘金绣孔雀纹绣片
Realised: $840
A Chinese Embroidered Silk Robe Sleeve Depicting a Buddhist Censer, Qing Dynasty, 清 盘金绣香炉纹袖口
Realised: $72
A Large Peranakan Chinese 'Figural' Hanging Silk Embroidery, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 刺绣道教人物故事纹挂帐
Realised: $240
A White Jade Carved 'Lotus' Libation Cup, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 白玉雕荷叶洗
Realised: $3,000
A White Jade 'Double-Gourd' Pendant, Together With a Celadon Jade 'Squirrel and Melon' Carving, Qing Dynasty , 清 白玉葫芦及青玉雕'瓜鼠富贵'佩一组两件
Realised: $1,800
A Group of Three White Jade Carvings, 19th Century and Later, 十九世纪及更晚 白玉佩及平安无事牌一组三件
Realised: $5,700
A Mughal-Style Inlaid Greyish-White Jade Bangle, Together With a Pale Celadon Jade Hair Pin, 19th Century, 清 痕作灰白玉嵌彩宝镯及灰白玉发簪一组两件
Realised: $1,140
A White and Russet Jade Axe-Form Pendant, Together With an Amethyst 'Magpie and Peach' Pendant, Ming/Qing Dynasty, 明/清 '府上有寿'斧形佩 紫晶雕'寿喜成双'佩 一组两件
Realised: $390
A Chinese Lapis Lazuli Carving of a Toad and Pomegranate, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 清 光绪 青金石雕'多子多财'金蟾摆件
Realised: $1,440
A Western Asiatic Carnelian Beaded Bracelet, Together With Fifty-Nine Loose Beads, 西亚玛瑙珠手串及散珠一组
Realised: $240
A Group of Eleven White and Russet Jade Carvings, Ming Dynasty and Later, 明及更晚 玉螭龙钮章 仿古璧 手串及玉蝉一组十一件
Realised: $1,440
A Pale Celadon Jade 'Hanging Leather Ewer' Form Flask and Cover, Early 20th Century, 民国 青白玉雕螭龙活环'皮壶'
Realised: $1,020
A Jadeite Archaic-Style Axe, Together With a 'Boys and Lotus' Group, 20th Century, 二十世纪 仿古翡翠雕斧及'荷叶童子'摆件一组两件
Realised: $360
A Jadeite Figure of a Lady, Together With a Jade Dog, Early 20th Century, 二十世纪初 翡翠仕女及青玉卧犬一组两件
Realised: $960
A Chinese Malachite Figure of a Lady Wielding Two Swords, Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪中期 孔雀石雕仙女像
Realised: $960
Two Pairs of Chinese Gilt-Silver and Jadeite-Inset Filigree Earrings, Together With Four Rings, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国 银镀金掐丝嵌翡翠耳环两对 及烧蓝嵌翡翠戒指一组共八件
Realised: $660
Two Pairs of Taiwanese Momo Coral Earrings and Ring With 14k Gold Mounting, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 14K金镶MOMO珊瑚戒指及耳环两对
Realised: $252
A Group of Six Chinese Gilt and Enameled Silver Filigree Jewellery Pieces with Jadeite Inlays, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 中国镀金银掐丝嵌翡翠珠宝一组五件
Realised: $480
A Group of Four Natural Jadeite Pendants and Bangle, Republican Period, 民国 天然红翡镯挂坠及金镶翡翠挂坠一组四件
Realised: $252
A Group of Ten Chinese Silver Enameled Filigree Jewellery Pieces, Republican Period, 民国 银烧蓝嵌宝首饰一组十件
Realised: $420
A Group of Five Chinese Silver-Gilt Filigree Brooches with Carved Jadeite Inlays, 19th/20th Century , 晚清/民国 镀金银掐丝嵌翡翠胸针一组五件
Realised: $240
A Group of Nine Spinach Jade, Carnelian, and Hardstone Jewellery Pieces, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 碧玉及硬石雕挂坠及玛瑙首饰一组九件
Realised: $132
A Group of Five Cinnabar Lacquer and Ivory Jewellery Pieces, Republican Period, 民国 剔红手镯一对及牙雕项链及手镯一组共五件
Realised: $144
A Group of Jade and Stone Carved Pendants, Together with Forty Carved Jadeite Inlays, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 岫玉/石雕佩及翡翠雕帽饰一组四十四件
Realised: $156
Guo Menghao (Kwok Mang-Ho/Frog King, 1947-), Fire Scape, 郭孟浩 (蛙王郭) (1947- ) 太平梯 设色纸本 印章两枚
Realised: $480
A Pair of Blue and White 'Boys' Jars, Ming Dynasty, 15th/16th Century, 明 十五世纪 青花人物罐一组两件
Realised: $1,140
A Group of Three Blue and White Porcelain Wares, 17th Century and Later, 明/清 '克拉克'青花盘及青花笔筒一组三件
Realised: $360
A Blue and White 'Kraak' Dish and Bowl, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 '克拉克'青花盘及碗一组两件
Realised: $252
Two Blue and White 'Kraak' Chargers, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 青花花卉洞石纹大盘一组两件
Realised: $252
A Blue and White Moonflask, Together With a Lobed Dish, Qianlong Period, 18th Century , 清 十八世纪 青花抱月瓶及花口盘一组两件
Realised: $1,020
A Blue and White 'Lotus' Dish, Qianlong Mark and Period (1736-1795), 清 乾隆 青花缠枝宝相花纹盘「大清乾隆年制」六字篆书款
Realised: $7,800
A Blue and White 'Double-Phoenix' Dish, Daoguang Mark and Period (1821-1850), 清 道光 青花双凤纹盘「大清道光年制」六字篆书款
Realised: $7,800
A Pair of Chinese Export Blue and White 'Floral' Dishes, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 青花花鸟洞石纹盘一对
Realised: $660
A Chinese Export Blue and White 'Floral' Charger, Yongzheng Period (1723-1735), 清 雍正 青花开窗花卉纹大盘
Realised: $720
A Blue and White 'Double Happiness' Vase, Together With a Celadon-Ground Vase, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 青花花卉人物纹瓶一组两件
Realised: $510
A Famille Rose Powder-Blue-Ground 'Daoist Immortals' Rouleau Vase, Kangxi Mark, 19th Century, 十九世纪 康熙款 洒蓝地粉彩道教人物故事纸锤大瓶
Realised: $1,920
A Group of Four Blue and White Vessels, Kangxi Period and Later, 清 康熙及更晚 青花瓷器一组四件
Realised: $1,320
A Large Blue and White 'Landscape' Floral Charger, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 青花外销庭院山水纹花口盘
Realised: $168
A Blue and White 'Prunus' Ginger Jar and Cover, Together With a Vase, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 青花冰梅纹罐及小瓶一组两件
Realised: $360
Two Pairs of Kangxi-Style Blue and White Vases, 19th Century, 十九世纪 康熙风格青花纸槌瓶博古罐两对共四件
Realised: $2,040
A Group of Six Green-Glazed Pottery Animal Pens and Animals, Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), 汉 铅绿釉猪羊圈及动物一组共六件
Realised: $840
A Group of Three Pottery Figures and Vessel, Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), 汉 陶器一组三件
Realised: $420
A Group of Three Chinese Pottery Vessels, Neolithic Period and Later, 新时期时代及更晚 陶器一组三件
Realised: $660
A Group of Four Painted Pottery Figures and Horse, Han Dynasty and Later, 汉及更晚 陶器一组四件
Realised: $240
A Group of Fourteen Glazed Pottery Figures and Animals, Han Dynasty and Later, 汉及更晚 彩陶人俑及动物一组十四件
Realised: $540
A Dehua Blanc-de-Chine Pear-Shaped Vase with Suspended Ring Handles, Qing Dynasty, 18th Century, 十七世纪 德化白瓷活环耳瓶
Realised: $1,440
A Pair of Miniature Dehua Figures of Qilin, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 德化白瓷麒麟一对
Realised: $252
A Group of Three Miniature Monochrome-Glazed Vases, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 单色釉小瓶一组三件
Realised: $1,800
A Clair-de-Lune Glazed 'Calligraphy' Hanging Wall Vase, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 蓝釉青花诗文壁瓶
Realised: $300
Two Glazed Stoneware Water Droppers, Together With Three Porcelain Bird Feeders, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 瓷荷叶型水注青釉及蓝彩鸟食罐一组三件
Realised: $180
A Gilt-Decorated Mirror-Black-Glazed 'Bats' Vase, Kangxi Mark, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 康熙款黑地描金彩凤尾尊
Realised: $180
A Pair of Chinese Celadon-Glazed Hexagonal 'Bamboo' Jardinières, Late Qing/Republican Period, 晚清/民国 青釉竹节纹六方缸一对
Realised: $2,700
A Small Jun-Glazed Tripod Censer and Cover, 19th Century or Earlier, 十九世纪或更早 钧窑三组小炉
Realised: $450
A Large Flambé-Glazed Jar with Animal Mask-and-Ring Handles, 19th Century , 清 十九世纪 窑变釉双兽环耳大罐
Realised: $480
A Flambé-Glazed Baluster Vase With Twin Handles, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 窑变釉双耳瓶
Realised: $720
An Apple-Green Crackle-Glazed Baluster Vase, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 苹果绿釉冰裂纹观音小瓶
Realised: $360
A Famille Rose Porcelain 'Deer and Bats' Panel, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 粉彩松鹿图瓷板
Realised: $960
A Pair of Famille Rose 'Buddhist Emblems' Wine Cups, Qianlong Mark, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 粉彩八吉祥纹小杯一对 釉彩或为后加彩
Realised: $240
A Famille Rose 'Nine Peaches' Footed Dish, Dun Ben Tang Mark, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国 粉彩敦本堂制九桃花口盘
Realised: $600
A Famille Rose 'Dragon and Phoenix' Barrel Stool, Early 20th Century, 民国 粉彩龙凤戏珠纹鼓凳
Realised: $510
A Pair of Famille Rose 'Birds, Flowers, and Calligraphy' Temple Jars and Covers, Republican Period, 民国 彩瓷花鸟诗纹将军罐一组两件
Realised: $420
Two Famille Rose Porcelain 'Birds and Flowers' Sleeve Vase Lamps, Republican Period, Dated 1918, 民国 1918年 杨悦昇作 彩瓷花鸟诗文帽筒一对 后制成灯
Realised: $240
A Group of Fourteen Chinese Porcelain Dishes, Vases, and Figures, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 彩瓷器一组十四件
Realised: $180
A Pair of Chinese Enameled Porcelain Vases, Kangxi Mark, 20th Century, 二十世纪 康熙款彩瓷瓶一对
Realised: $1,140
A Pair of Green Enameled 'Double Dragon Chasing Flaming Pearl' Bowls, Guangxu Mark, 20th Century, 二十世纪 光绪款 绿彩双龙戏珠纹碗一对
Realised: $180
A Set of Fifty-Two 'Wanshou Wujiang' Porcelain Dinner Wares, Circa 1960 , 二十世纪中期 红地粉彩'万寿无疆'餐具一套五十二件
Realised: $120
A Chinese Export Famille Rose Punch Bowl, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 十八世纪 乾隆外销粉彩大碗
Realised: $360
A Chinese Export Famille Rose Punch Bowl, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 十八世纪 乾隆外销彩瓷碗
Realised: $120
A Chinese Export Metal-Mounted Armorial Porcelain Box, Together With Three Japanese Imari Chargers, 18th/19th Century, 十八/十九世纪 外销纹章小方盒及伊万里盘一组四件
Realised: $240
A Canton Famille Rose Vase and Punch Bowl, 19th Century and Later, 晚清/民国 广彩瓶及大碗一组两件
Realised: $120
A Group of Three Porcelain Items, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 青釉刻花盘开片仿竹瓷笔筒及彩瓷塑一组三件
Realised: $390
Two Archaic Bronze Swords (Jian), Warring States Period/Western Han Dynasty (475 BC-AD 8), 战国至西汉 竹节柄青铜剑及直柄青铜剑
Realised: $5,400
A Chinese Silver 'Bamboo' Lidded Box and Cocktail Shaker, Wai Kee, Hong Kong, Dated 1955, 作于1955年 银器一组两件
Realised: $540
A Cloisonné and Champlevé Enamel Vase Lamp, Republican Period, 民国 錾胎填珐琅龙纹'福禄'瓶后制成灯
Realised: $240
A Chinese Bronze 'Daoist Immortal and Acolyte' Taperstick, Qing Dynasty, 清 铜道教'仙鹤筒子'烛台
Realised: $720
Two Chinese Silver and Paktong Opium Pipes, Together With a Pipe and a Dagger, 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国 银器一组四件
Realised: $180
A Carved Bamboo Incense Holder, Daoguang Mark, 20th Century , 道光款 竹雕'松下对弈'人物纹香筒
Realised: $180
A Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid Circular Box and Cover, Together With a Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid Oval 'Dragon' Tray, Vietnam/China, 19th Century, 越南 十九世纪 木嵌母贝盘及小盒一组两件
Realised: $390
A Carved Cinnabar Lacquer Lobed Tray, Qianlong Mark, 20th Century, 二十世纪 剔红山水花口盘
Realised: $1,080
A Chinese Finely Carved and Pierced Ivory Brisé Fan, Qing Dynasty, Circa 1790, 清 十八世紀末約1790年 牙镂雕人物图扇
Realised: $2,280
A Large Canton Carved Ivory Snuff Bottle, Together With an Ivory Elephant, Early to Mid 20th Century, 民国 牙雕烟壶及小象一组两件
Realised: $360
An Ivory Figure of a Shoulao, Late Qing/Republican Period, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国 牙雕寿老像
Realised: $180
An Ivory Figure of the Drunken Poet Li Bai, Early to Mid 20th Century, 民国 牙雕'太白醉酒'
Realised: $540
An Ivory Figure of Multi-Armed Guanyin, Together With a Emperor and Empress Pair and a Female Immortal, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 牙雕摆件一组四件
Realised: $1,080
An Ivory Figure of the Buddha Maitreya, Republican Period, Early 20th Century, 民国 牙雕弥勒佛座像
Realised: $240
An Ivory Carved Boat, Together With a Fan and Eight Miniature Horses, Early to Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪中期 牙雕摆件及成扇一组十件
Realised: $192
A Marble Figure of Guanyin, China/Vietnam, Possibly 18th Century, 或十八世纪 汉白玉雕观音坐像
Realised: $240
A Large Wood Figure of Shoulao and Attendant, Early to Mid 20th Century, 民国 木雕寿老童子像
Realised: $108
A Chinese Bronze Dinner Gong and Victorian Mahogany Stand, Circa 1900, 晚清 红木框 铜鼓
Realised: $450
A Gilt Lacquered Ancestral Shrine Cabinet, Fujian/Guangdong, Possibly for the Southeast Asian Market, Circa 1900, 晚清 金木楼雕佛龛
Realised: $216
A Chinese Gilt Lacquered and Carved Bed Headboard, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 晚清 金木镂雕床板
Realised: $264
A Chinese Gilt Lacquered Rectangular Box and Cover with Six Interior Trays, 19th Century, 晚清 金木攒方盒
Realised: $240
A Small Chinese Lacquered Altar Coffer, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 晚清 金木镂雕翘头柜
Realised: $240
A Chinese Gilt Lacquer Square Box and Cover, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 晚清 描金漆木方盒
Realised: $240
A Group of Three Chinese Wood Carvings, Together With an Indian Wood Carved Panel, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 木雕一组四件
Realised: $72
A Large Chinese Carved Hardwood Stand, 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国 硬木如意云腿座
Realised: $120
A Pair of Chinese Hardwood Horseshoe-Back Armchairs, 20th Century, 二十世纪 硬木圈椅一对
Realised: $288
A Pair of Carved Hardwood 'Double-Gourd' Shaped Scroll Weights, 硬木雕'福禄万代'镇纸一对
Realised: $240
A Chinese Soapstone Inlaid 'Birds and Flowers' Four-Panel Floor Screen, Early to Mid 20th Century, 民国 四开黑漆描金嵌寿山石洞石牡丹孔雀纹屏风一套
Realised: $276
A Soapstone Figure of Shoulao Mounted as a Lamp, Republican Period, Early 20th Century, 民国 寿山石雕寿老摆件
Realised: $120
A Group of Thirteen Chinese Cloisonné, Porcelain, and Bone Jewellery Pieces, Early to Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪早中期 中国骨制瓷制及景泰蓝筷子及珠宝一组十三件
Realised: $180
A Chinese Serpentine Figure of a Lady, Together With a Tripod Censer and Cover, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 蛇纹石雕仙女及三足炉一组两件
Realised: $450
A Group of Seven Chinese Cloisonné, Ivory, Hardstone, and Wood Objects, Early to Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪早中期 牙雕香瓶及摆件珠宝盒一组七件
Realised: $216
A Large Group of Fourteen Chinese, Indian, and Other Miscellaneous Ivory Carvings, 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国 牙雕一组十四件
Realised: $510
A Large Group of Chinese Hardstone and Bone Carvings and Beads, Mid 20th Century, 建国初期 硬石雕一组
Realised: $120
A Small Tibetan Gilt Bronze Seated Figure of Buddha, 18th Century, 十八世纪 西藏 金铜佛坐像
Realised: $1,320
A Tibetan Gilt Bronze Figure of Medicine Buddha, 16th Century, 十六世纪 西藏 金铜药师佛像
Realised: $540
A Nepalese/Tibetan Gilt Bronze Figure of Vasudhara, 18th Century, 十八世纪 尼泊尔/西藏 金铜财源天母像
Realised: $2,040
A Massive Tibetan Bronze Vajra (Dorje) with Ashtamangala and Inscription, 18th Century, 十八世纪 西藏 大型铜金刚杵 带铭文
Realised: $540
A Large Brass Seated Figure of Padmasambhava, Tibet/Nepal, 20th Century, 二十世纪 西藏/尼泊尔 铜药师佛坐像
Realised: $720
A Mongolian Sutra Page of Yellow and Black Jambhala (Kubera), 18th Century, 十八世纪 蒙古 佛经页绘黄财神黑财神
Realised: $360
A Nepalese Polychromed Wood Mask Panel of Bhairava, 19th Century, 十九世纪 尼泊尔 彩绘木雕陪臚面具挂板
Realised: $216
Two Tibetan Paintings of a a Female Warrior on Horseback and an Elephant Trainer, 藏画两张 设色纸本 镜框
Realised: $96
A Small Copper Figure of Shiva Nataraja, South India, 18th Century, 十八世纪 南印度 铜舞王湿婆像
Realised: $330
An Indian Bronze Figure of Durga, Maharashtra, 17th Century, 十七至十九世纪 西印度 铜难近母像
Realised: $2,160
A Pair of Indian Painted Wood Figures of Female Dancers, 18th/19th Century, 十八/十九世纪 印度木雕舞者一组两件
Realised: $252
A Kandyan Style Wood Figure of Buddha, Sri Lanka, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 斯里兰卡 木雕佛立像
Realised: $276
A Large Copper Alloy Standing Figure of Buddha, Possibly Kandyan Period, Sri Lanka, 18th Century or Later, 十八世纪康提时期 或更晚 斯里兰卡 大型铜佛立像
Realised: $5,400
A Massive Thai Terracotta Panel Depicting Female Deities, 15th Century or Later
Realised: $3,300
A Khmer Bayon Style Gilt Bronze Triad of Shiva, Vishnu and Devi, With Inscription, 13th Century
Realised: $2,700
A Thai Celadon Vase and Stopper, Together With a Thai Bronze Figure of an Archer and a Persian Inlaid Brass Vase, 19th/20th Century
Realised: $108
A Pair of Japanese Silver-Inlaid Iron Stirrups (Abumi), Signed Yamashiro Fujiwara, Edo Period (1615-1868)
Realised: $1,140
An Amusing Ivory Okimono Scene of a Man in a Tea Shop, Signed Munenobu, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $2,280
Two Fine Ivory Okimono of a Lady Gathering Silkworms from Egg Paper and a Standing Lady, One Signed Nakagawa Isshin, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $1,020
An Ivory Okimono of a Lady, Together With Three Netsuke, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $288
A Pair of Bronze Okimono Figures Carrying Temple Bells, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $252
A Japanese Mixed Metal 'Longevity' Kagamibuta Plaque, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $72
A Satsuma Tripod Censer and Cover with Toad Finial, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $1,320
A Group of Seventeen Miniature Satsuma Vases, Teapots, and Censers, Meiji/Taisho Period (1868-1926)
Realised: $960
Three Satsuma 'Millefleur' Vessels, Together With a Satsuma 'Figural' Vase, Meiji/Taisho Period (1868-1926)
Realised: $144
A Group of Three Large Satsuma Blue Ground 'Figural' Vases, Meiji-Showa Period (1868-1989)
Realised: $600
A Pair of Satsuma Dark Green Ground 'Samurai' Vases, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $780
A Group of Fifteen Satsuma 'Dragon and Rakan' Tea Wares and Vases, Taisho Period (1912-1926)
Realised: $3,600
A Group of Six Satsuma 'Buddhist Disciples' Vases, Chargers and Bowl, Meiji/Taisho Period (1868-1926)
Realised: $780
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869-1927), Three Noh Theatre Woodblock Prints, Dated 1897-1899
Realised: $168
Ogata Gekko (1859-1920), Ohara Koson (Shoson, 1877-1945), and Other, Three Woodblock Prints
Realised: $180
A Pair of Kutani Baluster Vases, Together With a Pair of Kutani Bottles Vases, Late 19th/Early 20th Century
Realised: $240
A Large Collection of Seventy-Three Japanese Imari Porcelain Wares, Meiji Period (1868-1912)
Realised: $450
A Group of Five Chinese Blue and White and Japanese Imari Wares, 19th/20th Century
Realised: $120
A Group of Fifteen Japanese Imari, Kutani, and Arita Porcelain Objects, 19th/20th Century
Realised: $72
A White Glazed Ceramic Foo Dog, Together With a Gilt Wood Bracket and a Japanese Tsuba, 19th/20th Century
Realised: $120
A Set of Eight Tin Sake Wares and Box, Together With a Bronze 'Bird' Censer, Mid 20th Century
Realised: $192
Prices realised for the lots above include Buyer's Premium. Lot numbers which are omitted represent items which were withdrawn, passed or unsold as of the publication of this list. Not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.
100 Broadview Avenue, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M4M 3H3
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 am - 5 pm
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