Asian Art

Auction begins to close:
October 06, 2022 at 2:00 pm ET

Online Auction
LOT 37

Lot 37

Liu Shouben (1943-) An Inside-Painted Agate Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, Circa 1960

Liu Shouben (1943-) An Inside-Painted Agate Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, Circa 1960
Lot 37 Details
Liu Shouben (1943-) An Inside-Painted Agate Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, Circa 1960

刘守本作玛瑙内画高仕图 玛瑙壶十九世纪 内画约1960年作

Decorated on each side with a scholar and inscribed 'Shouben zuo', the shoulders carved with two mask-ring handles, with jadeite stopper
height 2.8 in — 7.2 cm

Estimate $2,000-$3,000

Realised: $1,320
Price Includes Buyer's Premium ?

Lot Report

Additional Images
Liu Shouben (1943-) An Inside-Painted Agate Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, Circa 1960
  • Liu Shouben (1943-) An Inside-Painted Agate Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, Circa 1960
  • Liu Shouben (1943-) An Inside-Painted Agate Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, Circa 1960
  • Liu Shouben (1943-) An Inside-Painted Agate Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, Circa 1960
  • Liu Shouben (1943-) An Inside-Painted Agate Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, Circa 1960
  • Liu Shouben (1943-) An Inside-Painted Agate Snuff Bottle, 19th Century, Circa 1960

Private Estate Collection, Victoria, BC


刘守本 (1943-),生于北京。自幼喜爱美术,1960年师从京派内画大师叶仲三之子叶晓峰、叶菶祺二位学习,继承叶家内画传统技艺,并从传统中创立更完善的技法,形成新的京派内画艺术风格,其中表现旧时旗人和京城平民生活情趣的作品京味十足,意趣悠然。由于题材广泛,画工精细,以传统人物画为主,兼工动物、山水、肖像等,作品形象生动,雅俗共赏,明显区别于其他内绘派别,予人以高雅独特的艺术享受。于 1987 年所创作的内画作品《长安灯会》获得中国轻工部工艺美术百花奖的殊荣。现为京派内画鼻烟壶的领军人物,中国工艺美术大师和国际中国鼻烟壶协会荣誉会员。

Compare with examples sold at Bonhams New York, September 19, 2022, lot 28; Christie's New York, March 29, 2022, lot 76; Christie's New York, March 14, 2017, lot 406; and Christie's London, November 10, 2015, lot 671

Bonhams New York, September 19, 2022, lot 28
Christie's New York, March 29, 2022, lot 76
Christie's New York, March 14, 2017, lot 406
Christie's London, November 10, 2015, lot 671


For condition information please contact the specialist.

LOT 37

About Condition Ratings

  • 5 Stars: Excellent - No discernable damage, flaws or imperfections
  • 4 Stars: Very Good - Minor flaws or imperfections visible only under close inspection using specialised instruments or black light
  • 3 Stars: Good - Minor flaws visible upon inspection under standard lighting
  • 2 Stars: Fair - Exhibits flaws or damage that may draw the eye under standard lighting
  • 1 Star: Poor - Flaws or damage immediately apparent under standard lighting (examples: missing components, rips, broken glass, damaged surfaces, etc.)

Note: Condition ratings and condition details are the subjective opinions of our specialists and should be used as a guide only. Waddington’s uses due care when preparing condition details, however, our staff are not professional restorers or conservators. Condition details and reports are not warranties and each lot is sold “as is” in accordance with the buyer’s terms and conditions of sale. In all cases the prospective purchaser is responsible for inspecting the property themselves prior to placing a bid.