A Jade Plaque and Enamel Inlaid Silver Filigree Brooch, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 银掐丝填珐琅嵌玉花片胸针
Realised: $204
A Pair of Mottled Celadon Jade Bowls, Jiaqing Mark, Early 20th Century , 二十世纪早期 玉碗一对 嘉庆年制底款
Realised: $2,040
A Pair of Carved Moss Agate 'Dragon-Fish' Handled Cups, Early 20th Century, 二十世纪初 藓纹玛瑙雕'鱼龙变化'双耳杯一对
Realised: $600
A Pale Celadon Hardstone Vase With Chain and Cover, Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪中期 硬石雕仿古提梁卣
Realised: $330
A Celadon Jade Mountain-Form Brush Rest, Together With a Raw Jadeite Paperweight, 青白玉山子 翡翠原石镇纸一组两件
Realised: $120
A Pair of Green Jade Figures of an Elderly Couple, Early 20th Century, 二十世纪早期 碧玉雕祖先像一对
Realised: $132
An Ancient Jadeite Beaded Necklace, Pre-Columbian, 5th Century, With 14K Yellow Gold Spacers, Circa 1970, 前哥伦比亚时期/约公元5世纪 古翡翠珠链一串
Realised: $1,080
A Chinese Soapstone Carved Figure Mounted as a Lamp, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 寿山石雕仕女摆件
Realised: $1,020
A Chinese Rose Quartz Covered Vase Mounted as a Lamp, Early to Mid 20th Century, 民国时期 粉晶雕花瓶
Realised: $900
A Chinese Soapstone 'Phoenix and Peonies' Carving, Early 20th Century, 二十世纪早期 寿山石雕凤穿牡丹山子
Realised: $108
A Group of Eight Chinese Carnelian and Agate Carvings, Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪中期 玛瑙雕一组八件
Realised: $252
A Rare 'Realgar' Glass Snuff Bottle, Qing Dynasty, 18th/19th Century, 清 料仿雄黄鼻烟壶
Realised: $480
A Red Overlay 'Mandarin Duck' Peking Glass Snuff Bottle, Together With a Bone Carved Snuff Bottle, 白地套红料莲塘鸳鸯图鼻烟壶 骨鼻烟壶一组两件
Realised: $96
A Group of Nine Porcelain and Glass Snuff Bottles, 19th Century and Later, 十九世纪及更晚 瓷器及料器鼻烟壶一组九件
Realised: $840
A Large Painted Pottery Jar, Majiayao Culture, Banshan Phase, Neolithic Period, 3rd Millennium BC, 新时期时代 马家窑文化 半山类型彩绘陶罐
Realised: $5,100
A Group of Four Pottery Vessels, Warring States Period (475-221 BC), 战国 印纹灰陶罐一组四件
Realised: $1,200
A Pair of Large Black Pottery Amphorae, Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), 汉 黑陶双耳罐一对
Realised: $7,200
A Green-Glazed Pottery Model of a Granary, Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), 汉 铅绿釉陶塔
Realised: $1,800
A Group of Three Straw-Glazed Pottery Funerary Covers, Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279), 宋 明器鹅形盖一组三件
Realised: $60
A Group of Three Qingbai-Glazed Ceramics, Song Dynasty or Later, 宋或更晚 影青釉瓷器一组三件
Realised: $1,140
A Group of Three Sancai-Glazed Pottery Tile Warriors Riding Beasts, Early 20th Century, 二十世纪早期 三彩武士骑像一组三件
Realised: $1,680
An 'Egg and Spinach' Glazed Libation Cup, Kangxi Period or Later, 康熙或更晚 素三彩釉瓷杯
Realised: $240
A Chinese Export Armorial Plate, M'Arthur, Circa 1795, together with an Armorial Teacup and a Cup and Saucer, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 约1795年 乾隆时期 外销瓷器一组四件
Realised: $300
A Chinese Export 'European Subject' Box and Cover, Together With a Famille Rose 'Figural' Teapot, 18th Century, 十八世纪 中国外销意式人物纹盖盒 外销描金粉彩人物纹茶壶一组两件
Realised: $420
A Large Blue and White 'Birds and Flowers' Bowl, Late 18th Century, 十八世纪晚期 青花花鸟纹大碗
Realised: $2,280
A Blue and White Octagonal 'Landscape' Dish, Together With Two Cups, 18th Century, 十八世纪 青花八棱山水图盘 青花小杯两只一组三件
Realised: $192
A Chinese Export Blue and White Platter, Together With a Meat Dish and Mazarine and an Imari Plate, 18th/19th Century, 十八/十九世纪 青花外销盘一组三件
Realised: $510
A Group of Five Famille Rose 'Floral' Plates, 18th/19th Century, 十八/十九世纪 粉彩花卉虫草纹盘一组五件
Realised: $390
A Group of Four Blue and White Wares, 18th Century and Later, 十八世纪及更晚 青花器一组四件
Realised: $2,160
Two Sets of Famille Rose Cups and Saucers, Together With a Blue and White Lobed Dish and a Transferware Inkwell, 18th Century and Later, 十八世纪及更晚 瓷器一组六件
Realised: $480
A Group of Six Chinese Famille Rose Wares, 18th Century and Later, 清中晚期 粉彩器一组六件
Realised: $480
A Blue-Enameled 'Figural' Bowl, Qianlong Mark, Qing Dynasty, 清 蓝彩庭院人物纹碗 乾隆底款
Realised: $8,400
A Famille Rose 'Dragon and Phoenix' Wine Cup Warmer, Guangxu Mark, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 粉彩龙凤纹温酒盖盅 光绪款
Realised: $240
A Famille Rose Enameled 'Wu Shuang Pu' Teapot and Cover, Together with Two Tea Cups, 道光 同治底款 '无双谱'茶壶茶杯一组三件
Realised: $3,300
A Set of Five Famille Rose and Gilt 'Wu Shuang Pu' Plates, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 粉彩描金'无双谱'盘一组五件
Realised: $3,900
A Famille Rose 'Eight Immortals' Covered Bowl, Together With a Famille Rose 'Monkeys' Snuff Bottle, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 粉彩'八仙'纹碗 粉彩灵猴纹鼻烟壶一组两件
Realised: $1,440
A Chinese Enameled 'Butterfly' Lobed Bowl With Turquoise Interior, Tongzhi Mark, 19th Century, 清十九世纪 同治款粉彩蝴蝶纹方形小碗
Realised: $480
A Canton Famille Rose Style Porcelain Umbrella Stand, 20th Century, 二十世纪 粉彩人物故事纹筒
Realised: $204
A Group of Five Chinese Ceramic Wares, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 康熙款豇豆红小瓶一对 粉彩模印龙纹印盒 粉彩料器铃一组五件
Realised: $84
A Chinese Blue and White 'Figural' Censer, Together with a Rectangular Covered Box, 19th Century, 十九世纪 青花人物纹炉 长方龙纹盖盒一组两件
Realised: $120
A Group of Four Blue and White Seal Paste Boxes, Together With a Water Pot, Late 19th Century, 晚清 青花印泥盒 水丞一组四件
Realised: $2,280
A Large Blue and White 'Double Happiness' Vase, Together With a Pair of Ginger Jars, 19th Century, 十九世纪 青花'双喜'大瓶对罐一组三件
Realised: $900
A Pair of Blue and White 'Figural' Bowls, Circa 1920, 约1920年 青花'鹬蚌相争'纹题诗碗一对 '江西瓷业公司'底款
Realised: $252
A Massive Famille Verte 'Figural' Charger, Mid to Late 20th Century, 二十世纪早中期 五彩人物纹大盘
Realised: $390
A Large Famille Verte 'Dragon' Bowl, Wanli Mark, 20th Century, 二十世纪 五彩海水云龙赶珠纹大碗 万历底款
Realised: $330
A Pair of Chinese Export Canton Famille Rose Reticulated Lanterns and Stands, Early 19th Century, 十九世纪早期 外销广彩瓷灯带座一对
Realised: $2,160
A Pair of Chinese Export Canton Famille Rose Cylindrical 'Figural' Vases, 19th Century, 十九世纪 外销广彩铺兽耳瓶一对
Realised: $1,320
A Group of Five Chinese Export Canton Famille Rose Dinner Wares, 19th Century, 十九世纪 外销广彩碗盘一组五件
Realised: $390
A Canton Famille Rose Beaker Vase, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国时期 广州外销粉彩人物花鸟纹尊
Realised: $288
A Group of Ten Chinese Export Canton Famille Rose Tea Wares, 19th Century and Later, 十九世纪及更晚 外销广彩茶具一组十件
Realised: $252
A Canton Famille Rose Set of Two Teacups and a Teapot, Together With a Bamboo Storage Basket, Circa 1930, 民国时期 广州外销粉彩茶具带原竹盒一套共四件
Realised: $120
A Copper-Red Glazed Vase, Together with a Small Shiwan Vase, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 红釉罐 石湾窑红釉小赏瓶一组两件
Realised: $1,440
A Famille Rose Figure of Fu Xing, 19th Century, Together With a Pair of Famille Noire Ginger Jars, 20th Century, 晚清/民国时期 粉彩福星瓷像 黑地粉彩对罐一组三件
Realised: $120
A Pair of Yellow-Ground Famille Rose Fish Bowls, Daoguang Mark, Early to Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪早/中期 黄地粉彩鱼藻人物纹卷缸一对 道光底款
Realised: $960
A Pair of Large Chinese Yellow-Ground Famille Rose Jardinieres, Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪中期 黄地粉彩人物纹大缸一对
Realised: $390
A Pair of Moulded 'Dragon' Meiping Vases, Qianlong Mark, 20th Century, 二十世纪 乾隆款 蓝釉高浮雕描金龙穿海水纹梅瓶一对
Realised: $600
A Doucai 'Lanca' Cup, Yongzheng Mark, 20th Century , 二十世纪 斗彩莲托梵文杯 '大清雍正年制'六字篆书底款
Realised: $660
A Complete Set of Ceramic Figures of the Eighteen Luohan (Arhats), Shiwan, Circa 1980, 约1980年 石湾窑十八罗汉一套
Realised: $3,000
Pang Wenzhong (1951- ), A Shiwan Figure of a Seated Official, 庞文忠 (1951- ) 石湾窑坐像
Realised: $96
A Group of Twenty-Nine 'Hoi An Hoard' Vietnamese Blue and White Miniature Jarlets, 15th Century, 十五世纪 越南'安南号'青花小罐一组二十九件
Realised: $420
A Bronze 'Foreigner' Candlestick, Ming Dynasty, 17th Century, 明 十七世纪 铜胡人献宝烛台
Realised: $1,140
A Chinese Bronze Tripod Censer for the Islamic Market, 17th Century, 十七世纪 外销伊斯兰阿拉伯文三足铜炉 宣德底款
Realised: $3,000
A Bronze Incense Burner, Yu Tang Qing Wan Mark, Together With a Bronze Vessel With Ring Handles, 铜'玉堂清玩'款双耳炉 铜兽耳衔环罐一组两件
Realised: $780
A Chinese Black Lacquered 'Spindle' Cabinet, Early to Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪中期 中式黑漆木柜
Realised: $570
A Pair of Chinese Stained Elm Side Tables, Early to Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪前半叶 中式榆木方桌一对
Realised: $132
A Pair of Large Framed Chinese Gilt Wood Temple Carvings, 19th Century, 十九世纪 金木镂雕建筑构件挂屏一对 带框
Realised: $2,280
A Group of Five Chinese Wood Temple Carvings, 19th Century, 十九世纪 木雕建筑构件一组五件
Realised: $1,560
A Group of Five Small Chinese Wood Temple Carvings, 19th Century, 十九世纪 木雕建筑构件一组五件
Realised: $900
A Gilt Wood Carved Chinese Architectural Panel, Late Qing Dynasty , 晚清 '喜上眉梢'金木建筑构件
Realised: $1,320
A Framed Company School Miniature Painting on Ivory, India, Together With a Chinese Wood Frame and Figure of Shoulao, 印度彩绘牙板 木雕寿老摆件 木雕镜框
Realised: $96
A Group of Fifteen Export Folding Fans, 19th Century and Later, 十九世纪及更晚 外销折扇及扇骨一组十五件
Realised: $144
A Chinese Yellow-Ground Embroidered Panel of a Buddhist Lantern, 20th Century, 二十世纪 黄地佛教供灯纹刺绣
Realised: $510
Two Framed Chinese Embroidered 'Hundred Boys' Panels, 20th Century, 二十世纪 中国'百子图'绣片一组两件 镜框
Realised: $72
A Chinese 'Shoulao' Pewter Ewer, Together with a Turkish Pewter Ewer, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 中国'寿老'纹锡壶 土耳其锡壶一组两件
Realised: $168
A Group of Six Chinese Pewter Items, Together With a String of Composite Beads, Late Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 晚清 锡制首饰一组七件
Realised: $252
A Guangxu Sichuan Silver Dollar Mounted Silver Dish, 清末/民国初期 四川省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分银币银盘
Realised: $390
A Framed Set of Cultural Revolution Mao Buttons and a Shanghai Red Army Band, Circa 1956-1965, 大跃进时期 红袖章徽章一套 镜框
Realised: $180
A Painting of Chrysanthemum and Crabs, Signed Li Keliang, Dated 1969, 金秋菊蟹图 李克良作 1969年
Realised: $192
A Set of Four Framed Chinese 'Figural Landscape' Paintings, Together With a Pair of 'Floral' Scroll Paintings, 山水人物挂屏四张 花卉立轴一对
Realised: $48
A Carved and Pierced White Jade Belt Buckle, Together with a White Jade 'Chi Dragon' Belt Buckle, 龙纹玉带扣 苍龙教子纹玉带钩一组两件
Realised: $1,920
A Jadeite 'Chi Dragon' Belt Buckle, Together With Two Jade Belt Buckles, '苍龙教子'纹玉带钩一组三件
Realised: $480
A Group of Four Celadon and Russet Jade Carvings of Beasts, 20th Century, 二十世纪 玉雕瑞兽一组四件
Realised: $132
A Tibetan Polychromed and Carved Stone Figure of a Wrathful Deity, Possibly 15th Century
Realised: $300
An Indian Miniature Painting of a Courtly Scene with a European Dandy, 19th Century or Earlier
Realised: $1,800
A Group of Eight Company School Mica Paintings of Castes and People of India, 19th Century
Realised: $2,700
A Silver-Inlaid Bidriware Box, India, 19th Century, Together With Four Bone Carvings
Realised: $72
Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861), Toyohara Kunichika (1835-1900), Toshihide Migata (1863-1925), A Group of Five Ukiyo-e Woodblock Prints, Edo/Meiji Period, 19th Century
Realised: $204
Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III, 1786-1865), Yoshu (Toyohara) Chikanobu (1838-1912), A Group of Three Ukiyo-e Woodblock Prints, 19th Century
Realised: $204
Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III, 1786-1865), Outside a Brushwood Fence on a Spring Night, Mid 19th Century
Realised: $228
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) and Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III, 1786-1865), Moto-Yanagibashi, 1862
Realised: $72
After Kitagawa Utamaro (1753-1806), Okita of Naniwa-ya Teahouse, Together with Four Ukiyo-e Prints, 20th Century
Realised: $60
After Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) and Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861), Four Framed Woodblock Prints, 20th Century
Realised: $168
Kiyoshi Saito (1907-1997), Persimmon Tree, Circa 1960, 斎藤 清 (1907-1997) 柿子樹街景 版畫 镜框
Realised: $720
Ogawa Gaboku (1911-2000), Sofu Takashi, A Group of Five Abstract Calligraphy Paintings
Realised: $420
A Pair of Japanese Mixed-Metal Inlaid Bronze Vases, Meiji Period, Late 19th Century
Realised: $1,080
A Japanese Cast Iron 'Three Friends of Winter' Teapot, Meiji Period, 日本明治時期 浮雕岁寒三友纹砂铁壶
Realised: $156
A Gold and Blue Ground Silk Jinbaori (Samurai Surcoat), Edo Period, 19th Century
Realised: $1,200
A Gilt Wood Figure of Ksitigarbha, Japan/China, 17th/18th Century, 十七/十八世纪 木漆金地藏菩萨坐像
Realised: $1,920
A Gilt Wood Figure of Kannon (Avalokiteshvara), Edo/Meiji Period, 19th Century
Realised: $900
Attributed to Kato Tokuro (1898-1985), A Ko-Seto Ware Reproduction of an Einin Period Tsubo Jar
Realised: $120
An Underglaze Cobalt Tokkuri Sake Flask, Early 20th Century, Together With an English St. Ives Stoneware Dish
Realised: $72
A Large Japanese Arita Blue and White Circular Charger, Meiji Period, 19th Century
Realised: $450
A Pair of Japanese Arita Blue and White Lobed Chargers, Edo/Meiji Period, 19th Century, 日本 江户/明治时期 有田烧青花花口盘一对
Realised: $252
A Japanese Kutani Pot and Three Stem Cups, Meiji Period, 日本明治時期九谷焼 金彩赤絵執壺酒杯一組四件
Realised: $108
A Japanese Polychrome Ivory Shunga Trick Netsuke, Meiji Period, 日本明治时期 牙雕春画根付
Realised: $570
Walter H. Siegfried, The Hardship of a Summer Sojourn in Japan: Season's Greetings from the Home of Walter H. Siegfried, Shidzuoka, Japan, 1933
Realised: $156
A Group of Forty-Nine Japanese Military Arts and Other Miscellaneous Books and Catalogues
Realised: $36
Prices realised for the lots above include Buyer's Premium. Lot numbers which are omitted represent items which were withdrawn, passed or unsold as of the publication of this list. Not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.
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