Lot 24
A Rare 'Realgar' Glass Snuff Bottle, Qing Dynasty, 18th/19th Century

Lot 24 Details
A Rare 'Realgar' Glass Snuff Bottle, Qing Dynasty, 18th/19th Century
清 料仿雄黄鼻烟壶
Of ovoid form, the deep red glass evenly applied with swirled ochre-yellow splashes to imitate realgar, with two elongated yellow stripes to each side
height 2.4 in — 6 cm
Estimate $800-$1,200
Additional Images

For similar realgar-imitation glass snuff bottles, see Christie's Hong Kong, October 7, 2020, lot 58; and Sotheby's Hong Kong, May 26, 2014, lot 1064
类似仿雄黄料鼻烟壶请参阅香港佳士得,2020年10月7日,拍品编号58 ; 以及香港苏富比2014年5月26日,拍品编号1064
Christie's Hong Kong, October 7, 2020, lot 58
Sotheby's Hong Kong, May 26, 2014, lot 1064