A Pale Celadon and Russet Jade 'Chilong' Pouring Vessel, Ming Dynasty, 明 青白玉雕螭龙纹盃
Realised: $7,800
A Pale Grey and Black Jade 'Dragon and Phoenix' Two-Part Belt Buckle, Ming Dynasty, 明 灰白玉雕龙凤纹带扣
Realised: $20,400
A Group of Three White and Pale Celadon Jade Pendants, Ming/Qing Dynasty, 明/清 青白玉雕'连年有余'佩 白玉雕双獾佩一组三件
Realised: $960
A White Jade 'Parrot' Pendant, together with a White Jade 'Boys' Pendant, Qing Dynasty, 清 白玉镂雕五子登科佩 鹦鹉佩 各一
Realised: $7,200
A Finely Carved White Jade Brush Pot, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 白玉雕玉兰纹笔筒
Realised: $5,100
A White Jade Double-Gourd Carving, together with a Pale Celadon Jade Pendant of Mushrooms, Qing Dynasty, 清 白玉雕三脚金蟾摆件 青白玉雕君子佩 各一
Realised: $4,500
A White Jade Recumbent Beast, together with a Greyish-White Jade Carving of Beasts Holding a Lingzhi Branch, 19th Century , 十九世纪 白玉雕瑞兽衔灵摆件 灰白玉雕子母兽衔灵摆件 各一
Realised: $1,320
A Group of Three Jade and Jadeite Carved Archer Rings, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 玉雕扳指一组三件
Realised: $5,700
A Carved Spinach-Green Jade 'Lotus' Brush Washer, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 碧玉雕荷叶形洗
Realised: $16,800
A Group of Four Jadeite Carvings, Together With Two Small Agate Censers and a Rock Crystal Carved Boat, Late Qing/Republican Period, 晚清/民国时期 翡翠玛瑙雕摆件一组七件
Realised: $3,900
A Group of Five Carved Jade Plaques on Stands, Ming Dynasty and Later, 明及清 玉透雕插屏一组五件
Realised: $420
A Jade Inset Wood Table Screen, Together With Three White Jade Plaques, 19th/20th Century, 晚清/民国时期 嵌玉牌桌屏 镂雕玉牌玉璧一组四件
Realised: $390
A Silvery Bronze 'Lion And Grapevine' Mirror, Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), 唐 海兽葡萄纹铜镜
Realised: $1,920
A Bronze Circular Mirror With Animals, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 四乳龙虎纹铜镜
Realised: $1,920
Two Large Painted Pottery Jars, Majiayao Culture, Banshan Phase, Neolithic Period, 3rd Millennium BC, 新时期时代 仰韶/马家窑文化 半山类型彩绘陶罐两件
Realised: $6,000
Two Large Painted Pottery Jars, Majiayao Culture, Banshan Phase, Neolithic Period, 3rd Millennium BC, 新时期时代 马家窑文化 半山类型彩陶罐两件
Realised: $7,200
A Large Painted Pottery Jar, Majiayao Culture, Machang Phase, Neolithic Period, 3rd Millennium BC, 新时期时代 仰韶文化 马厂类型彩陶蛙纹罐
Realised: $4,500
A Large Red Pottery Wine Ewer, Qijia Culture, Neolithic Period, 新石器时代 齐家文化 红陶双耳罐
Realised: $1,440
A Red Pottery Ewer, Qijia Culture, Neolithic Period, 2nd Millennium BC , 新石器时代 齐家文化 红陶盉
Realised: $780
A Neolithic Black Pottery Tripod Vessel, 'Li', Inner Mongolia, Xiajiadian Culture, Circa 1500 BC, 新石器时代 夏家店下层文化 黑陶鬲
Realised: $780
A Large 'Proto-Porcelain' Jar, Warring States Period (475-221 BC), 战国 青釉原始瓷直条纹双系罐
Realised: $4,500
A Group of Three Pottery Jars, Warring States Period (475-221 BC), 战国 印纹灰陶罐一组三件
Realised: $900
A Large Green-Glazed Two Tier Pottery Watchtower, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 绿釉陶楼
Realised: $5,700
A Green-Glazed Model of a Games Table, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 '六博'绿釉陶俑
Realised: $1,020
A Large Pottery Model of a House with a Courtyard, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 大型陶院落模型
Realised: $1,800
A Pair of Tall Pottery Male Warrior Figures, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 着衣式武士陶俑一组两件
Realised: $2,160
A Pair of Large Painted Pottery Figures of Attendants, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 塑衣式彩绘跽坐俑一组两件
Realised: $540
A Group of Three Pottery Figures of Dancers, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 陶乐舞佣一组三件
Realised: $1,020
A Green-Glazed Pottery 'Hill' Censer and Cover, Boshanlu, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 绿釉博山炉
Realised: $2,280
An Amber-Glazed Pottery Cylindrical 'Hill' Censer and Cover, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 褐釉博山陶奁
Realised: $3,300
A Pair of Large Black Pottery Amphorae, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 黑陶双耳罐一对
Realised: $4,200
A Pair of Small Black Pottery Amphorae, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 黑陶双耳罐一对
Realised: $720
A Pair of Small Black Pottery Amphorae, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 黑陶双耳罐一对
Realised: $900
Two Dark Grey Pottery 'Cocoon' Jars, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 灰陶茧形壶两只
Realised: $8,400
An Ash-Glazed 'Proto-Porcelain' Jar, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 西汉 褐釉原始瓷刻竖条纹双系罐
Realised: $2,700
A Wood Horse Head, Together With Six Body Parts, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 木雕马首及肢干一组七件
Realised: $240
A Group of Three Painted Pottery Figures of Attendants, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 塑衣式彩绘直立陶俑一组三件
Realised: $600
A Group of Four Large Painted Pottery Figures of Attendants, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 塑衣式彩绘直立陶俑一组四件
Realised: $960
A Group of Four Large Painted Pottery Figures of Attendants, Han Dynasty (206 BC - AD 220), 汉 塑衣式彩绘直立陶俑一组四件
Realised: $720
A Large Painted Pottery Figure of a Guardian, Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), 唐 彩绘天王立像
Realised: $3,900
A Large Painted Pottery Figure of a Court Lady, Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), 唐 彩绘女立俑
Realised: $4,200
A Rare Changsha Amber and Straw-Glazed Pottery Ewer with 'Warrior' Design, Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), 唐 长沙窑青釉褐斑贴花壶
Realised: $2,700
A Group of Eight Bronze Repoussé Belt Ornaments, Die Xie, Possibly Liao Dynasty , 或辽代 青铜凤纹蹀躞带扣一组八件
Realised: $360
A Pair of Tall Straw-Glazed Pottery Funerary Urns and Covers, Song Dynasty (AD 960-1279), 宋 青白釉堆塑魂瓶一对
Realised: $780
A Pair of Large Sancai-Glazed Dragon-Form Roof Tiles, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 三彩琉璃螭吻一对
Realised: $40,800
A Pair of Fahua-Glazed Dragon-Form Roof Tiles, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 法华琉璃吞脊兽一对
Realised: $4,200
A Pair of Fahua Glazed 'Guardian Lion' Roof Ornaments, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 法华琉璃'风狮爷'瓦当一对
Realised: $7,200
A Pair of Sancai-Glazed Roof Tile Equestrian Figures, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 三彩骑像瓦当一对
Realised: $3,300
A Pair of Glazed Pottery Horses and Riders, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 三彩骑像一对
Realised: $1,080
A Rare Gilt Lacquered 'Dragon' Chest, Late Ming/Early Qing Dynasty, 17th/18th Century, 明 十七/十八世纪 木漆金龙纹方匣
Realised: $1,440
A Chinese Export Black and Gilt-Lacquered 'Foreigner' Double-Sided Table Screen, 18th/19th Century, 十八/十九世纪 黑漆加彩人物纹砚屏
Realised: $4,500
A Chinese Export Famille Rose 'Floral' Charger, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 十八世纪 乾隆时期 中国外销粉彩洞石牡丹纹盘
Realised: $480
A Grey Terracotta Head of an Official, Possibly Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), 或唐 灰陶文官首像
Realised: $330
A Rare Annamese Polychrome Ceramic Charger, Vietnam, 15th/16th Century, 十五/十六世纪 安南青花加彩鸟纹盘
Realised: $1,080
A Fahua-Type Model of a Shrine of Zhenwu, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), 明 法华釉真武大帝神龛
Realised: $2,040
Takashi Murakami (1962-), Wouldn't it Be Nice if We Could Do Such a Thing, 2017, 村上隆 (1962- ) 《如果我们能这样做那该多好》限量版画 签名 定制镜框
Realised: $4,500
Deng Xuefeng (1906-1987), Cricket and Grapes, 邓雪峰 (1906-1987) 蟋蟀葡萄 设色纸本 立轴 作于1965年
Realised: $192
Two Fan Paintings of Birds and Flowers and Calligraphy, Republican Period, 民国时期 佚名 喜上眉梢 设色纸本 书法扇轴
Realised: $720
Qian Yuling (1763-1827), Yang Tizhi, Ducklings and Calligraphy, 钱与龄 (1763-1827) 鸭趣图 设色纸本 书法扇轴
Realised: $720
Shen Zhenming, Ye Yong, and Wang Yu,
A Painting of Bamboo, Plum Blossom, and Camillia, Daoguang Period (1821-1850), 清 道光 沈振铭、叶镛、王堉合作 松梅山茶图 团扇 设色金笺 绢本
Realised: $510
A Large Ancestor Portrait of Four Generations, Early 20th Century, 晚清 祖先像 设色纸本 镜框
Realised: $600
A Chinese Blue and White 'Duck' Dish, Wanli Period (1573-1619), 明 万历 青花莲塘戏鸭纹碗
Realised: $1,560
A Blue and White Barbed-Rim 'Immortals' Bowl, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 青花八仙人物纹花口碗
Realised: $4,800
A Blue and White Barbed-Rim 'Lotus' Bowl, Kangxi Mark and Period (1662-1722), Together With a Saucer, 清 康熙 青花花口仕女纹碗碟一组两件
Realised: $2,400
A Large Blue and White Gallbladder Vase, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 青花胆瓶
Realised: $1,560
A Blue and White Islamic-Inspired 'Huqqa' Bottle Vase, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 伊斯兰式长颈瓶
Realised: $3,600
A Large Chinese Export Blue and White Oval Platter with the Initials 'T.J.' and Sailing Scene, Circa 1800, 清 约1800年 中国青花外销纹章大盘
Realised: $1,560
A Group of Ten Blue and White Snuff Bottles, 18th Century and Later, 清 十八世纪及更晚 青花鼻烟壶一组十件
Realised: $6,000
A Group of Twenty-Eight Blue and White Cups and Saucers, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 青花杯碟一组二十八件
Realised: $3,300
A Set of Twelve 'Crabs and Fish' Cups and Saucers, Kangxi Mark and Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 青花鱼蟹纹杯碟一套十二件
Realised: $1,320
A Group of Fifteen Blue and White Cups and Saucers, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 青花杯碟一组十五件
Realised: $1,560
A Group of Four Blue and White Teapot and Creamers, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 青花茶具一组四件
Realised: $840
A Group of Eleven Miniature Blue and White Garnitures, 19th Century, 清 十九世纪 青花五供一组十一件
Realised: $2,040
A Set of Four Blue and White 'Boy and Buffalo' Plates, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 青花牧牛图纹盘一组四件
Realised: $2,400
A Set of Four 'Flying Geese' Lobed Plates, Together With a Pair of 'Landscape' Plates, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 青花飞雁纹花口盘一组六件
Realised: $1,140
A Set of Four Blue and White 'Floral' Dishes, Together With a Set of Three Dishes, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 青花花卉纹盘一组七件
Realised: $1,080
A Group of Eight Export Blue and White Dishes, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 外销青花盘一组八件
Realised: $1,440
A Set of Six Octagonal Blue and White 'Scholar and Bridge' Dishes, Together With a Pair of 'Pavilion' Dishes, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 青花八棱高'仕山水'图盘 庭院山石图盘一对共八件
Realised: $570
A Group of Eleven Export Blue and White Dishes, 17th/18th Century, 清 十七/十八世纪 外销青花盘一组十一件
Realised: $1,020
Two Large Export Blue and White 'Landscape' Platters, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 外销青花山水图大盘两只
Realised: $1,320
A Group of Three Export Blue and White Platters, 18th Century, 十八世纪 外销青花山水图盘一组三件
Realised: $1,140
A Set of Eight Blue and White Lobed Cups and Saucers, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 青花庭院山水纹小杯碟一套八件
Realised: $960
A Group of Twenty-Three Japanese Export Cups and Saucers, 18th/19th Century, 十八/十九世纪 日本外销杯碟一组二十三件
Realised: $1,080
A Group of Ten Export Cups and Saucers, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 外销杯碟一组十件
Realised: $1,080
A Group of Four Famille Rose Plates, together with a Punch Bowl, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 清 乾隆 粉彩花卉纹盘碗一组五件
Realised: $1,140
A Pair of Famille Rose 'Duck' Plates, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 清 乾隆 粉彩荷塘鸭趣纹盘一对
Realised: $960
A Set of Six Famille Rose Octagonal 'Floral' Soup Plates, Qianlong Period, 18th Century, 清 乾隆 粉彩花卉纹盘一组八件
Realised: $780
A Pair of Pink Sgraffito Ground Famille Rose 'Medallion' Dishes, Qianlong Mark, Republican Period, 民国时期 粉地扎道开窗花卉纹盘一对 乾隆底款
Realised: $330
An Enamel and Gilt-Decorated Blue and White Bottle Vase and Lid, 19th Century, 十九世纪 外销青花加金彩花鸟纹簸箕瓶
Realised: $780
A Set of Six Chinese Imari Plates, Together With a Pair of Dishes, 清 康熙 中国伊万里花卉纹瓷盘一组八件
Realised: $840
A Set of Six Chinese Imari 'Flower Vase' Plates, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 中国伊万里花卉纹盘一组六件
Realised: $780
A Set of Six Chinese Imari 'Bamboo and Peony' Plates, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 青花矾红描金花卉竹石纹盘一组六件
Realised: $1,020
A Set of Five Chinese Imari Dishes, together with a Set of Four Dishes, Kangxi Period (1662-1722), 清 康熙 中国伊万里花卉纹盘一组九件
Realised: $1,140
Two Pairs of Chinese Imari Octagonal 'Landscape' Dishes, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 中国伊万里山水人物纹对盘一组四件
Realised: $780
A Set of Five Chinese Imari 'Landscape' Dishes, together with a Set of Four 'Antiques' Dishes, 18th Century, 清 十八世纪 中国伊万里山水博古图盘一组九件
Realised: $1,320
A Set of Seven 'Batavian' Floral Large Bowls from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷‘巴达维亚'花卉纹碗一组七件
Realised: $1,920
A Set of Seven 'Batavian' Floral Bowls from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750 年 '南京号' 海捞瓷青花酱釉'巴达维亚'花卉纹碗一组七件
Realised: $2,040
A Set of Seven 'Batavian' Landscape Bowls from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷青花酱釉'巴达维亚'通景纹碗一组七件
Realised: $1,560
A Set of Seven 'Batavian' Landscape Bowls from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷青花酱釉'巴达维亚'通景纹碗一组七件
Realised: $1,320
A Set of Twelve 'Flying Geese' Pattern Bowls and Saucer Dishes from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷‘飞雁风景’纹碗及盏托一套十二件
Realised: $4,500
A Set of Eight 'Scholar on Bridge' Pattern Small Bowls from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞高仕图瓷碗一组八件
Realised: $2,280
A Set of Eight 'Scholar on Bridge' Pattern Small Bowls from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞高仕图瓷碗一组八件
Realised: $2,040
A Set of Six 'Three Pavilions' Pattern Lobed Soup Plates from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750 年 '南京号' 海捞瓷碗式青花酱釉‘巴达维亚'青花庭院山水纹花口盘一组六件
Realised: $3,900
A Pair of 'Three Pavilions' Pattern Lobed Dishes from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 通景纹瓷盘一对
Realised: $1,140
Two Large Bowl-Shaped Jugs from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷碗式曲柄带流杯一组两件
Realised: $960
Two Small Bowl-Shaped Jugs from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞瓷碗式曲柄带流小杯一组两件
Realised: $1,080
A Set of Eight 'Leaping Boy' Pattern Saucer Dishes from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞青花庭院童子纹盘一组八件
Realised: $3,600
A Set of Seven 'Leaping Boy' Pattern Saucer Dishes from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞青花庭院童子纹盘一组七件
Realised: $3,000
A Set of Ten 'Leaping Boy' Pattern Saucer Dishes from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750年 '南京号' 海捞青花庭院童子纹盘一组十件
Realised: $2,400
A Set of Twenty 'Batavian Bamboo and Peony' Pattern Teabowls and Saucers from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750 年 '南京号' 海捞瓷‘巴达维亚'青花竹石花卉纹茶杯盏托一组二十件
Realised: $1,920
A Set of Twenty-One 'Batavian Bamboo and Peony' Pattern Teabowls and Saucers from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750 年 '南京号' 海捞瓷‘巴达维亚'青花竹石花卉纹茶杯盏托一组二十一件
Realised: $2,700
A Set of Seventeen 'Batavian Willow' Pattern Teabowls and Saucers from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750 年 '南京号' 海捞瓷‘巴达维亚'青花柳树花卉纹纹茶杯盏托一组十七件
Realised: $2,040
A Set of Eighteen 'Batavian Pavilion' Pattern Teabowls and Saucers from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750 年 '南京号' 海捞瓷‘巴达维亚'青花庭院纹茶杯盏托一组十八件
Realised: $2,400
A Set of Eighteen 'Batavian Pavilion' Pattern Teabowls and Saucers from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750 年 '南京号' 海捞瓷‘巴达维亚'青花庭院纹茶杯盏托一组十八件
Realised: $2,280
A Set of Seventeen 'Batavian Pavilion' Pattern Teabowls and Saucers from the Nanking Cargo, Qianlong Period, Circa 1750, 清 乾隆 约1750 年 '南京号' 海捞瓷‘巴达维亚'青花庭院纹茶杯盏托一组十七件
Realised: $3,600
A Large Chinese Famille Verte 'Figural' Charger, 19th Century, 十九世纪 五彩人物纹大盘
Realised: $2,700
An Ormolu Mounted Chinese Famille Verte Porcelain Bowl, 19th Century, 十九世纪 五彩人物故事大碗
Realised: $2,160
A Pair of Enameled Square Vases, Tongzhi Mark, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 清 十九/二十世纪 粉彩'三友'图方瓶一对
Realised: $7,800
A Group of Three Enameled Porcelain Wares, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 粉彩人物纹铺兽耳方瓶 粉彩人物纹四屉盒 印泥盒一组三件
Realised: $3,000
A Chinese Famille Rose Porcelain Barrel Stool, Mid 20th Century, 二十世中期 嵌粉彩瓷板木凳
Realised: $2,400
A Massive Ming-Style Blue and White 'Dragon' Charger, 20th Century, 二十世纪 青花龙纹大盘
Realised: $180
A Massive Ming-Style Blue and White 'Double-Dragon' Charger, 20th Century, 二十世纪 青花龙纹大盘
Realised: $180
A Peachbloom-Glazed Vase and Stand, Kangxi Mark, 19th Century, 十九世纪 豇豆红柳叶瓶 康熙底款
Realised: $1,920
Attributed to Zhang Zhitang (1893-1971), A Famille Rose Porcelain 'Landscape' Plaque, 张志汤(1893-1971)款 粉彩山水诗文瓷板
Realised: $1,200
A Set of Four Famille Rose Porcelain 'Landscape' Panels, Late Qing/Republican Period, 晚清/民国时期 粉彩山水瓷板挂屏一套四张
Realised: $22,800
A Chinese Export Ivory Figural Chess Set, Canton, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 广州外销牙雕人物象棋一套
Realised: $3,000
Two Ivory Carved Figures of Daoist Immortals, 19th Century , 十九世纪 牙雕二仙摆件一组两件
Realised: $2,040
A Chinese Ivory Emperor and Empress on Horseback Pair, Early to Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪中期 牙雕帝后狩猎像一对
Realised: $3,300
A Chinese Ivory Carved Emperor and Empress Pair, Early to Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪早期 牙雕帝后坐像
Realised: $2,040
An Ivory Cup with Landscape and Calligraphy, Together With a Figure of Li Bai, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 牙雕李白醉酒像 牙雕诗文笔筒一组两件
Realised: $540
A Framed Canton Export Polychrome Ivory Panel, Late Qing Dynasty, 清末 广州十三行牙雕加彩《力克寿州城》故事板 木镜框
Realised: $660
A Cinnabar Lacquer Octafoil Box and Cover, 20th Century, 二十世纪 剔红雕开光式高士游山图捧盒
Realised: $2,700
A Chinese Cinnabar Red Lacquer Hu-Form Vase, Qianlong Mark, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国时期 铜胎剔红携琴访友纹牛头尊
Realised: $1,440
A Blue-Ground Summer Gauze 'Nine Dragon' Robe, Jifu, Late Qing Dynasty, 19th/20th Century, 晚清 十九/二十世纪 藏青地纳纱绣金龙纹吉服
Realised: $3,900
A Chinese Silk Embroidered 'Butterflies and Flowers' Overcoat, Late Qing Dynasty, 19th Century, 晚清 十九世纪 蓝缎地蝴蝶花鸟纹刺绣对襟褂
Realised: $1,440
A Pair of Chinese Silk Embroidered Ladies' Shoes, together with a Silver Tea Cup, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 刺绣女鞋一双 银杯 一组三件
Realised: $540
A Set of Eight Chinese Embroidered Red Silk Panels, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 红地团凤纹绣片一组八件
Realised: $3,000
An Embroidered Silk Panel of a Butterfly and Flowers, Late Qing Dynasty, 晚清 黄地花蝶纹刺绣
Realised: $120
A Hardwood and Parcel-Gilt Canopy Marriage Bed, Ningbo, China, Circa 1830-1850, 清 19世纪早期 金漆木雕山水人物拔步床
Realised: $4,500
A Pair of Chinese Cloisonné Models of Caparisoned Horses, 20th Century, 二十世纪 铜胎掐丝珐琅马一对
Realised: $1,800
A Group of Five Peking Glass Snuff Bottles, 19th/20th Century, 十九/二十世纪 料器鼻烟壶一组五件
Realised: $450
A Group of Three Carved Hornbill and Buffalo Horn Snuff Bottles, Mid 20th Century, 二十世纪 鹤顶红'踏雪寻梅' '荷池妻鹭'鼻烟壶 角雕'白云红叶'鼻烟壶 一组三件
Realised: $1,800
A Pair of Chinese Gilt Wood Foo Dogs, 18th/19th Century, 清 十八/十九世纪 金漆木雕狻猊一对
Realised: $1,020
A Chinoiserie Red and Gilt Painted Revolving Bookcase, Circa 1900, 晚清 约1900年 髤漆描花卉纹金柜
Realised: $240
A Chinese Carved Oak Wood Presentation Box, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, 晚清/民国时期 橡木镂雕人物纹方盒
Realised: $450
A Set of Chinese Government Railway Sterling Bonds, Republican Period, 1913, 1913年 中华民国政府对外发行陇秦豫海铁路债券20镑
Realised: $420
D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Chinese Export Porcelain, Faber and Faber Ltd., 1974, 《中国外销瓷 特别订制》1974年版 荷兰版本英文译本
Realised: $132
James C.Y. Watt and Barbara Brennan Ford, East Asian Lacquer: The Florence and Herbert Irving Collection, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1991, 《佛罗伦斯与赫伯特·欧云珍藏: 东亚漆器》大都会博物馆出版 1991年版
Realised: $132
Wan-Go Weng and Yang Boda, The Palace Museum: Peking, Treasures of the Forbidden City, Harry N. Abrams Inc., 1982, 杨伯达 翁万戈合著《古代中国美术拼的宝库 北京故宫博物院藏品选》1982年版
Realised: $126
A Bronze Figure of a Seated Bodhisattva, Ming Dynasty, Late 16th Century, 明 十六世纪晚 铜净瓶观音像
Realised: $3,000
A Copper Alloy Figure of Medicine Buddha, Tibet, 14th Century or Later, 西藏 十四世纪或更晚 铜合金药师佛坐像
Realised: $7,200
A Small Gilt Bronze Figure of Maitreya, Prakhon Chai Style, Thailand, 8th/9th Century, 八/九世纪 泰国 铜鎏金弥勒像
Realised: $450
A Red and Gilt Lacquered Figure of a Seated Buddha, Thailand, 19th Century, 十九世纪 泰国 木漆金佛坐像
Realised: $1,920
A Bronze Figure of Manjushri Namasanghiti, Nepal, 16th Century or Later, 十六世纪或更晚 尼泊尔铜十二臂文殊像
Realised: $720
A Bronze Figure of Vaisravana, Tibet/Mongolia, 18th Century or Later, 十八世纪或更晚 西藏/蒙古 铜多闻天王像
Realised: $840
A Limestone Torso of a Goddess, India, 12th Century or Later, 十二世纪或更晚 印度 石灰岩雕女神躯干立像
Realised: $1,020
Kashmir School, Two Manuscript Leafs from the Shahnama (Book of Kings), 19th Century
Realised: $1,440
An Ivory Painting of Shah Jahan's Royal Court, Together With a Framed Set of Miniature Portraits on Ivory, Late 19th Century
Realised: $480
An Ivory Netsuke of the Fox-Woman Kuzunoha, Signed Ichiyusai Naoharu, Edo/Meiji Period, 19th Century
Realised: $1,920
An Ivory Netsuke of Hotei With Five Karako, Signed Rantei, Edo/Meiji Period, 19th Century
Realised: $1,680
An Ivory Netsuke of Fukurokuju, Signed Minko, Edo/Meiji Period, 19th Century
Realised: $1,800
An Ivory Netsuke of a Priest Cleaning a Large Bell, Signed Shuosai, Edo/Meiji Period, 19th Century
Realised: $1,440
An Ivory Netsuke of a Baku, Signed Kaigyokusai Masatsugu, Edo/Meiji Period, 19th Century
Realised: $21,600
An Ivory Netsuke of a Rat on a Candle, Together With a Netsuke of a Tiger and Bamboo, Edo Period, 19th Century
Realised: $360
A Group of Three Ivory Manju Netsuke, Signed Naomitsu and Hojitsu, Meiji Period
Realised: $2,160
An Ivory and Wood Kagamibuta Netsuke, Together With Matching Ojime Bead, Signed Mitsuhiro, 19th Century
Realised: $1,320
An Ivory Netsuke of Two Bats, Signed Tomoyuki, Together With a Netsuke of a Persimmon, Signed Koho, Late 19th Century
Realised: $1,680
A Wood and Ivory Netsuke of Urashima Taro, By Tokoku, Meiji Period, Late 19th Century
Realised: $19,200
An Ivory Trick Netsuke of Daikoku and Ebisu, Signed Kuya, Together With a Netsuke of a Fishmonger, Signed Masatoshi, 20th Century
Realised: $4,200
A Wood Netsuke of a 'Shishi' Mokugyo, Together With a Netsuke of a Hippo and Bat, 19th Century and Later
Realised: $540
A Group of Four Ivory and Bone Carvings, Together With Two Gold Mounted Bangles, 19th/20th Century
Realised: $480
Matsukawa Hanzan (1818-1882), Ehan Toyotomi Kunkoki (The Meritorious Journal of Toyotomi Hideyoshi), Part 6, Volume 1, Circa 1860, Together With a Woodblock Printed Book of Animals and Mythical Beasts
Realised: $228
Marie-Thérèse Coullery and Martin S. Newstead, The Baur Collection of Netsuke, Genève, 1977
Realised: $132
Raymond Bushell, The Art of Netsuke Carving by Masatoshi, 1981, Signed by Masatoshi and Raymond Bushell
Realised: $120
Raymond Bushell, A Group of Three Netsuke and Inro Reference Books, All Signed by the Author
Realised: $132
Raymond Bushell, The Netsuke Handbook of Ueda Reikichi, 1971, Together With Two Editions of Collector's Netsuke, 1971 and 1977
Realised: $72
A Group of Seven Sidney L. Moss Ltd Books and Catalogues on Netsuke, 1982-2010
Realised: $300
A Group of Sixteen Eskenazi Catalogues on Netsuke, Inro, and other Works of Art, 1974-1993
Realised: $720
A Group of Eight Christie's and Sotheby's Japanese Works of Art Catalogues, 1976-1999, Together With a Christie's VHS Tape of the Raymond and Frances Bushell Collection of Netsuke Part 1
Realised: $60
A Group of Eleven Netsuke Reference Books, Together With Eight Exhibition Catalogues on Netsuke, 1975-1996
Realised: $120
V.F. Weber, Two Volumes of Ko-Ji Ho-Ten: Dictionnaire à l'usage des amateurs et collectionneurs d'objets d'art Japonais et Chinois, 1965
Realised: $228
Captain F. Brinkley, A Set of Twelve Volumes of Japan and China: Its History, Arts and Literature, Author's Edition 26/1000, 1902
Realised: $60
A Gold and Black Lacquer Box and Cover with Shimazu Family Crest, 16th Century or Later
Realised: $1,440
A Fine Gold-Lacquer 'Dragon' Document Box and Cover (Ryoshibako), Edo Period, 18th/19th Century
Realised: $1,800
A Pair of Shibayama-Style Mother-of-Pearl, Ivory and Bone Inlaid 'Hawk' Panels, Meiji Period
Realised: $600
A Set of Four Shibayama-Style Lacquer and Bone Panels, Together With a Table Screen, Meiji Period
Realised: $330
A Pair of Arita Blue and White Bowls With Design After Cornelis Pronk (Dutch, 1691-1759), Edo Period, Mid 18th Century, 江户时期 十八世纪中期 日本外销青花仕女纹花口碗一对
Realised: $480
A Japanese Koransha Celadon Vase with Enamel and Gilt Design, Meiji Period, Circa 1880
Realised: $600
A Cast Iron 'Crabs' Teapot (Tetsubin) and Cover, Meiji Period, 日本明治時期 浮雕蟹纹砂铁壶
Realised: $720
A Japanese Scroll Painting of Daruma, Together With Two Calligraphy Scrolls, Edo Period and Later, 江户时代或更晚 达摩及书法作品 设色纸本 立轴 一组三件
Realised: $510
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858), The Ferry Crossing at Sakasai (Sakasai no watashi), 1857, 歌川 広重 (1797-1858) 浮世绘版画 作于1857年
Realised: $1,080
Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III, 1786-1865), Noble Lady on Sedan Chair, Circa 1850, 约1850年作 歌川 国貞 (三代 歌川豊国 1786-1856) 人物 版画
Realised: $192
Hasegawa Sadanobu III (1881–1963), Kagamijishi (The Kagami Lion Dance), 長谷川 貞信 三世 (1881-1963) "新歌舞伎十八番之內 鏡獅子" 手摺木版畫
Realised: $156
Hasegawa Sadanobu III (1881–1963), Benkei in Kanjincho, 長谷川 貞信 三世 (1881-1963) "新歌舞伎十八番之內 動進帳" 手摺木版畫
Realised: $60
Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III, 1786-1865), Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858), Toyohara Kunichika (1835-1900), A Group of Five Ukiyo-e Triptych Prints, Edo/Meiji Period, 日本浮世繪版畫一組五件 江户/明治時期
Realised: $1,560
Prices realised for the lots above include Buyer's Premium. Lot numbers which are omitted represent items which were withdrawn, passed or unsold as of the publication of this list. Not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.
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