Waddington’s is honoured to host this important auction in support of Border Crossings Magazine.
The art magazine Border Crossings is a geography, and published in Winnipeg— we are at Canada’s geographic centre. Now in its 39th year of publishing, the magazine has become something of a legend for its range, thoroughness, engagement with artists — their work and their words — and for its currency. We look out across the wide spaces of the prairies and have a clear vision and sighting on topics that are relevant, current and at the same time, of substantial and enduring interest. Border Crossings turns up all over the world, from Korea to Chicago, from Halifax to Norway, from Montreal to LA and from New York to Paris and London. Readers order the magazine from literally all over the world. So, we can say, we are a geography of terrain and a geography of ideas because, in the magazine there are few borders and where they turn up, they are meant to be crossed — which we do.
In population Winnipeg is a mid-sized city. In the productivity and genius of our artists Winnipeg is legend. This isolated city, far from urban neighbours, has produced a disproportionate number of artists whose work is known worldwide. These artists are Border Crossings‘ community — we for them; they for us. The generosity and collaborative support necessary to produce something of merit in a small, remote place is what has Winnipeg’s artists supporting Border Crossings when we have our Gala fundraiser, every two years — a terrific party where all the artists are revered guests, and a sale of art works is conducted.
This year, as everyone knows, everything is different.
COVID cancelled our Gala but fundraising must go on. Border Crossings is a not-for-profit arts organization with a staff of four and fundraising to publish an art magazine in our remote but charming city is essential. So, with the generous support and gracious assistance of Waddington’s, here we are, with an online auction we are calling “Perfect Vision 20/20: Looking Forward 2021“.
The full list of artists whose work is being offered for purchase is on Waddington’s website, so I will name only some. But here is the earned source of the myth that has Winnipeg seen, and rightly so, as a city of art: Wanda Koop, Eleanor Bond, Guy Maddin, Aganetha Dyck, Sarah Anne Johnson, Simon Hughes, Micah Lexier, Michael Dumontier & Neil Farber, Andrew Valko, Cliff Eyland — and believe me — this is only a very few. As I said, all the artists and works are listed and described here on Waddington’s website.
Border Crossings is grateful to have made friends wherever we have gone. For this auction we haven’t reached out beyond Canada’s borders and have ventured only a little beyond Winnipeg’s city limits to add art works for this fundraiser. But here are just a few of the artists who don’t call Winnipeg home (but would certainly be welcomed here) and who have generously contributed art for this fundraising auction. I list just some: Natalka Husar, Geoffrey James, Susan Dobson, FASTWÜRMS, Trevor Gould, John Kissick, Zachary Logan, Kelly Mark, Monica Tap — again only a partial list.
We have additional support for this event in our Sponsors whose logos you see listed below — such valued and loyal support. Many thanks. Many thanks to them and always to the artists — our friends and colleagues. Thanks too to our ongoing public funders.
And many thanks to Waddington’s. It has been our pleasure to work together.
Meeka Walsh, Editor
auction details
The auction will be held online from February 20 – 28, 2021. We invite you to browse the full gallery.
You must be registered to bid in the auction, please register here.
Terms & Conditions
Please note the special terms and conditions that apply to this auction. Please also note that all lots have been catalogued by Border Crossings and are located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.