Diverse collection sold to a diverse audience
From Rembrandt to Warhol and Mapplethorpe, highlights from Waddington’s Fine Prints and Photography Auction on March 10 tell an international success story.
Stepping down from the podium at the end of the evening March 10, Waddington’s auctioneer and Vice President, Business Development, Stephen Ranger immediately commented how exciting it had been “to sell such a diverse collection of material – to such a diverse audience.” Over the course of some three hours, over 300 works dating from 1645 to the present day were sold to a full house and numerous bidders over the telephone and online. Ranger added: “It’s particularly gratifying to see international prices achieved here in Canada. It shows how truly global the market has become and our ability to sell well beyond our borders.”
Highlights of the auction included:
- Andy Warhol’s Liz selling for $57,600
- Robert Mapplethorpe’s Ken Moody with Orchid reaching $14,400
- Rare Rembrandt toned etching, Old Man in Meditation, dating from 1645, soaring above its presale estimate of $3000 / 5000 to realize $19,200
All prices in CDN and include buyer’s premium.
Ranger, who heads up Waddington’s Concrete Contemporary art department, also commented on the overall strength of contemporary art. Included in the auction were a number of works donated by artists sold to benefit the Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival, the highlight – Sebastio Salgada’s Upper Xingu Region Brazil – sold for well above its presale estimate of $10,000 / 12,000 to realize $19,200. Funds raised from the sale of these works go towards programming for the 2015 CONTACT festival and to support the over 1,500 artists who participate.
Attracting new and young collectors, Fine Prints and Photography continues to be a dynamic and growing category and we plan to conduct a second auction for this year in the fall of 2015.