Lot 136
A Large Ivory Carving of a Stele, 18th/19th Century, Qing Dynasty

Lot 136 Details
A Large Ivory Carving of a Stele, 18th/19th Century, Qing Dynasty
清 十八/十九世紀 牙雕「萬古流芳」碑
Carved as a stone tablet supported by the dragon-headed bixi, calligraphic inscription to both sides
12.2 x 4.3 x 7.9 in — 31 x 11 x 20 cm
Estimate $3,000-$4,000
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Important Montreal Collection. Purchased from Iegor Auction, Montreal, in 2004, for $10,000
來源: 2004年以$10,000加幣購自蒙特利爾Iegor拍賣
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