Lot 19
A Group of Thirteen Chinese Antique Reference Books

Lot 19 Details
A Group of Thirteen Chinese Antique Reference Books
Consisting of 'The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Lacquer Wares of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, 45', 2006; 'The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum - Lacquer Wares of the Qing Dynasty, 46', 2006; two copies of 'Jade, The Ultimate Treasure of Ancient China', 2000; 'Stunning Decorative Porcelain from the Chi'en-lung Reign', 2014; 'Dynastic Renaissance: Art and Culture of the Southern Song', 2010; 'Journal of Gugong Studies 2009 vol.5'; volumes 1 and 2 of 'Chinese Artist Seals', 2013; 'Splendors in Smalt: Art of Yuan Blue-and-white Porcelain', 2012; 'The Multiplicity of Simplicity: Monochrome wares from the Song to the Yuan dynasties' 2012; and two copies of 'Masterpieces of 20th Century Chinese Painting', 1997; all in brand new condition 全新
包含:《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集-元明漆器》;《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集-清代漆器》;《中國古代玉器藝術展》圖冊2本;《國立故宮博物院:華麗彩瓷-乾隆洋彩》;《文藝紹興-南宋藝術與文化 器物卷》圖冊;《故宮博物院:故宮學刊 2009年 總第五輯》;《文物出版社 中國書畫家印鑑款式(上)》;《文物出版社 中國書畫家印鑑款式(下)》;《上海博物館 幽藍神采-元代青花瓷器特集》;《香港大學美術博物館 大凡若簡-宋金元朝的單色釉瓷》;《中國二十世紀名家過畫展》圖冊2本
largest 12 x 9.4 in — 30.6 x 23.8 cm
Estimate $300-$500