Lot 82
A Filigree and Hardstone Embellished Spinach Jade Snuff Bottle, Late 19th/20th Century

Lot 82 Details
A Filigree and Hardstone Embellished Spinach Jade Snuff Bottle, Late 19th/20th Century
十九世紀晚期/二十世紀早期 銅掐絲裹碧玉鼻煙壺帶象牙座
The metal filigree formed around pear-shaped jade body as flower head scrolls; with ivory carved stand
tallest height 3 in — 7.5 cm
Estimate $400-$600
Additional Images

An Important Snuff Bottle Collection from a Toronto Estate
來源: 多倫多重要私人鼻煙壺珍藏,於二十世紀初入藏
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