Lot 618
Eleven 20th Century Volumes on Toronto
Lot 618 Details
Eleven 20th Century Volumes on Toronto
J. Douglas Stewart & Ian E. Wilson. HERITAGE KINGSTON. Ontario, 1973.
Mary Anne Roberts. HOUSES OF OLD TORONTO. Toronto: Pagurian Press Limited, 1977.
William Dendy & William Kilbourn. TORONTO OBSERVED. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1986.
William Dendy. LOST TORONTO. Toronto, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1978.
John I. Rempel. BUILDING WITH WOOD. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1967.
Richard Bébout. THE OPEN GATE, TORONTO UNION STATION. Toronto: Perter Martin Associates Limited, 1972.
Lucy Booth Martyn. THE FACE OF EARLY TORONTO. Canada and US: The Paget Press, 1982.
Jack Batten. THE TORONTO GOLF CLUB 1876-1976. Toronto: The Bryant Press Limited, 1976.
ST LAWRENCE HALL. Toronto and Montreal: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1969.
Stephen A Speisman. THE JEWS OF TORONTO. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1979.
Patricia McHugh. TORONTO ARCHITECTURE, A CITY GUIDE. Toronto: Mercury Books, 1985.
Estimate $50-$100