Lot 20
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A.Y. Jackson, A Painter’s Country, Clarke, Irwin & Company, Toronto, 1958, pages 89-90 for a discussion of Jackson’s visit to Hazelton, B.C. in the company of Edwin Holgate, 1926.
Naomi Jackson Groves, A.Y.’s Canada, Clarke, Irwin & Company, Toronto, 1968, pages 152-170, for a discussion of Jackson’s impressions of the villages along the Skeena River, B.C.
Groves refers to the work Jackson produced during his 1926 trip to Skeena as “a rich crop” of drawings. Furthermore, Jackson astutely identified the importance of Skeena country to the Canadian narrative and pleaded for its preservation as a unique opportunity to build and tell our own legends at a time when Canada was still searching for its sense of nationhood.
According to a label on the reverse this work is titled on the back of the work and was given to Margaret Hayes in August 1926.