Lot 45

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Gallery Page & Strange, Halifax, NS
Private Collection, Halifax, NS
Ferguson’s “task-oriented” frottage paintings are made by rolling black paint over canvas laid on top of commonplace objects such as garden hoses, chains, clotheslines, doormats and drain covers. The artist’s stated goal was to demystify the act of art production and to deconstruct its strategies, which he interrogated through literal descriptions of his methodology and/or subject matter. Claiming that his art is nothing more than what it seems to be, Ferguson was influenced by Duchamp’s statement that “an ordinary object can be elevated to the dignity of a work of art by the mere choice of an artist.”
Despite their wry intentions and quotidian origins, Ferguson’s frottage works read as elegant and refined, as beautiful as they are conceptual. Upon seeing a 2002 exhibition of Ferguson’s work, Roald Nasgaard wrote that “always there are ironies, subterfuges or inversions with regard to the proud history of abstraction, operations that nevertheless (or is it therefore?) yield profoundly moving visual poetry.”
The work is in excellent condition with no visible issues to report.
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and mandated government restrictions, Waddington’s regrets that we are unable to make lots from this auction available for pre-auction, in-person inspection. This condition report has been prepared by Waddington’s as a courtesy and has been provided for guidance only. The Lot is offered in the condition it is in at the time of sale. Any reference to condition in the report for the Lot does not amount to a full description of condition. The images of the Lot form part of the condition report for the Lot provided by Waddington’s. Please note, certain images of the Lot provided online may not accurately reflect the actual condition of the Lot and may represent colours and shades which are different to the Lot’s actual colour and shades. Waddington’s specialists are not professional conservators or restorers and the report set forth is a statement of opinion genuinely held by Waddington’s. Prospective buyers should bear in mind that this report will not disclose any imperfections which may only be revealed during the course of subsequent restoration. Buyers are reminded that Waddington’s warranties with respect to any property are limited as set forth in the Conditions of Sale and do not extend to condition.